







汉语拼音:gòu xiāo






  1. 商业上的收购和销售。

    薛暮桥 《当前我国经济若干问题·计划调节与市场调节》:“但现在有些重要生活资料(如粮食、食油等),购销价格倒挂。”如:购销两旺。



  1. Commodity purchase and sale of the "clawback" is a high usage of the term, but rebates and discounts, commissions often easy to be confused.


  2. From the point of view of purchasing and distribution, each industry is a value chain system composed of multiple sales projects.


  3. Commercial bribery for the qualification of the main is conducive to accurate against the purchase and sale of commercial bribery.


  4. The NDRC said it would now prohibit railway operators from allocating transportation quotas before coal contracts have been signed.


  5. The Company engages mainly in the purchasing, selling, and import and export of silk apparels and other made-up silk goods.


  6. Employment orientation : Internet marketing, websites, online payment, online sales, logistics and distribution, and business management.


  7. Despite the recent lint sales price stabilised, but sales remained slow, the purchase and sale of the two sides remained deadlocked state.


  8. On second-hand mixer and mixing machine transfers and purchases and sales. In addition the company for customer needs.


  9. Their secretly refers to the purchase and sale of commodities into personal pockets or treasury units that part of their income.


  1. 农产品购销

    agricultural product buying and selling.

  2. 购销两旺。

    Both purchasing and marketing are brisk.

  3. 购销损益帐

    trading and profit and loss account.

  4. 购销价格倒挂。

    The selling prices drop away from the state purchasing prices.

  5. 年购销总额12亿元。

    Its annual turnover reaches 1.2 billion yuan.

  6. 建立麻黄素购销核查制度。

    Establishing ephedrine purchase and marketing verification rules.

  7. 解决购销价格倒挂得问题

    Solve the problem of retail price Being lower than the purchasing price

  8. 解决购销价格倒挂的问题

    Solve the problem of retail price Being lower than the purchasing price

  9. 在审理购销合同纠纷案时

    in the trial of the disputed case of the purchase and sale contract

  10. 粮食购销改革的问题与对策

    The Problem and Countermeasure of the reform of grain purchases and sales

  11. 我那晚去那儿只是购销欠债的。

    I went there that night to clear a debt.

  12. 请您将这份购销合同复印一份。

    Please make a copy of the trading contract.

  13. 第三十二条违反购销合同的责任

    Liability for breach of a purchase and sale contract.

  14. 货源充沛,生意兴隆,购销两旺,皆大欢喜。

    Sufficient supply. Prosperous business. brisk buying and selling. all to our satisfaction.

  15. 在麻黄素购销活动中禁止使用现金。

    Use of cash shall be prohibited in the purchase and marketing activities of ephedrine.

  16. 工业硅生产,矿石,冶金炉材料等购销。

    Industrial silicon production, ore, metallurgical furnace materials procurement.

  17. 购销两旺,是每个商业企业的追求。

    What every commercial enterprise seeks is Brisk Buying and selling.

  18. 医药购销的商业贿赂问题与防范对策

    The problem of business bribe in medicine purchase and sale and the measures to keep it away

  19. 由于该暗补为明补, 粮食购销同价。

    Grains are purchased and sold by the same price because covered allowances are turned into open allowance.

  20. 严把进货质量关, 实行商品购销跟踪治理。

    Father to close quality of replenish onr's stock, execute commodity and sale to dog management.

  21. 卖方可能为履行购销合同而订购了原材料。

    Seller may have placed for the purchase of materials and supplies to fulfill this purchase order.

  22. 我公司代理各种产品的购销,对销及产品加工。

    Acting Company of the purchase and sale of various products, sales and product processing.

  23. 提出了国有粮食企业购销制度改进的政策建议。

    Based on the analysis, suggestions for improving purchase and sale strategies are made.

  24. 商品购销中的浮动价格与二次需求函数模型

    Mathematical Models for Floating Price in Purchase and Sale of Commodity and for a Quadratic Function of Demand

  25. 社会资本对农产品购销商经营绩效的影响研究

    An Empirical Study on the Effect of Social Capital on the Performance of Agricultural Traders

  26. 应付账款通常分成购销应付账款和其他应付账款两类。

    Accounts payable often are subdivided into the categories of trade accounts payable and other accounts payable.

  27. 研究了商品购销中的浮动价格和需求函数模型问题。

    In this paper, mathematical models are investigated for floating price of purchase arid sale of commodity and for a demanding function.

  28. 以科学发展观引领医药购销领域商业贿赂治理工作

    Guiding Renovation Work of Commercial Bribe in Drug Purchase Field with the Scientific Outlook on Development

  29. 购销额和平均贷额的增高推动了税收和净收入的增长。

    Revenue and net income growth was driven by higher purchase sales and average loans.

  30. 购销额和平均贷额的增高推动了税收和净收入的增长。

    Revenue and net income growth was driven by higher purchase sales and average loans.


  1. 问:购销拼音怎么拼?购销的读音是什么?购销翻译成英文是什么?

    答:购销的读音是gòuxiāo,购销翻译成英文是 buying and selling

  2. 问:购销渠道拼音怎么拼?购销渠道的读音是什么?购销渠道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:购销渠道的读音是gòu xiāo qú dào,购销渠道翻译成英文是 buying and selling channel



购销(direct purchase):也称为“经销”,即由商家正式下订单采购,货款到帐期时,由商家支付给供应商。但在某些情况下,可要求供应商补一些损耗,或做一些退换货的安排,以降低风险。 购销实销月结(consignment):即由商家正式下订单采购,但采取按月的实际销售成本的百分10的误差,抽取订货单结算。商家的库存的风险较少,退换货容易,适用销量小、周转慢、风险较大,或采购人员较难把握的商品。库存损耗可与供应商协商负担比例。