




1. 契 [qì]2. 契 [qiè]3. 契 [xiè]契 [qì]证券,证明买卖、抵押、租赁等关系的文书:~约。~据。房~。相合,相投:相~。~合。默~。~友。~分(fèn )(投合无间的情分)。~厚。用刀雕刻:~刻。~舟求剑。〔~机〕……



汉语拼音:mò qì









  1. 暗相契合。

    宋 苏舜钦 《处州照水堂记》:“二君默契,遂亡异趣,是政之所起,故自有乎先后。” 明 张居正 《贺灵雨表四》:“精诚默契於苍穹,膏泽久覃於黎庶。” 沈从文 《菜园》:“只能心印默契,不可言传。”

  2. 秘密的条约或口头协定。

    钱基博 《辛亥江南光复实录》:“而 苏州 民党 朱熙 、 朱廷炬 、 彭翼东 三人者,至 上海 ,造 燮和 ,言 程德全 有默契,可以无虞援师之至也。” 毛泽东 《质问国民党》:“你们的这样许多言论行动,既然和敌人 汉 奸的所有这些言论行动一模一样,毫无二致,毫无区别,怎么能够不使人们疑心你们和敌人 汉 奸互相勾结,或订立了某种默契呢?”

  3. 秘密约定。

    茅盾 《子夜》二:“ 日本 报上还说某人已经和北方默契,就要倒戈。”



  1. PHP has always had something of a love affair with the popular open source relational database management system (RDBMS) known as MySQL.


  2. The pair, who starred in Brokeback Mountain together, play a pair of mismatched lovers who end up in bed for a large part of the movie.


  3. These appeared to be a silent convention between them.


  4. All that against a Modena side who were intent on making life particularly hard, closing down the gaps and denying space up front.


  5. Time flows on and abrades all this, whose essence is distilled into a habit, a harmony or even, a culture.


  6. There was an implicit understanding between them that the subject should not be mentioned.


  7. The language you and your baby share helps teach her the rhythm of conversation, and forms the basis for her future language development.


  8. He could not have said more plainly, ' It will soon be you and I. 'There was an understanding between them.


  9. Do not know when the two began to empty the heart, and do not feel that the understanding and warmth.


  1. 默许,默契。

    give tacit consent, agreement, etc

  2. 双方早有默契。

    The two parties reached a secret agreement long ago.

  3. 合伙人合作默契

    The chemistry was good between the partners.

  4. 步调一致,默契协作

    Unity of Pace, Understanding and cooperation

  5. 邪恶默契被移除。

    Demonic Empathy has been removed.

  6. 双方合作非常默契。

    The cooperation between the two sides is one of tacit agreement.

  7. 双方合作非常默契。

    The cooperation between the two sides is one of tacit agreement.

  8. 此默契来源于亲密

    It's intimate being tight together like that.

  9. 朋友间不成文的默契

    an unwritten agreement between friends.

  10. 加薪需求方面的默契

    a tacit understanding on the need for a pay rise

  11. 彼此一定更加有默契。

    We will definitely have tacit understanding more.

  12. 我和我室友有默契。

    My roommate and I have an understanding.

  13. 我们都笑了, 很默契。

    We all laughed, tacitly.

  14. 我们都笑了,很默契。

    We all laughed, tacitly.

  15. 还要有默契地配合。

    And be good at coordination and teamwork.

  16. 我们俩之间很有默契。

    There's a tacit agreement between us.

  17. 我们俩之间很有默契。

    There's a tacit agreement between us.

  18. 他们之间有一种默契。

    There was a kind of unspoken consensus between them.

  19. 不论你是否喜欢这种默契

    Whether you like it or not.

  20. 这对双打选手配合默契。

    This doubles pair played in perfect unison.

  21. 但默契结盟还不止这些。

    But tacit collusion may still be beyond them.

  22. 有一种默契叫心照不宣。

    There's a kind of tacit understanding without saying.

  23. 他们根据默契联合了起来。

    They were leagued together by a treaty.

  24. 各演员相互之间配合默契。

    Between the actors with the tacit understanding.

  25. 我们只需要再配合默契点

    We just have to communicate better.

  26. 一切都安排得十分默契。

    Hardmans Aussage war notig falls ein Aussenseiter in Verdacht geraten sollte der kein Alibi hatte.

  27. 这两个国家之间有默契。

    There was an unspoken agreement between the two countries.

  28. 关于这个问题双方曾有默契。

    The two sides had a secret agreement on this issue.

  29. 我们很默契,你心里有数的。

    We're great. you know that.

  30. 他们根据默契关系联合起来了。

    They were leagued together by a tacit treaty.


  1. 问:默契拼音怎么拼?默契的读音是什么?默契翻译成英文是什么?

    答:默契的读音是mòqì,默契翻译成英文是 tacit agreement



“默契”是个多义词,它可以指默契(《幻想三国志3》主题曲), 默契(汉语词语), 默契(蔡健雅音乐专辑), 默契(谢金燕音乐专辑), 默契(郑秀文演唱歌曲), 默契(陈浩民演唱歌曲), 默契(林志炫演唱歌曲)。