


天刚黑的时候:黄~。~晓(朝夕。亦指明暗)。~定晨省(xǐng )(人子侍奉父母的日常礼节,晚上服侍就寝,早上省视问安)。暗而无光:~暗。~黑。惑乱:~愦。~聩。~庸。神智不清楚或失去知觉:发~。~厥(亦称“晕厥”)。~乱。古同“婚”,婚姻……





汉语拼音:hūn huáng








  1. 黄昏。

    唐 李颀 《古从军》诗:“白日登山望烽火,昏黄饮马傍 交河 。” 宋 王观 《临江仙》词:“燕子归来人去也,此时无奈昏黄。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·种植·木本》:“此树朝开暮合,每至昏黄,枝叶互相交结,是名合欢。” 郭沫若 《屈原赋今译·天问》:“它到底走了多少里程,从清早直到昏黄?”

  2. 暗淡模糊的黄色。

    唐 韩偓 《曲江晚思》诗:“水冷鷺鷥立,烟月愁昏黄。” 明 汪道昆 《洛水悲》:“空山晚翠,古渡昏黄,日云暮矣。” 清 龚自珍 《菩萨蛮·四月十九日薄暮即事》词:“楼外月昏黄,口脂闻暗香。” 叶圣陶 《线下·潘先生在难中》:“电灯亮了一会了,仿佛比平时昏黄一点,望去好像一切的人物都在雾里梦里。”

  3. 指黑暗的时代。

    鲁迅 《坟·科学史教篇》:“迄今所述,止于昏黄,若去而求明星於尔时,则亦有可言者一二。”



  1. I do not know when, accompanied by me, is no longer the moonlight Jie Jiao, only yellow lights going from bad to worse.


  2. A little yellow light went on in one of the scratched windows and someone began to curse.


  3. Sitting in the semi-darkness, listening to the all-male choir in red cassocks, it was hard not to feel transported back in time.


  4. A faint yellow tone came into the sky over the low land.


  5. In the dim lamplight, a spin, one look seem to have taken the psychedelic colour, let a person forget about spacetime.


  6. Robert Jordan looked up at the thick gray of the sky with the sun gone faintly yellow.


  7. Suddenly he descried a dim yellow light moving noiselessly towards him from the far end of a long lane.


  8. In the dark I lit a candle, dim the flame gently beating, it is still the heartbeat.


  9. In the dim light inside the room, I could see it was a very simple and crude room with nothing but bare walls.


  1. 莺乌泣昏黄。

    Sundown sees crows shed blood with wails.

  2. 整日凝视地平线变幻昏黄

    Gaze at horizon all day long

  3. 昏黄的灯光照在桌子上。

    The lamp shed a yellow glow on to the desk.

  4. 昏黄得灯光照在桌子上。

    The lamp shed a yellow glow on to the desk.

  5. 点点昏黄的火球,就是那无数的电灯。

    Hundreds of light bulbs gleamed dim and yellow.

  6. 低低的陆地上空, 出现了昏黄的色彩。

    A faint yellow tone came into the sky over the low land.

  7. 点点昏黄得火球, 就是那无数得电灯。

    Hundreds of light bulbs gleamed dim and yellow.

  8. 在前廊昏黄的亮光里, 他凝神望着她。

    He looked at her intently in the faint light of the porch.

  9. 一钩新月慢慢消失在昏黄的云彩里去了。

    Into the dim clouds was swimming a crescent moon.

  10. 那半个月亮仍悬在半空,发出昏黄的光。

    The moon still hangs low in the sky, casting dim yellow light.

  11. 屋外有一盏微弱昏黄的灯向屋内射向光芒。

    There is a weak and dusky light outdoors to shot into ray of light inside house.

  12. 的, 在昏黄光线下, 看着有点像是兔子。

    of, under the dusky ray, looking at to have a little is like a rabbit.

  13. 街灯暗淡地照着,像雾中一些昏黄得斑点似得。

    The gas street lamps glowed dully, blobs of yellow in the fog.

  14. 谁能抓住十月昏黄午日的熠熠之美?

    The beauty that shimmers in the yellow afternoons of October, who ever could clutch it

  15. 谁能抓住十月昏黄午日得熠熠之美?

    The beauty that shimmers in the yellow afternoons of October, who ever could clutch it.

  16. 昏黄与粉色调的交织,轻轻演绎永久不变的爱的主题。

    The melt of slim yellow and pink is deducing the subject of love forever.

  17. 随著太阳西下,各种色彩变得越来越昏黄不清了。

    The colors became fainter and fainter as the sun sank.

  18. 一缕昏黄的阳光,透过薄纱窗帘,斜照在桌上。

    A yellow beam of sunlight, filtering through the muslin curtains, slanted on to the table.

  19. 昏黄与粉色调得交织, 轻轻演绎永久不变得爱得主题。

    The melt of slim yellow and pink is deducing the subject of love forever.

  20. 艾希礼、皮蒂姑妈和英迪亚坐在昏黄的灯光下。

    There, in the yellow lamplight were Ashley, Aunt Pitty and India.

  21. 风沙击打着车窗, 把平原和天空融合成一道昏黄得光线。

    It whined against our windows and liquefied the plain and sky to a single, yellowed light.

  22. 这是一个有着原质木门、低矮的桌椅和昏黄灯光的酒吧。

    This bar has a wooden gate made of raw logs. The tables and chairs are low and the lights are yellowish dim.

  23. 在昏黄的灯光下, 密斯范红着脸很快乐的样子, 似乎毫不介意。

    In the dingy yellow electric light Miss Fan looked flushed and happy and did not seem to mind at all.

  24. 虽然在昏黄色白色钻石是不可取,激烈奔放黄色必争之地。

    Although faint yellow in white diamonds is not desirable, fancy intense yellow is sought after.


  1. 问:昏黄拼音怎么拼?昏黄的读音是什么?昏黄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:昏黄的读音是hūnhuáng,昏黄翻译成英文是 dim



详细释义 基本解释 [yellowish] 黄昏;形容天色、灯光等呈幽暗的黄色或有风沙的天色 日落的时候,天地间一片昏黄 详细解释 1. 黄昏。 唐 李颀 《古从军》诗:“白日登山望烽火,昏黄饮马傍 交河 。” 宋 王观 《临江仙》词:“燕子归来人去也,此时无奈昏黄。” 清 李渔 《闲情偶寄·种植·木本》:“此树朝开暮合,每至昏黄,枝叶互相交结,是名合欢。” 郭沫若 《屈原赋今译·天问》:“它到底走了多少里程,从清早直到昏黄?” 2. 暗淡模糊的黄色。 唐 韩偓 《曲江晚思》诗:“水冷鹭鸶立,烟月愁昏黄。” 明 汪道昆 《洛水悲》:“空山晚翠,古渡昏黄,日云暮矣。” 清 龚自珍 《菩萨蛮·四月十九日薄暮即事》词:“楼外月昏黄,口脂闻暗香。” 叶圣陶 《线下·潘先生在难中》:“电灯亮了一会了,仿佛比平时昏黄一点,望去好像一切的人物都在雾里梦里。” 3. 指黑暗的时代。 鲁迅 《坟·科学史教篇》:“迄今所述,止于昏黄,若去而求明星於尔时,则亦有可言者一二。”