







汉语拼音:rì qián









  1. 往日;以前。

    宋 朱熹 《答吕子约书》之三二:“年来觉得日前为学不得要领,自做身主不起,反为文字夺却精神。”《醒世恒言·勘皮靴单证二郎神》:“日前不作亏心事,半夜敲门不吃惊。” 沈从文 《会明》:“住在村落中的乡下人,却早已全数被迫迁往深山中去了。数日来,看看情形不甚紧张,渐渐的,日前迁往深山的乡下人,就有很多悄悄的仍然回到村中看视他们的田园的。”

  2. 犹目前。


  3. 几天前。

    鲁迅 《书信集·致韦素园》:“日前得来函,在匆忙中,未即复。” 鲁迅 《书信集·致许寿裳》:“日前从 铭伯先生 处得知夫人逝去,大出意外!”



  1. A still photo has been released lately to give audiences a glimpse of him in the new film, "The Sorcerer and the White Snake" .

  2. He said that a few nights before Jason's arrival a very strange dream had come to him in his sleep.

  3. weighing more than 110 carats - roughly the size of a woman's thumb - has gone on display in London's Natural History Museum.

  4. canadian man has sued a vancouver - area strip club , claiming he was injured by a " reckless " exotic dancer who kicked him in the head.

  5. So I emailed Mr Gao, now back in Beijing, asking him to repeat and expand on what he said yesterday.

  6. He was one of the few players from that squad to keep his place in the national team after Menezes took over.

  7. Niger's Consultative Council has suggested that only those with a university degree should be allowed to run in presidential elections.

  8. Surprisingly, though, a recently constructed bridge is often one of them.

  9. About a month before the anniversary, Shriver wrote on her Facebook page that she was going through a transition in her life.


  1. 到期日或到期日前

    On or before due date

  2. 日前酒店门半开,

    And lately, by the Tavern door agape,

  3. 马莉。温克尔日前出狱。

    Mary Winkler is out of jail.

  4. 请于7月21日前答覆。

    Reply by no later than 21 July.

  5. 我们必须在12月31日前辞职。

    We have to vacate these offices by December 31 st.

  6. 货物于7月20日前到达目的地。

    Our shipment can reach destination before July20.

  7. 我在星期日前听你调遣。

    I am at your disposal until Sunday.

  8. 申请书必须在4月30日前送交。

    Applications must be in by 30 April.

  9. 戈登威利斯日前去世,享年82岁。

    Gordon Willis has died aged82.

  10. 请于2007年8月31日前捐款。谢谢。

    Please donate on or before August 31, 2007.Thanks.

  11. 您不该在到期日前提取存款。

    You shouldn't withdraw your funds before maturity date.

  12. 申请信要在10月31日前寄到。

    Send your application to arrive by 29 October.

  13. 刚好在发薪日前我已一文不名。

    I am broke now that it's just before payday.

  14. 我们决定周日前完成这项工作。

    We determine to get the work done before Sunday.

  15. 请在六月三十日前交论文。

    Please hand in your paper before June thirtieth.

  16. 请将4月30日前的帐目寄来。

    Please send your accounts for the period finishing with 30 April.

  17. 西气东输工程建设日前竣工。

    The project of transferring natural gas from West to the East has been successful.

  18. 标签上印着请于7月14日前食用。

    Eat before Jul 14 was stamped on the label.

  19. 海外送货,请于最少1日前订购。

    At least 1 day advance for overseas order.

  20. 我想在下月10日前人就在上海了。

    I am going to Shanghai on10th next month.

  21. 你要在1月16日前送交参赛表格。

    Send in your entry forms before January 16 th.

  22. 日前, 乔娜迎来了她得18岁生日。

    On the other day, tall elegantly welcomed her 18 th birthday.

  23. 日前,乔娜迎来了她的18岁生日。

    On the other day, tall elegantly welcomed her 18 th birthday.

  24. 集团日前正在上海招聘所述职位。

    The Group is now applications for the following vacancies in Shanghai.

  25. 两日前, 我访问了布鲁塞尔。

    Two days ago, I was in Brussels.

  26. 命令已于这个项目十日前发出。

    The order went forth ten days before the project.

  27. 命令已于这个项目十日前发出。

    The order went forth ten days before the project.

  28. 标签上盖有7月14日前食用得戳记。

    Eat before JULY 14 was stamped on the label.

  29. 标签上盖有7月14日前食用的戳记。

    Eat before JULY 14 was stamped on the label.

  30. 请将4月30日前得帐目寄来。

    Please send your accounts for the period finishing with 30 April.


  1. 问:日前拼音怎么拼?日前的读音是什么?日前翻译成英文是什么?

    答:日前的读音是rìqián,日前翻译成英文是 a few days ago