




1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……



汉语拼音:chōu dǎ







  1. 用鞭子等条状物打。

    周而复 《上海的早晨》第一部三:“ 朱暮堂 和他的老婆稍为有点不如意,就用鸡毛掸帚和棍子没头没脑地抽打她。” 管桦 《暴风雨之夜》:“暴雨像千万条鞭子抽打着我们。”



  1. It was like somebody shut a switch on my whole digestive system and, you know, it felt horrible.


  2. I felt as if my mind was being whipped, as if a ghost had commandeered my pen and was writing to redress the injustices it had suffered.


  3. The enemy strapped him, and yet he said nothing.


  4. They would make me stand with my hands raised in the air and after I returned to my dormitory they would beat me with plastic pipes.


  5. He described to me how he would whip such a boy as if he were unfolding some elaborate mystery.


  6. A man may legally beat his wife with a leather strap as long as it is less than 2 inches wide.


  7. On the day for sentencing to be carried out, his mother was tied to a stake and a big man was ready to flog her with a whip.


  8. A moisture came into his eyes, and, as the whipping continued, he arose and walked irresolutely up and down.


  9. I felt as if my heart was being whipped, I also felt as if a ghost was borrowing my pen to redress the injustice it had suffered.


  1. 鞭笞用皮鞭抽打

    To flog with a leather scourge.

  2. 用皮带抽打。鞭笞

    To beat or whip with a thong.

  3. 有人用皮带抽打他。

    He was whipped with a belt.

  4. 树冠凶狠地来回抽打。

    The treetops whipped to and fro in a frightening manner.

  5. 农奴主用皮鞭抽打农奴。

    The serf owner lashed the serf with a whip.

  6. 狂风抽打着我们的脸。

    A terrible wind whipped our faces.

  7. 他用手杖抽打那个小孩。

    He switched the boy with a cane.

  8. 你为什么那样抽打我, 妈妈!

    Why did you have to hit me like that, mommy!

  9. 他气愤地嗖嗖地抽打他的靴子。

    He angrily swished his boot.

  10. 老板用皮带抽打一个工人。

    The boss strapped a workman.

  11. 现在,风夹带着雨抽打着窗户。

    Now the wind slashes rain against the windows.

  12. 现在,风夹带着雨抽打着窗户。

    Now the wind slashes rain against the windows.

  13. 那个奴隶被抽打得浑身青紫。

    The slave was leathered black and blue.

  14. 我用鞭子抽打了他的脸。

    I slashed his face with a whip.

  15. 残暴的士兵野蛮地抽打俘虏。

    The brutal soldiers beat their prisoners ruthlessly.

  16. 残暴得士兵野蛮地抽打俘虏。

    The brutal soldiers beat their prisoners ruthlessly.

  17. 他因作弊而受到苔杖抽打。

    He got the cane for cheating.

  18. 他用鞭子轻轻抽打那头驴子。

    He flipped at the ass with a whip.

  19. 他粗暴地抽打自己的马儿。

    He was flogging his horse in a very cruel way.

  20. 这条龙用尾巴抽打了城堡。

    The dragon thrashed it's tail against the castle.

  21. 这条龙用尾巴抽打了城堡。

    The dragon thrashed it's tail against the castle.

  22. 我的父亲曾用皮带抽打过我。

    My father used to discipline me with a leather belt.

  23. 我的父亲曾用皮带抽打过我。

    My father used to discipline me with a leather belt.

  24. 我得父亲曾用皮带抽打过我。

    My father used to discipline me with a leather belt.

  25. 马鞭抽打的声音好比打枪的声音一样响。

    A cracking whip can sound as loud as a gunshot.

  26. 一根树枝抽打到了她的脸颊。

    A branch whipped her across the cheek.

  27. 亲眼看着自己的父亲被皮鞭抽打。

    Who saw their fathers being lashed with whips before their eyes.

  28. 我们应该恢复用桦条抽打的体罚吗

    Should we bring back the birch as a punishment

  29. 雨狠狠地抽打着窗玻璃,风狂暴地刮着。

    The rain beat strongly against the panes, the wind blew tempestuously.

  30. 赶大车的人扬鞭朝着马轻轻地抽打。

    The Carter flipped at the horse with his whip.


  1. 问:抽打拼音怎么拼?抽打的读音是什么?抽打翻译成英文是什么?

    答:抽打的读音是chōudǎ,抽打翻译成英文是 lash; whip; thrash




【拼音】:chōu dǎ

【注音】:ㄔㄡ ㄉㄚˇ