




1. 散 [sàn]2. 散 [sǎn]散 [sàn]分开,由聚集而分离:分~。解~。涣~。~落。~失。~逸。分布,分给:~布。~发(fā)。天女~花。排遣:~心。~闷(mèn)。解雇:他干的不好,让那家饭店给~了。散 [sǎn]没有约束,……



汉语拼音:qiǎn sàn









  1. 犹释放。


  2. 犹解散。

    唐 李德裕 《故文昌右相岑长倩》:“ 长倩 与地官尚书 格辅元 竟不署名,以 中宗 在东宫,不可更立 武承嗣 ,言词切直,仍责上书者遣散。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第二七回:“只因和局有了消息,这里便先把新募的营勇,遣散了两营。” 峻青 《秋色赋·胶济线上》:“﹝ 即墨 人民﹞纷纷派出了代表,来到了我军司令部,要求遣散伪军。”



  1. The company eventually asked her to leave, offering her a small pay-off.


  2. The bankruptcy filing jeopardizes severance payments awarded to employees over the past year as an inducement to leave their jobs.


  3. She said she voluntarily left her position on which she has worked for two decades, adding she received a severance payment she deserved.


  4. Mr. Scott said he knew nothing of the fraud and left with a substantial severance payment.


  5. If you are made redundant you do get a pay-off - but if the bank isn't trying to lay people off, this may be hard.


  6. He leaves with an unusually generous severance package and the right to sell at least two films a year to News Corp's Twentieth Century Fox.


  7. Mr Kabila has failed to start building a proper state or to demobilise all militias and create a proper army.


  8. Your future is going to be determined not by a redundancy package , but by how well you adapt to the harsh reality of self - employment .


  9. They were released a few days later as their offense was deemed a violation of immigration law, which usually results in simple deportation.


  1. 遣散士兵,下课

    dismiss soldiers, a class

  2. 解散, 遣散解散组织

    To dissolve the organization of.

  3. 船员被发薪遣散。

    The crew have been paid off.

  4. 战后军人都遣散了。

    After the war the soldiers were demobilised.

  5. 男人已经把它遣散掉了。

    Gentlemen have dismissed it.

  6. 战争结束时他们遣散了军队。

    They disbanded an army at the close of the war.

  7. 解雇的犒赏就是遣散费。

    The reward for dismissal is a golden handshake.

  8. 解雇的犒赏就是遣散费。

    The reward for dismissal is a golden handshake.

  9. 这个城市发出紧急遣散的命令。

    The city called for an immediate evacuation.

  10. 我被告知去领遣散费。

    I got the option to take a golden handshake.

  11. 我被告知去领遣散费。

    I got the option to take a golden handshake.

  12. 剪刀吻了被遣散失踪的导弹。

    Scissors kissed the dismissed missing missle.

  13. 清末,漕粮河运停止,水手被遣散。

    At the end of the Qing Dynasty, water transport stopped, and sailors were dismissed.

  14. 解散部队从积极的军事状况中遣散

    To remove from active military status.

  15. 但今天早上你遣散了你的保护队伍。

    But you dismissed your protection this morning.

  16. 计算此类遣散费的准则为何

    The criteria for calculating such redundancy payments

  17. 有人付钱给他,叫他遣散那些钉子户。

    He pays expenses to the guys who forcibly live there, to evacuate it.

  18. 执法人员对其登记后,将他们遣散。

    Execute the law after personnel is registered to its, their demobilization.

  19. 解散, 遣散终止如某一组织的职能驱散

    To cease to function as an organization disperse.

  20. 摩托车就当作你一部分的遣散费

    Consider the motorcycle part of your severance.

  21. 他可能还得要保证遣散马赫迪军。

    He may also have to promise to lay off Mahdi Army.

  22. 工厂一旦关闭,那就意味着要有500人遭遣散。

    When the factory closes, it will mean 500 redundancies.

  23. 别担心, 我不会和你要遣散费的。

    Don't worry, I'm not asking for redundancy pay.

  24. 西村大使叙述了在复员遣散方面的情况。

    Ambassador Nishimura gave an account of the situation with regard to demobilization.

  25. 我的雇主将向我支付两个月的遣散费。

    My employer is offering two months' severance.

  26. 就像营火驱散了寒冷, 我们的团结遣散了敌人。

    As a bonfire dispels chilliness, so our solidarity drives away the enemy.

  27. 雇主担心新法将意味着更大笔得遣散费。

    Employers fear the law will mean bigger severance payments.

  28. 雇主担心新法将意味着更大笔的遣散费。

    Employers fear the law will mean bigger severance payments.

  29. 工厂一旦关闭,那就意味著要有500人遭遣散。

    When the factory closes, it will mean 500 redundancies.

  30. 此外, 政府仍会恪守不强行遣散员工的承诺。

    Meanwhile the Government continues in its commitment not to resort to any forced redundancy.


  1. 问:遣散拼音怎么拼?遣散的读音是什么?遣散翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遣散的读音是qiǎnsàn,遣散翻译成英文是 dismiss; disband; lay off

  2. 问:遣散费拼音怎么拼?遣散费的读音是什么?遣散费翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遣散费的读音是,遣散费翻译成英文是 Severance package

  3. 问:遣散信息素拼音怎么拼?遣散信息素的读音是什么?遣散信息素翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遣散信息素的读音是qiǎn sǎn xìn xī sù,遣散信息素翻译成英文是 epideictic pheromone; dispersal pheromone