


1. 免 [miǎn]免 [miǎn]去掉,除掉:~除。~税。~费。~官。~检。罢~。豁~。不被某种事物所涉及:避~。~疫。~不了。在所难~。不可,不要:闲人~进。古同“勉”,勉励。古同“娩”,分娩。……





汉语拼音:miǎn qù








  1. 免除。

    陈漱渝 《许广平的爱情生活》:“﹝ 鲁迅 ﹞因支持女师大学生运动而被免去了教育部佥事的职务。”



  1. Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God's wrath through him!


  2. These can be difficult and awkward questions to ask, but will save you great heartache and misunderstanding down the line.


  3. "We ended a difficult period of our history and removed the stain from the face of the members of our nation wherever they live, " he said.


  4. You might also be able to work from home some of the time, which would let you avoid wasted hours commuting back and forth.


  5. But, for a dose of healthy cooling to take place, it will have to hope the rest of the world saves it a messy task.


  6. At a time like this their savings can spare them a great deal of suffering and help to see them through the hard time.


  7. Denisov took Tihon from his menial work, and began to employ him on expeditions, and to reckon him among the Cossacks .


  8. And He said to them, Watch and guard yourself from all covetousness, for no one's life is in the abundance of his possessions.


  9. Rightly used and obeyed, it can save many heartaches and continuous problems. This passage is often taken to refer particularly to marriage.


  1. 被免去军阶

    Be stripped of his rank.

  2. 税已被免去。

    The taxes have been remitted.

  3. 她被免去部分刑期。

    She has had part of her sentence remitted.

  4. 你可以免去许多麻烦。

    You might be spared a great deal of trouble.

  5. 咱们能免去这些礼节吗?

    Can we dispense with the formalities?

  6. 卸脱责任摆脱或者免去责任

    To release or discharge from a duty.

  7. 免职, 罢免免去头衔或官职

    A removal of rank or office.

  8. 还帮你免去牢狱之灾

    and from being arrested.

  9. 我们可以免去国会的致哀。

    We may skip the honors from congress.

  10. 免除免去债务,义务或处罚

    Release from a debt, an obligation, or a penalty.

  11. 他希望免去不忠之嫌。

    He wished to avoid the charge of hypocrisy.

  12. 经投票他被免去了职务。

    He was voted out of office.

  13. 这位将军被免去了军阶。

    The general was stripped of his rank.

  14. 经理免去了玛丽的职务。

    The manager removed Mary from the position.

  15. 我想我们就免去客套吧。

    I think we can dispense with the formalities.

  16. 免去某神甫的圣职两年

    to deprive a priest for two years

  17. 这将给大家免去许多麻烦。

    This would save everyone a lot of trouble.

  18. 他免去了助手某些日常事务。

    He freed his assistant from some of her chores.

  19. 答应免去某一笔债的利息。

    Promise to strike off the interest of a debt.

  20. 他刚被免去了一切行政职务。

    He has just been dismissed from all administrative posts.

  21. 他刚被免去了一切行政职务。

    He has just been dismissed from all administrative posts.

  22. 我请求免去在那个委员会的供职。

    I begged off serving on that committee.

  23. 结婚大办宴席,实在可以免去了。

    The practice of giving lavish feasts at wedding can well be dispensed with.

  24. 结婚大办酒席,实在可以免去了。

    The practice of giving lavish feasts at weddings can well be dispensed with.

  25. 花边, 窗幔, 流苏, 窗帘框可统统免去。

    Casing of curtain of lacy, window, tassel, curtain can be discharged completely.

  26. 免去残疾人的健康和体格检查费用。

    The disabled people are exempted of the health and medical examination fees.

  27. 我认为要求免去我的午餐太过分了。

    I thought being asked to miss my lunch was a bit much.

  28. 亚马逊经常免去特别交易的运费。

    Amazon often subsidises shipping costs through special deals.

  29. 不久就给我免去了这项额外工作。

    Soon I was relieved of this extra work.

  30. 艾子大笑,免去了对孙子的体罚。

    Ai Zi laughs, discharged the physical punishment to grandchildren.


  1. 问:免去拼音怎么拼?免去的读音是什么?免去翻译成英文是什么?

    答:免去的读音是miǎnqù,免去翻译成英文是 To remit; to remove.


免去,读音是miǎn qù,汉语词语,释义是免除,除去。通常用于免除所担任的职务。