




1. 甲 [jiǎ]甲 [jiǎ]天干的第一位,用于作顺序第一的代称:~子。花~(六十岁的人)。居于首位的,超过所有其它的:~等。古代科举考试成绩名次的分类:一~(名为“进士及第”);二~(名为“进士出身”);三~(名为“同进士出身”)。古……



汉语拼音:zhǐ jiǎ







趾甲 [zhǐ jiǎ]
  1. 脚趾甲。




  1. the selenium content of a person's nails is considered to be an accurate measurement of their levels of the mineral over the previous year.


  2. Perfectly shaven, shimmering legs, combined with the visual of a woman painting her toes, is way too much for any guy to handle.


  3. If it seems to be dull or lacking luster, this is also a toenail fungus symptom.


  4. There were reports around summer that said a doctor removed one of his toe nail and he removed another himself.


  5. For regular runners, a black toenail is not a matter of if, it's when, " says Dr. Bright. "


  6. Results All the 41 fingers survived. One skin flap of the big toe was somewhat swelling and a decorating operation was performed.


  7. Out of the shower now, I finish the last of the beer while trimming my toenails.


  8. Indeed, bodily parts from a previous resident, in the form of toe nail clippings, were still visible on the floor.


  9. Webbing between the toes is of soft skin, well covered with hair, and reaches the toe tips.


  1. 小而紧凑,趾甲短。

    The feet are small and compact with short nails.

  2. 趾甲延长术的临床应用

    Clinical experience of toenail lengthening.

  3. 有时, 趾甲可能完全折断。

    Occasionally the nail may break off completely.

  4. 我不给我的主人剪趾甲。

    I will not cut my master's nails.

  5. 趾甲应该做常规的检查和修剪。

    Toenails should be routinely inspected and cut.

  6. 苯酚对儿童嵌趾甲切除的影响

    The effect of phenol on ingrown toenail excision in children

  7. 脚垫和趾甲为黑色或暗蓝灰色。

    The pads and nails are black or slate gray.

  8. 趾甲的活体解剖测量及其临床意义

    Anatomic measurement and clinical significance of toenail.

  9. 治疗趾甲炎有什么好方法吗?

    Is remedial toenail phlogistic what good method is there?

  10. 你不剔趾甲, 我就不咬手指甲。

    I won't bite my nails if you don't pick your toes.

  11. 查看它的爪子,准备及时修剪趾甲。

    Look at her paws to prepare her for claw trimming when she needs it.

  12. 想问问米糠孢子菌灰趾甲如何医治

    How is ringworm of the nails of chaff spore bacterium treated excuse me.

  13. 脚垫厚实而有弹性,趾甲坚硬而且颜色深。

    Pads are thick and springy while nails are strong and dark colored.

  14. 洗完澡,我剪着趾甲喝完最后一口啤酒。

    Out of the shower now, I finish the last of the beer while trimming my toenails.

  15. 感谢收看怎样处理趾甲上的白斑视频节目。

    Thanks for watching video how to treat white spots on nails.

  16. 黑色、白色、褐色或带斑纹的趾甲都可以接受。

    Black, brown, white, and striped nails are allowed.

  17. 方法应用趾甲覆盖技术治疗甲床破裂患者54例。

    Methods66 broken hyponychium in54 cases were treated by the toenail situ covering.

  18. 指甲和趾甲正在他小小的手指和脚趾上长出来。

    Fingernails and toenails are growing on little fingers and toes.

  19. 那么,你是涂了趾甲油还是只留了法式得长趾甲?

    So,do you get colours or just French tips ?

  20. 糖尿病患者趾甲真菌病的患病率及易感因素

    Prevalence and Predisposing Factors of Toenail Onychomycosis in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus

  21. 他们为宠物提供塑料趾甲护套,使它们的趾甲变钝。

    They offer plastic nail sheaths for pets to blunt their nails.

  22. 他们为宠物提供塑料趾甲护套,使它们的趾甲变钝。

    They offer plastic nail sheaths for pets to blunt their nails.

  23. 你左脚的大脚趾甲已长到肉里去了。

    The big toenail of your left foot has grown in

  24. 你左脚的大脚趾甲已经长到肉里去了。

    The big toenail of your left foot has grown in to the flesh.

  25. 你左脚的大脚趾甲已经长到肉里去了。

    The big toenail of your left foot has grown in to the flesh.

  26. 那么, 你是涂了趾甲油还是只留了法式的长趾甲?

    So, do you get colours or just French tips ?

  27. 即趾甲向内长, 鞋, 袜过紧会使病情加重

    made worse by tight footwear, tight hosiery and tight socks

  28. 角质层位于指甲或趾甲基部边缘的硬化带状皮肤。

    The strip of hardened skin at the base and sides of a fingernail or toenail.

  29. 趾甲原位覆盖技术在治疗甲床破裂创面中的应用

    Applications of Situ Covering of Toenail in Repairing of the Broken Toe Hyponychium.

  30. 我的脚趾出现了两个黑趾甲, 水泡摞着水泡。

    I have two black toenails, blisters on top of blisters on my toes.


  1. 问:趾甲拼音怎么拼?趾甲的读音是什么?趾甲翻译成英文是什么?

    答:趾甲的读音是zhíjiǎ,趾甲翻译成英文是 toenail; nail

  2. 问:趾甲粗隆拼音怎么拼?趾甲粗隆的读音是什么?趾甲粗隆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:趾甲粗隆的读音是zhǐ jiǎ cū lóng,趾甲粗隆翻译成英文是 tuberositas unguicularis pedis

  3. 问:趾甲诸区拼音怎么拼?趾甲诸区的读音是什么?趾甲诸区翻译成英文是什么?

    答:趾甲诸区的读音是zhǐ jiǎ zhū qū,趾甲诸区翻译成英文是 regiones unguiculares digitorum pedis



人类的脚趾上面由一种名叫角蛋白的脆弱的纤维物质构成的保护甲称为趾甲。趾甲外露的部分是由角蛋白构成,没有生命,而趾甲下面的甲床分布着大量的血管,因此使你的趾甲泛出粉色的光泽。包住趾甲边缘的皮肤叫做角质层。修指甲的时候将角质层剪去不是什么好主意,因为角质层可以保护甲床不受细菌和真菌感染。需要注意的是,趾甲是两个三声 (zhǐ) (jiǎ)。