







汉语拼音:hòu shì







  1. 某一时代以后的时代。

    《易·击辞下》:“上古穴居而野处,后世圣人易之以宫室。” 唐 韩愈 《送高闲上人序》:“故 旭 之书,变动犹鬼神,不可端倪,以此终其身而名后世。” 范文澜 《中国通史简编》第一编第五章第七节:“后世 孔子 庙中没有 荀子 的位置,虽然专制主义是他倡导的。”

  2. 指后裔。


  3. 佛教语。谓来世。

    《无量寿经》卷下:“寿终后世尤深尤剧。”参见“ 来世 ”。



  1. And yet Sir Nicholas asks the present generation to make an economic sacrifice to help its richer successors.


  2. Even though we know that the next world lies across the great divide known as the "grave" , we do not know how long we have to tarry there.


  3. If there is candor in the world, the truth of these assertions will not be questioned; posterity at least will do justice to them.


  4. in its long glorious history , a brilliant art and craft has been handed down and masters have been brought up in a number of dynasties.


  5. "One wise idea might be to leave it to future generations to solve the issue, " Mr Yamaguchi told reporters before he departed for Beijing.


  6. According to Buddhism, memory power of a person can remain with him even after death until the last birth.


  7. That thinking it a apotheosis as benignancy of Tang's annihilating Xia, was purely the Confucian fudge.


  8. make it a protection for me from the Hell-Fire, from punishment and from torture in the Hereafter.


  9. In the desert, he might have addressed himself more entirely to his true audience, posterity.


  1. 流芳后世。

    He left behind him a great reputation.

  2. 他的作品当传诸后世。

    His work must be preserved for posterity.

  3. 我是有权利留名后世的。

    I have a right to be remembered.

  4. 其实, 后世是更好的, 是更久长的。

    But the Hereafter is better and more enduring.

  5. 留下无数痕迹供后世瞻仰。

    Countless traces of the past have remained for people to wonder at.

  6. 屈原的爱国思想及后世影响

    The patriotic thoughts of QuYuan and its influence

  7. 他给后世留下了不朽的典范。

    He left behind an immortal example to all posterity.

  8. 他们的音乐已为后世保存起来。

    Their music has been preserved for posterity.

  9. 论玄言诗对后世文学的影响

    Influences of Metaphysical Poetry on Literature of Later Ages

  10. 这位哲学家展望将来后世的需求。

    The philosopher looked on ahead to the wants of posterity.

  11. 韩愈的道统思想及其对后世的影响

    Influence of HAN YU's Ethic Ideology on Later Generations.

  12. 我们的成功将继承先贤,泽被后世。

    Our success will do credit to our forebears and bring benefit to our posterity.

  13. 儒家孝道观及后世的原旨疏离

    The Confucianists Filial Piety and Aftertime Original Decree Leave

  14. 故后世文献曾尊称她为皇、为帝、为神。

    Therefore, all people respect her as god.

  15. 诗经对后世的文学有很大的影响。

    The Book of Songs had great influence on the literature of later ages.

  16. 这些解释肯定有后世儒家附会的成分,

    This explanation must have been made by Confucian scholars of later periods.

  17. 文选对后世文学的发展具有深远的影响。

    Wenxuan had exerted a profound influence on later ages literature development.

  18. 先秦儒家象征文艺观对后世的影响。

    The preQin period symbolize the impact on later age of the literature and art view in the Confucianists.

  19. 永生的永远与上帝同在的, 尤指后世

    Of or relating to spiritual communion with God, especially in the afterlife.

  20. 浅谈简策制度及其对后世书籍的影响

    The System of Jiance and Its Influence on Books Later.

  21. 颜体书法艺术的形成及对后世的影响

    The Effect of The Formation of Yan Zhenqing's Calligraphy On The Latter

  22. 第三,雕版佛画影响到后世木刻年画。

    Third, the Buddhist woodblock woodcut painting affect the later paintings.

  23. 他的游仙诗成名于当时,影响于后世。

    His poetry about immortals became famous at that time, affected in the later generation.

  24. 消灭罪障,平安吉祥,事事顺利,造福后世。

    Exterminate the sin, peaceful happiness, the everything is smooth, bringing benefit to the descendant.

  25. 孝道的封建化对后世产生了深远的影响。

    Feudalization of filial piety has a profound influence on later generations.

  26. 孔子的编辑思想对后世产生了重要影响。

    And Confucius'editorial thinking had great influence on later generations.

  27. 我们做人、做事应“前事不忘,后世之师”。

    We should learn from past events and let them be a guide to the future.

  28. 对后世的操作系统还是产生了巨大的影响。

    Put aside the commercial failure, MULTICS operating system for future generations, or had a tremendous impact.

  29. 南宋浙派对后世琴派的影响及其脉络

    The Ways that Zhe School in Southern Song Dynasty Influenced

  30. 他对文选的推崇和研究,对后世有深远的影响。

    His advocation and reasearch on Wenxuan have profound influence.


  1. 问:后世拼音怎么拼?后世的读音是什么?后世翻译成英文是什么?

    答:后世的读音是hòushì,后世翻译成英文是 later ages; aftertime




【拼音】hòu shì

【英文】later ages