




1. 予 [yú]2. 予 [yǔ]予 [yú]同“余”,我:~智自雄(自夸聪明,妄自夸大)。~取~求(原指从我这里取,从我这里求;后指任意索取)。予 [yǔ]给与:~以。赐~。赋~。给~。生杀~夺(亦作“生杀与夺”)。……



汉语拼音:fù yǔ





交给;给予: 实现四个现代化,是历史~我们的光荣任务。



  1. 给与;交给。

    《汉书·陈汤传》:“凡斩閼氏、太子、名王以下千五百一十八级,生虏百四十五人,降虏千餘人,赋予城郭诸国所发十五王。” 宋 陆游 《午枕》诗:“老夫享此七十年,每愧天公赋予偏。” 郭澄清 《大刀记》第三章:“坚决完成党赋予我的这项光荣使命。”



  1. Love has it all gently falls to the lonely melting heart, and giving it a fresh new start.

  2. the deliberate slowness of her movements and conversation , arising from weak health , gave her an air of dignity which inspired respect.

  3. Billie Holiday's reputation as a jazz-blued singer rests on her ability to give her emotional depth to her songs.

  4. Japan's currency is higher across the board, however, as the country's trade surplus confers it a peculiar "safe haven" status.

  5. He is endowed with all the great virtues of a great man; has no enmities, no dislikes for any human being.

  6. Then the criminal law should endow the victims in the cases of public prosecution with right to appeal, equal to that of the accused.

  7. When Craig McCracken created the Powerpuff Girls show, he deliberately gave it what he thought was a 'Japanese look. '

  8. As a brand, it has the thinking, sensibility and sense of worth. All this humanistic soul is given by culture.

  9. Man alone can be freed from body to think with God, to talk with God and be inspired by His centering Light.


  1. 给遗产赋予

    To give a dower to endow.

  2. 被赋予生命。

    We have been given life.

  3. 赋予散发香气

    impart lift.

  4. 光荣赋予希腊

    To The Glory That Was Greece.

  5. 题名, 赋予权利。

    The ticket can entitle you to have a free meal at the hotel.

  6. 赋予突出香韵

    impart predominant note.

  7. 赋予故事以寓意

    Attach a moral to a story

  8. 赋予活力或热情

    To impart life or zest to.

  9. 赋予买方的权力

    The rights granted to the Buyer

  10. 赋予公司开业权

    To entitle the company to commence business.

  11. 赋予新的使用价值

    endow them with new use values

  12. 赋予男女工人选举权

    to enfranchise working men and women

  13. 被赋予人的形体

    to be incarnated in human form

  14. 赋予了我管辖权。

    Which gives me jurisdiction over you.

  15. 生命是上天赋予的。

    Life is given to us.

  16. 给生活赋予了意义

    That's the value of living.

  17. 他们被赋予了权力。

    The consumer is empowered.

  18. 赋予生命力使有生气

    To endow with life animate.

  19. 光荣赋予心灵以力量。

    Glory give the heart strength.

  20. 被赋予权力或继承权。

    to be given by right or inheritance.

  21. 灵魂为躯体赋予活力。

    The soul is the quickener of the body.

  22. 好老师赋予学生智慧。

    Good teachers impart wisdom to his students.

  23. 公司赋予的其他职责。

    Other responsibilities assigned by the company.

  24. 他祈求上帝赋予他智慧。

    He prayed to God to endue him with wisdom.

  25. 赋予薄膜制品透气性。

    To increase the vapor permeability of film products.

  26. 将此材质赋予球天。

    Apply this material to your sphere.

  27. 但不可赋予它空值。

    But a null value cannot be assigned to it.

  28. 赋予了她神秘的身世。

    Give her a mysterious birth.

  29. 赋予人的性格,拟人化

    To endow with personal qualitiespersonify.

  30. 天赋予她美丽和聪明。

    Nature had endowed her with beauty and intelligence.


  1. 问:赋予拼音怎么拼?赋予的读音是什么?赋予翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赋予的读音是fùyǔ,赋予翻译成英文是 give

  2. 问:赋予权利拼音怎么拼?赋予权利的读音是什么?赋予权利翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赋予权利的读音是fùyǔquánlì,赋予权利翻译成英文是 grant rights

  3. 问:赋予个性拼音怎么拼?赋予个性的读音是什么?赋予个性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赋予个性的读音是,赋予个性翻译成英文是 individualise

  4. 问:赋予人性拼音怎么拼?赋予人性的读音是什么?赋予人性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赋予人性的读音是,赋予人性翻译成英文是 humanise

  5. 问:赋予元气拼音怎么拼?赋予元气的读音是什么?赋予元气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赋予元气的读音是,赋予元气翻译成英文是 inspirit

  6. 问:赋予射向拼音怎么拼?赋予射向的读音是什么?赋予射向翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赋予射向的读音是fù yǔ shè xiàng,赋予射向翻译成英文是 Laid

  7. 问:赋予灵魂拼音怎么拼?赋予灵魂的读音是什么?赋予灵魂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赋予灵魂的读音是,赋予灵魂翻译成英文是 ensoul

  8. 问:赋予特权拼音怎么拼?赋予特权的读音是什么?赋予特权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赋予特权的读音是fù yǔ tè quán,赋予特权翻译成英文是 franchise

  9. 问:赋予生命拼音怎么拼?赋予生命的读音是什么?赋予生命翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赋予生命的读音是,赋予生命翻译成英文是 vitalise

  10. 问:赋予行为拼音怎么拼?赋予行为的读音是什么?赋予行为翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赋予行为的读音是fù yǔ xíng wéi,赋予行为翻译成英文是 entrustment

  11. 问:赋予资格拼音怎么拼?赋予资格的读音是什么?赋予资格翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赋予资格的读音是,赋予资格翻译成英文是 qualificatio

  12. 问:赋予优先权拼音怎么拼?赋予优先权的读音是什么?赋予优先权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赋予优先权的读音是fù yǔ yōu xiān quán,赋予优先权翻译成英文是 Le action bien gist.

  13. 问:赋予免疫性拼音怎么拼?赋予免疫性的读音是什么?赋予免疫性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:赋予免疫性的读音是,赋予免疫性翻译成英文是 immunise


