







汉语拼音:fàng yìng







  1. 利用强光装置把图片或影片上的形象照射在幕上或墙上。一般指电影放映。



  1. A leg of cured ham is on display right by the front entrance, and a black-and-white French movie is projected onto a wall in the back.


  2. Cinemas keep about half the price of a ticket and up to 90% of the money spent at concession stands.


  3. Ang Lee's new thriller Lust, Caution has been cut for Chinese audiences, just a week after U. S. censors gave the film a restricted rating.


  4. If one or more slides seems to be unnecessary, hide the slide or slides, and view the slide show a few more times to make sure.


  5. If you ticked "Remember this Location" when you searched for show times, the next time you can enter the name of a current film instead.


  6. But that's the sort of thing that happens in cinemas these days, when there's only one projectionist looking after umpteen screens.


  7. I decided ten minutes was more than enough, but I paused just inside the theater doors to be sure.


  8. Sony has extended its theatrical run in the U. S. through Thanksgiving, and will add a few weeks in most other countries as well.


  9. OB staff tricked JJ that they'll screen pictures of JJ sleeping, and he did fall for it a first!


  1. 幻灯片放映盒

    single concept loop

  2. 电影院放映片

    testimonial release print

  3. 放映合成摄影

    projection process photography.

  4. 电影放映师

    movie projectionists.

  5. 巡回放映队

    mobile film projection unit.

  6. 电影放映之结束

    The completion of filming on a movie.

  7. 今天放映什么电影?

    What is on at the cinema?

  8. 正面放映合成摄影

    front projection process photography

  9. 一天放映三场。

    There are three showings a day.

  10. 影片通过放映机放映。

    The film is run through a projector.

  11. 两部动画片连续放映

    a cartoon double bill

  12. 那部电影下周放映。

    The film will be screened next week.

  13. 放映机上下的胶片盒

    Top and bottom film box

  14. 电影放映在银幕上。

    The film was projected onto the screen.

  15. 我们放映了这个电影

    And we gave the film over.

  16. 在银幕上放映幻灯片

    project a slide on a screen

  17. 取消放映启示请注意!

    Notice of Cancellation of Screening!

  18. 户外放映和新纪录片

    Outside screenings and new documentarIES

  19. 在该放映场地发售,

    Prior the screening time at the respective screening venue.

  20. 本星期放映什么影片?

    What film are they showing this week?

  21. 取消放映启示请注意!

    Notice of Cancellation of Screening!

  22. 剧院有时也放映电影。

    Occasionally theatres are used for film shows.

  23. 电影一般在星期天放映。

    The film is usually showed on Sunday.

  24. 设置演示文稿循环放映

    Set up a presentation to run in a continuous loop

  25. 有很好的放映设备。

    It has excellent projection facilities.

  26. 在银幕上放映了录像。

    A video was projected on screen.

  27. 这部电影多次被放映。

    The movie has been shown many times.

  28. 放映时必须电刷接触。

    One must brush contact when screening.

  29. 歌舞娱乐放映游艺场所

    public entertainment places

  30. 电影被放映在银幕上。

    Movie pictures are projected onto the screen.


  1. 问:放映拼音怎么拼?放映的读音是什么?放映翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放映的读音是fàngyìng,放映翻译成英文是 show; project

  2. 问:放映机拼音怎么拼?放映机的读音是什么?放映机翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放映机的读音是fàngyìngjī,放映机翻译成英文是 projector

  3. 问:放映孔拼音怎么拼?放映孔的读音是什么?放映孔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放映孔的读音是fàng yìng kǒng,放映孔翻译成英文是 projection port

  4. 问:放映师拼音怎么拼?放映师的读音是什么?放映师翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放映师的读音是,放映师翻译成英文是 projectionist

  5. 问:放映角拼音怎么拼?放映角的读音是什么?放映角翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放映角的读音是fàng yìng jiǎo,放映角翻译成英文是 projection angle

  6. 问:放映技师拼音怎么拼?放映技师的读音是什么?放映技师翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放映技师的读音是,放映技师翻译成英文是 cinematographer

  7. 问:放映时间拼音怎么拼?放映时间的读音是什么?放映时间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放映时间的读音是fàng yìng shí jiān,放映时间翻译成英文是 screen quota

  8. 问:放映装置拼音怎么拼?放映装置的读音是什么?放映装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放映装置的读音是,放映装置翻译成英文是 reader

  9. 问:放映限额拼音怎么拼?放映限额的读音是什么?放映限额翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放映限额的读音是fàng yìng xiàn é,放映限额翻译成英文是 screen time

  10. 问:放映机效率拼音怎么拼?放映机效率的读音是什么?放映机效率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放映机效率的读音是fàng yìng jī xiào lǜ,放映机效率翻译成英文是 projector efficiency

  11. 问:放映外部通路链接拼音怎么拼?放映外部通路链接的读音是什么?放映外部通路链接翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放映外部通路链接的读音是fàng yìng wài bù tōng lù liàn jiē,放映外部通路链接翻译成英文是 Screening External Access Link

  12. 问:放映机十字线图像拼音怎么拼?放映机十字线图像的读音是什么?放映机十字线图像翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放映机十字线图像的读音是fàng yìng jī shí zì xiàn tú xiàng,放映机十字线图像翻译成英文是 Projector Reticle Image

  13. 问:放映机校准工具包拼音怎么拼?放映机校准工具包的读音是什么?放映机校准工具包翻译成英文是什么?

    答:放映机校准工具包的读音是fàng yìng jī jiào zhǔn gōng jù bāo,放映机校准工具包翻译成英文是 Projector Alignment Kit



词目 放映 (PROJECTION) 拼音 fang ying 词义 将记录在媒介上的影像用专门设备借光线呈现在银幕上。