






1. 弥 [mí]2. 弥 [mǐ]弥 [mí]满,遍:~满。~月(a.整一个月;b.婴儿满月)。~望(满眼)。~天(满天,形容极大的)。补,合:~补。~缝。~封。更加:~坚。欲盖~彰。水满的样子:~漫。久,远:~留(病久留不去,后称病重将……





汉语拼音:yān wù mí màn








  1. And he puffed, and the smoke got in his eyes, and he wiped them with the back of his big hand.


  2. Some protesters were seen running across the grounds as smoke collected around them. Others were seen merely walking around the site.


  3. The ruckus left at least 69 people injured and turned Prague into a smoky battle zone.


  4. It's the only moon with an atmosphere, a yellow smoggy one filled with methane, ethane, and propane clouds.


  5. We were crawling through a smoke-filled building looking for a child and we couldn't find the bedroom. And it was 2 feet in front of me.


  6. In a smoke-filled room for example, a robot like this could help with a rescue operation by locating survivors of a fire.


  7. Ambitiously, in a country that has one of the world's smoggiest capitals, Mr Liu says he wants a "green revolution" too.


  8. Minutes before the closing bell, he was zigzagging through a cloud of cigarette smoke, searching for a terminal.


  9. Columns of smoke were seen as fighters tried to force their way through densely populated areas in the face of fierce resistance.


  1. 上空烟雾弥漫。

    Smog hung in the sky.

  2. 烟雾弥漫的走廊

    smoky corridors.

  3. 烟雾弥漫于工厂中。

    The smoke permeated the factory.

  4. 空气变得混浊,烟雾弥漫。

    The air had grown thick and smoky.

  5. 烟雾弥漫, 空气污浊的酒馆。

    a smoky, stuffy pub

  6. 长期得烟雾使得大烟山更加烟雾弥漫。

    Chronic haze has made the Smoky Mountains smokier.

  7. 长期的烟雾使得大烟山更加烟雾弥漫。

    Chronic haze has made the Smoky Mountains smokier.

  8. 在烟雾弥漫中,我看不见她。

    I couldn't see her through the haze of smoke.

  9. 你的爱隐藏在烟雾弥漫得夜晚

    Your love hides in a smoky night,.

  10. 这屋子是烟雾弥漫的,我就离开它。

    The house is smoky, and I quit it.

  11. 消防队员用呼吸设备在烟雾弥漫的地方呼吸。

    Firemen use breathing equipment to breathe in smoky places.

  12. 既热又不通风,空气烟雾弥漫,显得无比沉闷。

    Hot and stuffy and the air was blue with smoke.

  13. 既热又不通风,空气烟雾弥漫,显得无比沉闷。

    Hot and stuffy and the air was blue with smoke.

  14. 在香烟的烟雾弥漫中,我简直看不见她。

    I could hardly see her through the haze of cigaret smoke.

  15. 她在烟雾弥漫的酒吧深处唱着布鲁斯歌曲。

    She was in the back of a smoky bar singing the blues.

  16. 他们从风雪中走进烟雾弥漫, 热气腾腾的山洞里。

    They had come in out of the storm to the smoky warmth of the cave.

  17. 几分钟后,它就在烟雾弥漫中沉没在波涛之下了。

    A few minutes later she had vanished beneath the waves amidst a vast pall of smoke.

  18. 色彩缤纷的鲜花, 在烟雾弥漫的空气里, 显得分外赏心悦目。

    The color of the flowers gave a sparkle to the smoky air.

  19. 这个乐队在城里每一家烟雾弥漫的低级夜总会演出。

    The band played in every smoky dive in town.

  20. 昨天在一辆烟雾弥漫的汽车中发现了一具男尸。

    The body of a man was found in a fume filled car yesterday.

  21. 虽在烟雾弥漫,弹片横飞之中,而我们还是镇定不乱。

    Amid all the fumes and hurtling missiles we kept our heads.

  22. 空中弥漫着烟雾。

    Smoke hangs in the air.

  23. 弥漫的烟雾, 天边的云彩

    Plooms of smoke and high clouds

  24. 空气里弥漫着烟雾和尘埃。

    The air is loaded with smoke and dirt.

  25. 弥漫的烟雾中我看到你那张忧郁的脸。

    Through the air with smoke did I read ur gloomy face.

  26. 厚厚的氮气组成的大气层你弥漫着烟雾和云。

    The thick nitrogen atmosphere holds fog, mist, smoggy haze and rain clouds.

  27. 空气中弥漫着废烟雾。

    The air was loaded with smog.

  28. 这些烟雾无处不在,弥漫于整个土卫六

    This haze is ubiquitous, it's completely global and enveloping Titan.

  29. 热浪是压倒性的, 空气里弥漫着浓重的烟雾。

    The heat was oppressive, and the air was thick with itching smoke.

  30. 里面的天花板低小, 灯光昏暗, 空气中弥漫着陈腐的烟雾。

    Inside the ceilings are low, the lighting dingy and the air thick with stale smoke.


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