







汉语拼音:bà qì









  1. 霸王气象。指王气,国运。

    唐 王勃 《江宁吴少府宅饯宴序》:“霸气尽而江山空,皇风清而市朝改。” 宋 王安石 《次韵舍弟赏心亭即事》之二:“霸气消磨不復存,旧朝臺殿秪空村。” 清 陈维崧 《念奴娇·邺中怀古》词:“转眼寒烟縈战垒,耿耿还留霸气。”

  2. 勇武雄伟之气。

    清 陈廷焯 《白雨斋词话》卷八:“ 东坡 词全是王道, 稼轩 词则兼有霸气,然犹不悖於王也。”

  3. 强悍的气势,刚毅之气。

    清 许承钦 《钱塘江观潮》诗:“霸气至今消不尽,素车白马驾虹蜺。” 廖仲恺 《临江仙·题柳亚子江楼秋思图》词:“却怜景物萧森,烽烟寂处漫登临。 吴 山 楚 水,霸气易消沉。”

  4. 强横霸道的气焰。

    夏衍 《忆阿英同志》:“他没有当时有些左翼青年那股霸气,所以不久就成了无话不谈的朋友。” 赵树理 《邪不压正》:“二姨问:‘ 刘锡元 如今还是那么霸气?’ 聚财 说:‘不是那么霸气,就能硬逼住咱闺女许给人家?’”



  1. It has no sheath, didn't push so proud, whether pull out in increase to body, definitely be scared to decease numerous people.


  2. Red Ding building exudes quaint atmosphere during the day, evening charming sparkling, go to the front could be so domineering amazing!


  3. Then Real Madrid will face Barcelona in the semifinals, and the prospects for the team will face the enemy, Jose Mourinho arrogant.


  4. Synthesizer red Chinese porcelain were outstanding, a pair of green is red, red to highlight China's porcelain domineering.


  5. Honestly, even as a mainlander, I find the arrogance with which they speak hard to live with.


  6. Men should have the quality, strong, brave, but not the lack of humor, the kind of supercilious Baqi.


  7. and it is the prospect of a repeat of that swashbuckling attacking display that has maradona biting his nails.


  8. She is a woman in a party with a strong macho current.


  9. With both players proving unstoppable while wearing the No. 7 jersey for Liverpool, it was only a matter of time before the question arose.


  1. 天啊,你太霸气了

    Oh, my God, you're magnificent.

  2. 这孩子身上有股霸气。

    The child is unreasonable sometimes.

  3. 这孩子身上有股霸气。

    The child is unreasonable sometimes.

  4. 这霸气娃儿哪来的

    Who is this kid?

  5. 西方国家的霸气明显上升。

    Western countries have puffed up.

  6. 他虎步龙行,具有君王霸气。

    He carries a mighty bearing, and has the air of a king.

  7. 他虎步龙行,具有君王霸气。

    He carries a mighty bearing, and has the air of a king.

  8. 霸气得人未必就是生活中得强者。

    Overbearing people are not necessarily strong people in life.

  9. 霸气的人未必就是生活中的强者。

    Overbearing people are not necessarily strong people in life.

  10. 霸气, 魅力, 智慧集于一身, 这就是军事!

    Washington charisma, wisdom convinced that this is a military!

  11. 她在党内表现得像男人一样霸气。

    She is a woman in a party with a strong macho current.

  12. 但还是掩盖不了你的霸气。你的舞风。你的潮流。

    But could not cover your aggression. Your dance wind. You current.

  13. 霸气的体量与浮华的形式本可以尽情展现?

    Domineering and glitz in the form of body mass can enjoy the show

  14. 他就会这么霸气走一回 而你也想这样

    if he had been invited to TEDxRome 2, 000 years ago.

  15. 看!姚明又扣篮得分了!太有王者霸气了!

    Look! Yao dunks and scores again! What a power play this is!

  16. 展出的两种不同颜色的普拉多显得霸气十足。

    Display two kind of different color's Prado appears aggressive full.

  17. 敏捷,灵活,世俗,霸气 像甘道夫那样神奇又神秘

    nimble or agile, profane, domineering, magical or mystical like Gandalf.

  18. 卡扎菲, 利比亚摇摇欲坠的霸气, 正在失去朋友快。

    Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, the teetering despot of Libya, is losing friends fast.

  19. 他们霸气十足地看着你, 希望先让出车道的是你。

    They look at you with arrogance, expecting you to be the one who takes evasive action.

  20. 依然带着那股霸气,但言语中明显带着几分成熟和稳重。

    Still with that, but the words clearly with somewhat mature and stable.

  21. 与微软和惠普不约而同的是,这份蓝图同样霸气四溢。

    This blueprint is aggressive and domineering, as Microsoft and HP are.

  22. 属于护卫犬种,具有王者的霸气和对主人极其忠诚的秉性。

    Belongs to escort dog, with the domineering king and master of a very The mettle of their integrity.

  23. 为了在距离新政权的霸气, 临时总统和总理都退出民盟。

    No matter how powerful they become, it seems there is one thing that no despot can ever have an honest editor.

  24. 我去!你这货!在圣地亚哥,我们土话说,那车简直霸气外露。

    Dude! In San Diego, we would say that car is Kahuna.


  1. 问:霸气拼音怎么拼?霸气的读音是什么?霸气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:霸气的读音是bàqì,霸气翻译成英文是 Bossiness.; Bossy.



“霸气”是个多义词,它可以指霸气(《海贼王》角色技能), 霸气(网游公会), 霸气(同名网络小说《霸气》), 霸气(《三国志·曹操传》人物技能), 霸气(人体潜能), 霸气(汉语词语)。