


1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……





汉语拼音:tóu xuǎn






  1. 一种皮肤病。发生在头皮的癣。病原体是霉菌,有白癣和黄癣两种。



  1. Tinea capitis is manifested by pustular eruptions of the scalp, with scaling and bald patches.


  2. For head fungal or ringworm: mix with lard and apply topically .


  3. Despite the neonate' s increased susceptibility to infections, tinea capitis is rare in this population.


  4. Tinea capitis is the most common fungal skin infection in children.


  1. 头癣小孢霉

    Microsporum audouini.

  2. 头癣小孢子菌

    Cercosphaera addisoni.

  3. 石绵状头癣

    tinea amiantacea.

  4. 毛癣菌致头癣

    Tinea capitis due to Trichophyton.

  5. 小孢子菌致头癣

    Tinea capitis due to Microsporum

  6. 断发毛癣菌致头癣

    Tinea capitis due to Trichophyton tonsurans

  7. 特比萘芬治疗头癣28例

    Terbinafine in treating tinea capitis in28 patients

  8. 伊曲康唑治疗头癣的疗效观察

    Investigation on the Treatment Efficacy of Itroconazole in Treatment of Tinea Capitis

  9. 成人头癣26例临床及治疗分析

    Clinical and therapeutical analysis of26 cases of tinea capitis in adults

  10. 伊曲康唑治疗头癣24例临床观察

    Clinical observation on24 cases of tinea capitis treated with itraconazole

  11. 头癣暴发的分子流行病学调查研究

    Molecular Epidemiology of an Outbreak of Tinea Capitis Caused by Microsporum canis

  12. 兰美抒治疗儿童头癣的疗效临床观察

    To Study the Effect of Cure Children Scald Head with Lamisic in Clinic

  13. 头癣是一种较为常见的原因脱发的儿童。

    Tinea Capitis is one of the more common reasons for hair loss in children.

  14. 治头癣或金钱癣用猪油拌和, 外涂。

    For head fungal or ringworm mix with lard and apply topically.

  15. 伊曲康唑治疗儿童头癣的安全性实验研究

    The Experimental Study of Security of Itraconazole for Tinea Capitis in Children

  16. 口服特比萘芬治疗儿童头癣的开放性研究

    The opening study of oral terbinafine in the treatment of tinea capitis in children

  17. 特比萘芬超声透入治疗头癣的临床研究

    Clinical study on terbinafine phonophoresis in the treatment of tinea capitis.

  18. 表现为脂溢性皮炎样得儿童头癣1例

    A case report of tinea capitis mimicking seborrheic dermatitis in a child

  19. 表现为脂溢性皮炎样的儿童头癣1例

    A case report of tinea capitis mimicking seborrheic dermatitis in a child

  20. 幻灯39这是目前临床上较常见的不典型的头癣。

    Slide 39 This is an atypical capitis, which is now clinically common.

  21. 断发毛癣菌致外伤性头癣暴发的治疗经验

    An experience from an outbreak of tinea capitis gladiatorum due to Trichophyton tonsurans

  22. 口服伊曲康唑治疗哈萨克族儿童头癣疗效观察

    The Efficacy of Taking Itraconazole Orally in Kazak Children with Tinea Capitis

  23. 头癣是一种常见的皮肤浅部真菌感染性疾病。

    Tinea capitis is a common kind of superficial fungal infective disease in skin.

  24. 目得了解兰美抒治疗儿童头癣得疗效和安全性。

    OBJECTIVE To realize the effect and security of cure children scald head with Lamisic in clinic.

  25. 伊曲康唑与特比萘芬治疗儿童头癣疗效观察

    Evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of itraconazole and terbinafine for tinea capitis in children

  26. 头癣是补丁表现为脓疱爆发的秃头头皮,具有缩放和。

    Tinea capitis is manifested by pustular eruptions of the scalp, with scaling and bald patches.

  27. 伍氏灯很常用, 对诊断某些类型的头癣, 花斑癣和红癣有价值。

    Pigmented lesions, especially in infants, should be rubbed in an attempt to elicit Dariers sign as seen in urticaria pigmentosa.


  1. 问:头癣拼音怎么拼?头癣的读音是什么?头癣翻译成英文是什么?

    答:头癣的读音是tóuxuǎn,头癣翻译成英文是 tinea capitis

  2. 问:头癣菌素拼音怎么拼?头癣菌素的读音是什么?头癣菌素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:头癣菌素的读音是tóu xuǎn jūn sù,头癣菌素翻译成英文是 achoricine


