




1. 付 [fù]付 [fù]交,给:支~。托~。~款。~梓(把稿件交付刊印)。~讫。~出。~与。~之一笑。~诸东流。量词,指中药(亦作“服”):一~药。……



汉语拼音:bō fù






  1. 调拨款项付给。

    《宋史·职官志七》:“詔将本年分马纲钱价,责茶马司拨付 湖广 总领所,劳付军官自买土马。” 章裕昆 《文学社武昌首义纪实·文学社与共进会之筹商合作》:“ 杨玉如 谓 孙武 有款甚鉅,拟拨付文学社充补助费。”



  1. It was relatively easy to find almost $300bn in spending that would be disbursed quickly and have high multiplier effects on the economy.


  2. In the meantime, her organisation, funded entirely by a government grant, is trying to go about business as usual.


  3. The aggregate operating fund appropriated by a currency brokerage company to its branches shall not exceed 50% of its registered capital.


  4. Mr Bush now wants to ask Congress for more money to carry on a proposed weapons-modernisation plan.


  5. and for the committed projects, Party B shall make a prior arrangement in its annual credit lending plan and ensure the on time fund supply.


  6. peace-building usually comes out of development budgets. They tend to be slow, wasting precious months.


  7. The centralgovernment has never been good at disbursing budget allocations, andlower-level governments are worse.


  8. Her budget for boosting marriage is tiny: $100m a year, or about what the Defence Department spends every two hours.


  9. The out-contracting units shall appropriate project funds in a timely manner in accordance with the provisions of the contracts.


  1. 利润拨付利润分配

    appropriation of profits allocation of profits.

  2. 利润分配利润拨付

    allocation of profits appropriation of profits,.

  3. 救灾应急资金拨付机制。

    Disaster relief emergency fund appropriation mechanism.

  4. 经费由教育部核准和拨付。

    Funding is approved and disbursed by the Ministry of Education.

  5. 您的费用我们已经拨付给您了。

    We have already appropriated the reimbursement for approved expenses to you.

  6. 严格审核资金拨付, 强化事中监督。

    In addition, we have strictly examined the allotment of fund, and intensified inspection in the process.

  7. 这一点可以通过拨付新的资源来实现。

    This could be achieved through the allocation of new resources.

  8. 购买设备的支出将从失业基金中拨付。

    The expenditure for purchasing the equipment will be paid from the Unemployment Fund.

  9. 廉政公署的经费由政府一般收入中拨付。

    The expenses of the Commission shall be charged to the general revenue.

  10. 拨付资金从普通基金支付债券本金和利息。

    Appropriates money from the General Fund to pay bond principal and interest.

  11. 因此,我打算寻求由经常预算拨付这笔经费。

    It is therefore my intention to seek such funding from the regular budget.

  12. 政府还为经商和经营企业的妇女拨付贷款。

    Loans were also granted to women by the Government to participate in business and run enterprises.

  13. 财政部负责贴息资金的审核, 拨付, 监督检查工作。

    The Ministry of Finance shall take charge of the examination and approval, appropriation, supervision and inspection of such funds.

  14. 政府承诺通过国家预算向项目方案的运作拨付款项。

    Government committed funds for the programme from the state budget.

  15. 政府承诺通过国家预算向项目方案得运作拨付款项。

    Government committed funds for the programme from the state budget.

  16. 英格兰地方教育当局义务教育经费拨付制度及启示

    The System of Allocation Funds for Compulsory Education by the Local Educational Authorities in England Its Implications

  17. 而任何此等酬金或款项须从政府一般收入中拨付。

    As may be prescribed and any such remuneration or payment shall be charged on the general revenue.

  18. 第8条公粮经收 保管 加工及拨付,得由委讬仓库办理。

    Article 8 The public stock may be collected, stored, milled and distributed by the mandated warehouses.

  19. 族群和回返部需要加速族群发展与稳定项目资金的拨付。

    The Ministry of Communities and Returns needs to accelerate the disbursement of funds for community development and stabilization projects.

  20. 则拨付予公司的款额须扣除任何有关得益的款额或价值。

    The amount to be paid to the company shall be reduced by the amount or value of any such benefit.

  21. 这些钱必须从经济增长与削减的福利及教育开支中拨付。

    The money must come from economic growth and cuts in spending on welfare and education.

  22. 他将向部长们寻求关于从中央基金中拨付行政管理费用的承诺。

    He would be seeking assurances from ministers that administrative costs would be covered from central funds.


  1. 问:拨付拼音怎么拼?拨付的读音是什么?拨付翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拨付的读音是bōfù,拨付翻译成英文是 to set apart a sum of money for a specific use...

  2. 问:拨付凭单拼音怎么拼?拨付凭单的读音是什么?拨付凭单翻译成英文是什么?

    答:拨付凭单的读音是bō fù píng dān,拨付凭单翻译成英文是 invoice of transfer



bō fù ㄅㄛ ㄈㄨˋ 拨付 调拨款项付给。《宋史·职官志七》:“诏将本年分马纲钱价,责茶马司拨付 湖广 总领所,劳付军官自买土马。” 章裕昆 《文学社武昌首义纪实·文学社与共进会之筹商合作》:“ 杨玉如 谓 孙武 有款甚钜,拟拨付文学社充补助费。”