
















  1. In Israel a huge swarm of jellyfish recently clogged up the seawater supply used for cooling purposes in a nuclear power station in Hadera.


  2. The Great Sphinx in Egypt might have originally had the face of a lion (see photo), a UK geologist claimed recently.


  3. If the director fails to comply with subsection (1), he shall be liable to a fine and, for continued default, to a daily default fine.


  4. Dust trails laid down at various perihelion returns during the 19th century seem to have been responsible for the last two main outbursts.


  5. CFA Institute may only verify for an employer the receipt of any recent payments they have made on your behalf.


  6. China's middle class may be booming, but a majority of respondents to a recent survey said they do not feel so wealthy.


  7. Recently, a local television station secretly filmed a hospital official trying to sell a double-jaw procedure to a woman.


  8. He recently said he had signed deals to publish an autobiography that, he told a British newspaper, might be worth $1. 7 million.


  9. Our traveller, Mr. J. , Will be in London shortly, when he will submit you some of our newest goods.


  1. 近日点通过

    perihelion passage.

  2. 近日多务。

    There is much to be dealt with recently.

  3. 近日的手稿

    a manuscript of a low date.

  4. 近日节律基因

    circadian rhythm gene.

  5. 近日点角距

    argument of perihelion.

  6. 近日点黄经

    longitude of perihelion.

  7. 南非近日的动乱

    the recent trouble in South Africa

  8. 已近日落时分了。

    It is getting along towards sundown.

  9. 近日风向已转北了。

    The wind has veered round to the north recently.

  10. 近日他溃疡病症状加剧。

    For several days, he has had an exacerbation of ulcer symptoms.

  11. 美如维纳斯,近日即降临。

    Beauty of Venus, come forth this day.

  12. 专此奉覆你近日的来函。

    I am writing with rerspect to your recent letter.

  13. 他问她近日在做些什么。

    He asks her what she has been doing all those days.

  14. 寒潮近日席卷欧洲多个国家。

    The recent cold wave sweeping across many European countries.

  15. 安康警方披露近日破获该案。

    The police in Ankang disclosed that they had uncovered this theft.

  16. 近日将有几部新片上映。

    A number of new films will be shown in the next few days.

  17. 据报告近日气温将明显下降。

    It is reported that the temperature will decline sharply in one or two days.

  18. 近日颁布了打击恐怖主义的法令。

    Recently, decrees were issued to clamp down on terrorism.

  19. 近日颁布了打击恐怖主义的法令。

    Recently, decrees were issued to clamp down on terrorism.

  20. 近日科技股走高是个好现象。

    The current run up of tech stocks is a positive sign.

  21. 近日,又一桩政治丑闻曝光了。

    Another political scandal has recently come to light.

  22. 近日, 大熊猫世界频频传出好消息。

    It was a big news day in the panda world.

  23. 周杰伦旧疾脊椎炎近日发作。

    Jay Chou spondylitis attack in recent days.

  24. 近日,北京师范大学文物博物馆开馆。

    Recently the Beijing Normal University Museum of Antiquities opened its doors.

  25. 儿童血压和心率近日节律的特征

    Characters of circadian rhythms of blood pressure and heart rate in children

  26. 我看他却不在现时,我望他却不在近日。

    I see him, but not now; I behold him, but not near.

  27. 近日,将逃匿往深圳得李某抓获。

    Recently, will abscond toward Shenzhen's Li to capture.

  28. 近日,将逃匿往深圳的李某抓获。

    Recently, will abscond toward Shenzhen's Li to capture.

  29. 近日在网上看到一则漫画,如下

    Following is the caricature posted online recently

  30. 济宁火车站翻建工程近日正式开工。

    The renovation project of Jining Railway Station will officially kick off in a few days.


  1. 问:近日拼音怎么拼?近日的读音是什么?近日翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近日的读音是jìnrì,近日翻译成英文是 in the past few days; in the next few days...

  2. 问:近日点拼音怎么拼?近日点的读音是什么?近日点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近日点的读音是,近日点翻译成英文是 perihelion

  3. 问:近日点月拼音怎么拼?近日点月的读音是什么?近日点月翻译成英文是什么?

    答:近日点月的读音是jìn rì diǎn yuè,近日点月翻译成英文是 anomalistic month