




1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……



汉语拼音:suǒ yào








  1. 讨取。

    元 史九敬先 《庄周梦》第四折:“我今还为 李府尹 。问他索要家下人口房屋,看他説什么。” 老舍 《新时代的旧悲剧》二:“他们用最粗暴的语气索要一个最小的筹码。”



  1. Since the beginning of this year, from the office, from colleagues in private there, ask for and collect some green leaves to.

  2. The hunter reached out for the bird. "I will have to kill it, " he said. "The bird will soon die anyway. "

  3. Allison Taylor used to ask her husband and family for vouchers for luxury body-care products and Tiffany jewellery for special occasions.

  4. If someone asks you to autograph a copy of your book, you should feel just as honored as you did the first time it happened.

  5. On the exhibition, two lovely girls of sixteen or seventeen came to me to ask for my signature.

  6. And that's why like, I. . . you know, I ask fore-mails and I ask for pictures, but then again, it's hard to be the boss lady.

  7. Lose money playing games, video game room to ask the boss to no avail in the case, Pingmou even spilled gasoline ignited in his head.

  8. Subsequently, some moneylender Shi Guobao and others that the inability to develop news, began to ask for the principal.

  9. Nigerian policemen are known to ask for "a little something for the weekend" .


  1. 索要开销收据。

    Get a receipt for your expenses.

  2. 他索要最高价。

    He charges top whack.

  3. 索要的价钱, 费用

    Charge n. The price asked or paid for an article or service

  4. 索要得价钱,费用

    Charge n. The price asked or paid for an article or service.

  5. 公然索要爆头脚本!

    Would you give me your Headshot Script?

  6. 房东向我索要房租。

    The landlord came down on me for the rents

  7. 如何向作者索要原文?

    How to get an original paper?

  8. 他们向我们索要高价。

    They asked us to pay a rate above average.

  9. 他们向我们索要高价。

    They asked us to pay a rate above average.

  10. 他们索要工程进度报告。

    They asked for a progress report on the project.

  11. 请务必索要购物小票。

    Make sure you get a receipt.

  12. 请务必索要购物小票。

    Make sure you get a receipt.

  13. 他去信索要一些目录。

    He wrote away for some catalogues.

  14. 她竟厚颜无耻地索要回扣。

    Brashly, she asked for a rebate.

  15. 她竟厚颜无耻地索要回扣。

    Brashly, she asked for a rebate.

  16. 索要金钱让他们有些不安。

    The request for money made them feel uncomfortable.

  17. 他毫无廉耻地索要更多。

    Unabashedly,he asked for more.

  18. 我们去函索要了新目录。

    We send off for the new catalogue.

  19. 法院索要了她的医疗记录

    And, uh, they subpoenaed her medical records.

  20. 方法将检索要停止的进程。

    Method to retrieve the process you want to stop.

  21. 我决定回长沙去索要理由。

    I decide to go back to Changsha to ask for an explanation.

  22. 他无法直接出口索要礼物啊。

    He was unable to direct export demand gifts ah.

  23. 该公司向刑事被告索要赔偿。

    The company demanded compensation from the accused.

  24. 有人向她索要过签名吗?

    Does she ever get asked for her autograph?

  25. 索要一份社会安全利益报告。

    To order a Social Security Benefit Statement. SocialSecurity.

  26. 你不该索要如此高的价钱。

    You should not demand such an excessive charge.

  27. 他们又没来向我们索要钱财。

    They're not asking us for money.

  28. 法院索要了佐拉的医疗记录

    They've subpoenaed Zola's medical records.

  29. 他们写了信索要那种小册子。

    They wrote off for the special booklet.

  30. 公众指控医生向病人索要钱财。

    The public charge that the doctors in public hospitals demand money from patients.


  1. 问:索要拼音怎么拼?索要的读音是什么?索要翻译成英文是什么?

    答:索要的读音是suǒyào,索要翻译成英文是 to ask for; claim; demand



发音:suǒ yào

解释:讨取,索取 翻译:ask for, ask for sth 元 史九敬先 《庄周梦》第四折:“我今还为李府尹 。问他索要家下人口房屋,看他说什么。” 老舍 《新时代的旧悲剧》二:“他们用最粗暴的语气索要一个最小的筹码。”