




1. 扎 [zā]2. 扎 [zhā]3. 扎 [zhá]扎 [zā]捆,缠束:~辫子。~腿。把儿,捆儿:一~线。扎 [zhā]刺:~针。~花。驻、扎:~营。钻:扎猛子。扎 [zhá]〔~挣〕方言,勉强支持(“挣”读轻声)。……



汉语拼音:zhù zhā







  1. 亦作“ 住札 ”。军队或官吏住在某地执行任务。

    元 郑德辉 《三战吕布》第一折:“今闻知 吕布 领兵前来,住紥於 虎牢关 下。”《三国演义》第十九回:“ 云长 曰:‘我在 海州 路上住紥,探得消息,故来至此。’” 明 张居正 《乞鉴别忠邪以定国是疏》:“其餘各官,皆奉差有事,及本地方住札者,适会臣父葬期,遂弔祭於邱壠。”



  1. However, just as the state does not control all the country, nor does Mr Zardari control all the state.


  2. The KGB was still a threatening presence, housed, appropriately, in the building that had once been the Gestapo headquarters.


  3. Under an agreement with Israel, 750 Egyptian troops were deployed this week on the Egyptian side of the border.


  4. His symptoms began on 10 May 2009 and he was admitted to Zagazig Fever Hospital on 11 May.


  5. Because they think I will deal with things, to harden the wrist manage and Zaitsev.


  1. 一旦在这里住扎下来。

    Once we're estabiished here.

  2. 护士扎住了他流血得手指。

    The nurse tied off his bleeding finger.

  3. 护士扎住了他流血的手指。

    The nurse tied off his bleeding finger.

  4. 然后或许你可以用别针为我扎住。

    And then maybe you can pin it up for me.

  5. 过去的英国少女在15岁左右就把头发向上扎住。

    Young English girls in the past put up their hair at about 15 years of age.

  6. 过去得英国少女在15岁左右就把头发向上扎住。

    Young English girls in the past put up their hair at about 15 years of age.

  7. 我丈夫体重下降很多,所以只得系根带子将裤子扎住。

    My husband lost so much weight that he has to wear a belt to keep his trousers up.

  8. 把插装头按进预先钻好的安装孔直至锁住,然后扎紧电线。

    The cartridge head in advance according to drill into good installation holes until lock, then tied the electric wire.

  9. 用一根橡皮筋把这些书扎住。

    Put a rubber band round these books.

  10. 扎紧烧之前捆住或串起的翅膀或腿

    To bind or skewer the wings or legs of before cooking.

  11. 温斯顿把扎住工作服的一根绳子解开。

    Winston undid the bit of string that held his overalls together.

  12. 小蠕虫能从头部射出一只叉子来扎住它的猎物。

    One little worm can shoot a harpoon out of itshead to stab its prey.

  13. 我该告诉克莱门扎让一些人来住在这房子里吗

    Shall I tell Clemenza to have some men come live in the house

  14. 我们不知道扎拉住在哪里

    We don't know where Zarra lives.

  15. 麻袋装得过满扎不住袋口

    Bind the sack before it be full.

  16. 我知道扎拉的爸爸住在墨西哥

    I know Zarra's dad lives in Mexico.

  17. 解开扎绳,捏住粽叶柄环绕剥开即可。

    Unravel the strand, pinch the leaf steam, and peel the circled leaf.

  18. 我朋友扎拉可以在你那里住一晚吗

    Can my friend Zarra stay with you?

  19. 据称,卡扎菲的儿子中至少有一人住在伦敦的避难所里。

    At least one of Mr Qaddafis sons is said to keep a bolthole in the metropolis.

  20. 别试着去接住下掉的刀子, 它会把你的手扎得血淋淋的!

    Be not trying the knife which meets stays, it can grip bloody yours hand!

  21. 每一木箱装十罐,用钉子钉住,并用整条的金属条捆扎牢。

    Ten tins are packed in a wooden case, which is nailed, and secured by overall metal strapping.

  22. 在地里干活的人都得戴风镜, 把手帕扎在脸上, 蒙住鼻子。

    Men working in the fields wore goggles and tied handkerchiefs around their noses to keep the dirt out.

  23. 你能帮我压住包裹让我捆扎一下吗?

    Can you hold this parcel for me so I can tape it up?