


1. 任 [rèn]2. 任 [rén]任 [rèn]相信,信赖:信~。使用,给予职务:~命。~人唯贤。负担,担当:担~。~课。职务:就~。到~。~重道远。由着,听凭:~凭。~性。~意。~从。~随。听~。放~自流。听之~之。不论,无论:~何……


动植物的生活能力:生~。救~。逃~。拼~。~脉。性~。相依为~。迷信认为生来就注定的贫富、寿数等:天~。~相(xiàng )。~运(a.迷信指生死、贫富和一切遭遇;b.喻发展变化的趋向,如“人民一定能掌握自己的~~”)。上级对下级的指示:奉……



汉语拼音:rèn mìng








  1. 承命,接受命令。


  2. 指下命令任用。

    周而复 《上海的早晨》第四部五十:“现在局方只任命到经理厂长一级人员。” 魏巍 《东方》第六部第十四章:“本县 张书记 升任地委书记,任命 郭祥 为县委书记,并即刻到任接受工作。”

  3. 谓听任命运的支配。

    晋 挚虞 《思游赋》:“信天任命兮,理乃自得。” 金 王若虚 《高思诚咏白堂记》:“盖 乐天 之为人冲和静退、达理而任命,不为荣喜,不为穷忧,所谓无入而不自得者。”



  1. And no one can explain why the president keeps appointing senior officials who later turn out to have criminal links.


  2. He decided to give up research and in 1695 accepted an appointment as warden of the British Mint in London.


  3. Then there is the matter of Obama's supreme confidence - he would have no problem appointing her.


  4. Michael Bloomberg, the mayor who appointed him, said the system was "in a state of emergency" .


  5. He didn't approve of her approach and said that if he was going to appoint anybody, there must be a written application.


  6. Ed Miliband seems at least to be taking this seriously, having appointed Liz Kendall to the shadow cabinet to take charge of social care.


  7. Greenspan is kissed by his mother, Rose Goldsmith, in the Oval Office on the day of his appointment to the Council by President Ford.


  8. Delighted to hear of your appointment as chairman of Board and wish to offer my very sincere congratulations.


  9. Ford became Richard Nixon's Vice-President after Spiro Agnew was forced to leave the office to avoid corruption charges.


  1. 任命, 分配, 指派。

    appointment , assign, designate, allocate, allot.

  2. 任命一名主席

    to appoint a chairman

  3. 任命,分配,指派。

    Appointment , assign, designate, allocate, allot.

  4. 胡被任命为。

    Hu was named chief of the Communist Party in China.

  5. 任命某人为经理

    to appoint somebody manager

  6. 接受任命为大使

    accept an appointment as ambassador

  7. 任命人员填补空缺

    fill a vacancy by appointment

  8. 被任命为厂长

    Be named for the directorship

  9. 总理可以任命内阁。

    The president can appoint the cabinet.

  10. 有待作出的任命

    pending appointments

  11. 他被任命为将军。

    He was served as a general.

  12. 他被任命为大副。

    He was nominated First Officer.

  13. 他被任命为大副。

    He was nominated First Officer.

  14. Indians任命了TerryFrancona当主教练。

    The Indians name Terry Francona as manager.

  15. 他被任命为班长。

    He is accredit to the Squad leader.

  16. 被任命为王室律师

    be called within the bar

  17. 任命某人某种职务

    to name somebody as something

  18. 总经理由董事会任命。

    The president is appointed by the board of directors.

  19. 谁被任命为处长?

    Who have been nominated head of the department ?

  20. 他们任命他为主席。

    They appointed him chairman.

  21. 他们任命他为经理。

    They appointed him manager.

  22. 他们任命她为司库。

    They appointed the treasurer.

  23. 法官的甄选和任命

    Selection and appointment of judges

  24. 他们任命他为秘书。

    They appoint him the secretary.

  25. 谁被任命担任班长?

    Who was named for class president ?

  26. 他们任命他为船长。

    They made him captain of the ship.

  27. 他任命她为国务卿。

    He appointed her Secretary of State.

  28. 他被任命为总经理。

    He was given a post as general manager.

  29. 他被任命为国务卿。

    He was nominated as Secretary of State.

  30. 总统任命他为特使。

    The President made him his special envoy.


  1. 问:任命拼音怎么拼?任命的读音是什么?任命翻译成英文是什么?

    答:任命的读音是rènmìng,任命翻译成英文是 appoint

  2. 问:任命做拼音怎么拼?任命做的读音是什么?任命做翻译成英文是什么?

    答:任命做的读音是,任命做翻译成英文是 provide

  3. 问:任命权拼音怎么拼?任命权的读音是什么?任命权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:任命权的读音是rènmìngquán,任命权翻译成英文是 nomination

  4. 问:任命者拼音怎么拼?任命者的读音是什么?任命者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:任命者的读音是,任命者翻译成英文是 installant

  5. 问:任命同意拼音怎么拼?任命同意的读音是什么?任命同意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:任命同意的读音是rèn mìng tóng yì,任命同意翻译成英文是 agreement

  6. 问:任命推荐拼音怎么拼?任命推荐的读音是什么?任命推荐翻译成英文是什么?

    答:任命推荐的读音是rèn mìng tuī jiàn,任命推荐翻译成英文是 Appointment Recommended

  7. 问:任命改变拼音怎么拼?任命改变的读音是什么?任命改变翻译成英文是什么?

    答:任命改变的读音是rèn mìng gǎi biàn,任命改变翻译成英文是 Change of Assignment

  8. 问:任命日期拼音怎么拼?任命日期的读音是什么?任命日期翻译成英文是什么?

    答:任命日期的读音是rèn mìng rì qī,任命日期翻译成英文是 Date of Appointment

  9. 问:任命条款拼音怎么拼?任命条款的读音是什么?任命条款翻译成英文是什么?

    答:任命条款的读音是rèn mìng tiáo kuǎn,任命条款翻译成英文是 Appointment Clause

  10. 问:任命程序拼音怎么拼?任命程序的读音是什么?任命程序翻译成英文是什么?

    答:任命程序的读音是rèn mìng chéng xù,任命程序翻译成英文是 nomination procedures

  11. 问:任命证书拼音怎么拼?任命证书的读音是什么?任命证书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:任命证书的读音是rèn mìng zhèng shū,任命证书翻译成英文是 deed of appointment

  12. 问:任命为牧师拼音怎么拼?任命为牧师的读音是什么?任命为牧师翻译成英文是什么?

    答:任命为牧师的读音是,任命为牧师翻译成英文是 ordain

  13. 问:任命备忘录拼音怎么拼?任命备忘录的读音是什么?任命备忘录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:任命备忘录的读音是rèn mìng bèi wàng lù,任命备忘录翻译成英文是 Assignment Memorandum

  14. 问:任命指令不变拼音怎么拼?任命指令不变的读音是什么?任命指令不变翻译成英文是什么?

    答:任命指令不变的读音是rèn mìng zhǐ lìng bú biàn,任命指令不变翻译成英文是 Assignment Instructions Remain Firm

  15. 问:任命人员控制编号拼音怎么拼?任命人员控制编号的读音是什么?任命人员控制编号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:任命人员控制编号的读音是rèn mìng rén yuán kòng zhì biān hào,任命人员控制编号翻译成英文是 Assignment Control Number



任命是一个词语,拼音为rèn mìng,它的意义有承命,接受命令; 指下命令任用;谓听任命运的支配。