


1. 悄 [qiǎo]2. 悄 [qiāo]悄 [qiǎo]忧愁:~切。~怆。~然落泪。忧心~~。寂静无声:~然无声。~寂。~静。~声。悄 [qiāo]没有声音或声音很低,不让人知道:深夜静~~。……





汉语拼音:qiǎo shēng







  1. 低声。

    元 白朴 《梧桐雨》第一折:“虽无人窃听,也索悄声儿海誓山盟。”《儿女英雄传》第九回:“ 张金凤 悄声道:‘姐姐,你叫我怎样个説法?’” 冰心 《两个家庭》:“表妹悄声对我说:‘这就是 陈先生 。’”



  1. I heard the muttered exclamations of the people, "It is all over-the last hope of European liberty is gone. "


  2. For a moment, he thought he heard a woman's voice. . . the wisdom of the ages. . . whispering up from the chasms of the earth.


  3. "But it's cold, " I complained. It surprised me when he chuckled under his breath. There was an edge to the sound.


  4. Said the whispers, and then became voices again to say that Jane Farrier was a perfect disgrace the way she did her hair.


  5. Forget Mother's Day eve of the microphone where you tell Laojie side whispered: I am prepared to Mom Mother's Day gift, but to her tomorrow.


  6. Outside the front door of Boldwood's house a group of men were talking quietly.


  7. Subsequent pages tell of "A grand old party to war in a rush, and a quiet Dick Cheney whispering hush. "


  8. You will be in the still place at the center of consciousness from which your true self is always whispering to you.


  9. 'We've got one, ' he whispers to his partner, who bolts to block off the other end of the street.


  1. 你不必悄声。

    You don't need to whisper.

  2. 你不必悄声。

    You don't need to whisper.

  3. 悄声告别孤独

    and whisper farewell to loneliness.

  4. 悄声说某人的坏话

    whisper against sb.

  5. 他们在悄声地谈话。

    They were talking in whispers.

  6. 她深沉地悄声回答说。

    Answered she, in a deep whisper.

  7. 有些是悄声细语出来的

    Some with a whisper.

  8. 有些是悄声细语出来的。

    Some with a whisper.

  9. 她蹑手蹑脚, 悄声下了楼。

    She crept downstairs quiet as a mouse.

  10. 怎么啦?他悄声询问道。

    What's on? he asked in a whisper.

  11. 我对着某人耳朵悄声说话。

    I whisper into someone's ear.

  12. 他悄声耳语,以免给儿子听见。

    He whispered for fear lest his son should hear.

  13. 在悄声地把他的尸骨剔光。

    Picked his bones in whispers.

  14. 他在角落悄声地说了一些话。

    She whispered a few words at the corner.

  15. 她悄声说话, 令人几乎听不见。

    She spoke in an almost inaudible whisper.

  16. 她是悄声说的, 所以我没有听见。

    She said it in a whisper, so I didnt hear.

  17. 他问了我一些问题,悄声细语地。

    He asked me questions in a quite confidential tone.

  18. 他悄声告诉我窗外有人在偷听。

    He whispered to me that there was an eavesdropper outside the window.

  19. 有一段时间, 我们甚至都不敢悄声交谈。

    At one time we dared not even to whisper.

  20. 他悄声地告诉我窗外有人在偷听。

    He whispered to me that there was an eavesdropper outside the window.

  21. 那么你认为如何?她声音嘶哑地悄声问道。

    So what do you think?'she said in a hoarse whisper.

  22. 他们是否在草泽里悄声议论那些青蛙私生子。

    Whether they whisper to each other in swamps about illegitimate frogs.

  23. 你来告别了。她悄声说, 并不停地咳嗽。

    You've come to say goodbye, 'she whispered, coughing.

  24. 这是她悄声说的, 所以我没听清说的是什么。

    She said it in a whisper, so I couldnt hear.

  25. 我悄声没息地溜进去, 弯下腰去瞅他。

    I slipped in softly and bent over him.

  26. 纳什没有提高嗓门,依然悄声说着,相当轻柔。

    Nash hadn't raised his voice, still spoke rather softly, confidentially.

  27. 他是如此悄声无息,而且他总是抓到小老鼠。

    He was so quiet and he always caught the little mice.

  28. 我后面的女人, 不知道是谁, 悄声说着镇静药。

    The woman behind me, whoever she is, whispers about sedatives.

  29. 别悄声说, 如果你有什么要说的就大声地说出来。

    Don't whisper, if you've something to say, say it out loud.

  30. 你打算在这无辜的婴儿身上发泄你的仇恨吗?她悄声说。

    Wouldst thou avenge thyself on the innocent babe ? whispered she.


  1. 问:悄声拼音怎么拼?悄声的读音是什么?悄声翻译成英文是什么?

    答:悄声的读音是qiǎoshēng,悄声翻译成英文是 quiet; in a low voice