




1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……



汉语拼音:shuāi da








  1. 抓住东西往地上猛扔。

    杨朔 《春子姑娘》:“我爹夜来领我一回家,直摔打碗筷,见了我就叹气。” 杨朔 《三千里江山》第十二段:“轻着点!这物件挺单薄的,哪架的住摔打!倘或碰坏了,一下子不能用,怎么好呢?”

  2. 挣扎,摆脱。

    《红楼梦》第一一七回:“那 寳玉 虽是个男人,用力摔打,怎奈两个人死命的抱住不放,也难脱身。”

  3. 打击。

    柳青 《铜墙铁壁》第一章:“不着意 胡宗南 没值住几回摔打,扑了回 绥德 缩下去,再没听说厉害。”

  4. 磨炼;锻炼。

    峻青 《海啸》第四章:“别看遇着这么大的风暴,这么多的难险,可是,咱这支粮船队,却不同于一般,它是能经得起摔打的。” 梁斌 《红旗谱》三十:“你看 大贵 这身子骨,当了几年兵,在操场上摔打得多么结实。”



  1. Meet the parents of her hysterical war of words, or something of the harsh sound of beat.


  2. Strong, shatterproof and a highly valued form of polyester, PET is a by-product of the oil industry.


  3. In order to avoid persecution he beat, also in order to home dish, I must swallow insult and humiliation silently, with him.


  4. Here you can meet new friends, virtually screw them, then beat the shit out of them and take their money or condoms.


  5. Had the dream, the fragmentation of tempering, however, does not regret lonely.


  6. In his heart of hearts, he'd still like to beat Microsoft on the merits, not just by leveraging some clever loophole.


  7. Then the king ordered a wrestler to give him hand blows. But just one stroke of the wrestler left him almost half -dead .


  8. "These zircons have been absolutely hammered, " Rasmussen says.


  9. Experienced roughing it of hardship and whet , the walking gait of life just became more sonorous and forceful.


  1. 把扫帚上的泥摔打摔打。

    Beat the dirt off the broom.

  2. 到处都在摔打, 寻找墙壁。

    It was all about slashing and finding walls.

  3. 最后黏土就可以被摔打。

    And then finally it was prepared for the throwing.

  4. 他把鞋上的泥摔打掉。

    He beat the mud off the shoes.

  5. 摔打以连枷的方式摆动或捶打

    To swing or strike in a manner suggesting the action of a flail

  6. 经过几年摔打,他坚强了很多。

    After a few years of toughening himself up, he had become much stronger.

  7. 他经历了多年的摔打,如今更老练了。

    Tempered through years' hardships, he has grown much more experienced than ever.

  8. 他从小就在渔船上,摔打出一副结实的身子。

    He built up a robust constitution roughing it on the fishing boats ever since he was small.

  9. 这一层也可以作为我们摔打时的隔离层或缓冲垫。

    It also works as insulation and cushions us from knocks and falls.

  10. 应该给孩子一个空间, 一片草地, 让他自己摸爬, 自己摔打。

    Children should be given a space, a lawn to his own Mopa, tempering their own.

  11. 这一层也可以作为我们摔打时得隔离层或缓冲垫。

    It also works as insulation and cushions us from knocks and falls.

  12. 有15个右演奏得字符, 与三更开锁在您摔打比赛之后。

    There are15 playable characters, with three more to unlock after you beat the game.

  13. 有15个右演奏的字符,与三更开锁在您摔打比赛之后。

    There are15 playable characters, with three more to unlock after you beat the game.

  14. 见她正摔了打着绷带的胳膊, 他直感到如同自己疼痛一个样。

    In the moment when he had seen her fall on the bandaged arm, it had been as though he felt the pain in his own body.

  15. 打篮球摔坏了头,两个多月都没有痊愈,这正常吗?

    Play basketball throw a head bad, two many months do not have heal, is this normal

  16. 小镜子投得太不准了, 打到墙上摔得粉碎。

    The missile was badly aimed, and smashed against the wall.

  17. 她可能藉着打他或摔东西来表现不高兴的情绪。

    She may hit him or break things in order to show her displeasure.

  18. 我打篮球把膝盖摔破了。

    I busted my knee playing basketball.

  19. 对不起,我不小心把你的碗从桌子上打掉到地上摔破了。

    Im sorry, Ive knocked you bowl off the table and broken it.

  20. 她挥手去打那人,没打着,自己却摔了一跤。

    She swung at the man, but missed and fell.

  21. 我增加了水压,她打了个滑,摔在满是泡沫的地上。

    When I increased the water pressure, she slipped and fell on the sudsy floor.

  22. 我摔碎了盘子,不是打碎了盘子。

    I was dropping them, not throwing them.

  23. 在打垒球的时候摔着了。

    I fell on it while I was playing softball.

  24. 他把杯子打落,摔成碎片。

    He chipped the cup when he dropped it.

  25. 打球摔伤了尾骨很疼怎么办?

    Play a ball game threw coccyx very how to ache to do?

  26. 他打开门,踩了个香蕉皮,摔了个跟头。

    He opened the door and stepped on a banana skin and fell down.

  27. 打拳击, 摔跤在拳击场或摔跤场进行拳击或摔跤比赛

    To box or wrestle against in a ring.

  28. 他打球的时候摔了一跤,腓骨骨折了。

    He stumbled when playing on the field and injured his fibula.

  29. 如果我摔下这麦克风你也会打我, 或是你会拥抱我。

    You gon either wanna fight when I get off this microphone, or you gon hug me.

  30. 于是, 他开始摔盘子, 砸碗, 并且打克罗克的妻子。

    He therefore started smashing dishes right and and thrashing the poor woman at the same time.


  1. 问:摔打拼音怎么拼?摔打的读音是什么?摔打翻译成英文是什么?

    答:摔打的读音是shuāida,摔打翻译成英文是 beat; toughen oneself up




【读音】shuāi dǎ


【示例】梁斌《红旗谱》三十:“你看大贵这身子骨,当了几年兵,在操场上摔打得多么结实。” 杨朔《春子姑娘》:“我爹夜来领我一回家,直摔打碗筷,见了我就叹气。”