


圈子,环绕:~围。~天。~转(zhuǎn )。~匝(a.环绕;b.周到)。普遍、全面:~身。~延。~全。~游。时期的一轮,亦特指一个星期:~岁。~年。~期。~星(十二年)。上~。完备:~到。~密。~详。~正(端正)。~折(事情进行不顺利)。……





汉语拼音:zhōu zāo







  1. 周围。

    唐 刘禹锡 《石头城》诗:“山围故国周遭在,潮打空城寂寞回。” 宋 王安石 《移桃花》诗:“晴沟涨春緑周遭,俯视行影移渔舠。” 清 俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷一:“朱阑周遭,设青幕障之。” 王西彦 《古屋》第四部一:“我在花台边一个破缺的石凳上坐下,巡视着周遭的一切。”

  2. 四周;周围。

    金 元好问 《乡郡杂诗》之四:“新堂縹緲接飞楼,云锦週遭霜树秋。” 清 洪昇 《长生殿·疑谶》:“见四週遭粉壁上,都画着《醉仙图》。” 清 李调元 《金殿》诗:“祈福王孙内府空,週遭尽是渗金铜。”

  3. 指环绕一圈。

    宋 杨万里 《雨后郡圃行散》诗:“ 剑池 一日百週遭,雨后闲来照鬢毛。” 明 汤显祖 《牡丹亭·御淮》:“你看俺 溜金王 手下,雄兵万餘,把 淮阴 城围了七週遭。”



  1. "What's the matter, Mr. Jones? " he inquired. "Aren't you glad to be dealing with the world realistically? "


  2. The outside loudly calls for a look around the neighborhood to see how things have changed, and how things have stayed the same.


  3. A state of peace does not grow out of a false sense of safety, but out of understanding how to interact with the forces we are subjected to.


  4. He's a ranged threat, shooting up to twice per round with his magic composite longbow, and just as dangerous in melee.


  5. During the summer, we organize social and cultural events twice a week, so that students get a real flavour of Galway and its surroundings.


  6. I'm thrilled that my kids have a more international outlook and broader understanding of their place in the world than I had as a child.


  7. Suddenly, the auditorium opened up a thunderous laugh, I around noisy environment to go meet his mother call.


  8. Baby Yoda, a four-month-old kangaroo, was rejected by his mother last week at a conservation center near Salina, Kansas.


  9. It tells us to think of all matter as waves, and yet in all objects that surround us these matter waves are far too small to be seen.


  1. 然而 看看我们周遭。

    And yet, look around us.

  2. 你也可以评论你的周遭。

    You could comment on your surroundings.

  3. 让这周遭的世界, 落个精光

    Let the world around us just fall apart

  4. 祖父坐在火炉旁, 忘却了周遭得一切。

    Grandfather sat by the fireplace, oblivious of everything around him.

  5. 每当你周遭雾霭漫漫,你就知道我在你身边。

    Every time you see fog around you, you know I am with you.

  6. 这些振动会导致周遭空气被压缩及稀少。

    Those vibrations result in the compression and rarefaction of the surrounding air.

  7. 被谋杀男人的幽魂出没于这间房子的周遭。

    The specter of the murdered man haunted the house.

  8. 如果上帝是我们周遭其中一个人?只是个我们之中的流浪汉?

    what if god was one of us just a slob like one of us

  9. 一个人静坐在沙漠中的沙丘上,对周遭视而不见,听而不闻。

    One sits down on a desert sand dune, sees nothing, hears nothing.

  10. 社会日益变化,周遭得新事物发展迅速,长者容易与社会脱节

    Social isolation, and feelings of out of touch with the world owing to the rapid changing environment.

  11. 本周你要小心,满月摩羯座的人很容易遭意外。

    Be very careful this week because the Full Moon is accident prone for your sign.

  12. 纳尼遭受腹股沟的伤病,他将会缺席一周。

    Nani suffered a groin injury and he'll be out for a week.

  13. 岂知你的周遭

    Who would have thought your periphery.

  14. 周遭是沉思的繁星

    And round above were the wistful stars

  15. 和周遭环境不相称

    A house that seemed out of scale with its surroundings

  16. 这些基于周遭问题的创意

    So, again, this idea of workarounds.

  17. 周遭的寂静, 森林中的肃穆

    The stillness, the solemnity that brooded in the woods

  18. 它用于周遭的一切东西中

    This is what runs everything around us.

  19. 周遭的世界也会从中受益。

    The world around us would also benefit from this.

  20. 对周遭事物有强烈的好奇心。

    Have a lively curiosity about things.

  21. 那些周遭对我的责备和烦躁。

    Those who like to reproach and irritate me.

  22. 我很容易适应我周遭的任何环境。

    I can easily adapt myself to any surroundings.

  23. 它不再需要占用你周遭的能量。

    It no longer needs to occupy the energy around you.

  24. 他们忘却了周遭的穷困和颓败。

    They forgot the squalor and degradation around them.

  25. 以及对他们周遭环境的控制能力。

    and in control of the environment around them.

  26. 师父您周遭接触的人看法如何?

    Master, what do the people you commonly come into contact with think?

  27. 这项协议在几周前还遭否决。

    This was trailed several weeks ago.

  28. 看看周遭一切,没件事情是对的。

    Take a look around you. nothing's right.

  29. 该项设计必须与周遭环境相配合。

    The design be in keeping with the surroundings.

  30. 我们周遭所见的 是那么惊人的复杂。

    What we see around us is staggering complexity.


  1. 问:周遭拼音怎么拼?周遭的读音是什么?周遭翻译成英文是什么?

    答:周遭的读音是zhōuzāo,周遭翻译成英文是 the surrounding area; surrounding, nearby



周遭(拼音为:zhōu zāo)是现代词,是一个专有名词,指的是周围;四周 。