




职务,分(fèn )内应做的事:~业。~务。~守。~权。天~。尽~。职位,执行事务所处的一定地位:~工。~位。~员。~称。以身殉~。旧时公文用语,下属对上司的自称:卑~。~当奉命。掌管:~掌。由于:~此而已。……



汉语拼音:chè zhí








  1. 撤消职位。

    老舍 《茶馆》第二幕:“这年月,作官的今天上任,明天撤职,作买卖的今天开市,明天关门,都不可靠!” 赵树理 《李有才板话》九:“因为私自减了 喜富 的赔款, 刘广聚 由区公所撤职送县查办。” 杜鹏程 《在和平的日子里》第六章:“在一次工程局党委扩大会议上, 老阎 揭发了 张孔 一件严重的错误, 张孔 被撤职。”



  1. In the midst of all this the president sacked the defence minister after he insulted some of her closest aides in an interview.


  2. The Arizona Senate convicted Gov. Evan Mecham of two charges of official misconduct and removed him from office.


  3. The head of China's railway ministry was recently removed from his post and faces "severe" disciplinary action.


  4. However, the removal of such punishment as demotion or dismissal shall not be deemed as a resumption of the original rank or post.


  5. Administrative sanctions include a warning, record of demerit, record of a major demerit, demotion, removal from office, discharge, etc.


  6. If the premier is forced out, his departure would echo across Canada.


  7. Xie Yalong has just been sent on a re-education course, a common party method of separating a cadre from his post.


  8. If the Board is to decide to remove you, what would be your assessment of this episode in your tenure at the World Bank?


  9. Chief accountants or responsible persons of accounting departments must not be appointed or removed willfully.


  1. 把某人撤职

    oust sB. from office.

  2. 他被撤职了。

    He was ousted from his post.

  3. 他受处分撤职。

    He retired from office in disgrace.

  4. 那个军官必须撤职。

    That officer must be removed from his position.

  5. 他受处分被撤职。

    Heretired from office in disgrace.

  6. 据说他已被撤职。

    He is said to have already been removed from office.

  7. 这个贪官被撤职了。

    The corrupt official was removed from office.

  8. 解职令。解雇通知。撤职令

    An order or notice of discharge.

  9. 对某人予以撤职查办

    dismiss sb. from his post and have him prosecuted

  10. 他因以权谋私被撤职。

    He was sacked from his job for abusing his power for personal gain.

  11. 后来,他被党委撤职了。

    He was later removed by the party committee.

  12. 后来他被董事会撤职了。

    He was later removed by the Board of Directors.

  13. 那军官因背叛而被撤职。

    The officer was disgraced for his treachery.

  14. 这位部长受到撤职的处分。

    The minister was dismissed from his office in disgrace

  15. 两位内阁大臣也被撤职了。

    Two cabinet ministers also got the push.

  16. 那名官员因收受贿赂而被撤职。

    The official was removed for taking bribes.

  17. 这位军官因疏于职守而被撤职。

    The officer was dismissed from the service for neglect of duty.

  18. 三鹿的女董事长和总经理被撤职。

    Sanlu chairwoman and general manager also sacked.

  19. 将领们被撤职,新的将领走马上任。

    Generals were dismissed, new generals appointed.

  20. 几位当地官员被撤职, 一人甚至自杀。

    Several local officials were sacked and one even committed suicide.

  21. 一大批已被撤职的警官正受到起诉。

    A significant number of police officers have been removed and are being prosecuted.

  22. 有关他被撤职的谣言在系里传开。

    Rumours of his dismissal were noised abroad in the department.

  23. 她撤职引起的吵闹毫无疑问会继续下去。

    The uproar over her dismissal will no doubt continue.

  24. 士兵们纷纷抱怨说那位将军应该被撤职。

    There were rumblings in the ranks that the general should be dismissed.

  25. 他很可能在夏季的议会重组中被撤职。

    He may lose his job in a summer cabinet reshuffle.

  26. 他因品行有损军人的名誉而被撤职。

    He was cashiered for conduct injurious to the reputation of a soldier.

  27. 由于贪污, 这个公司得经理已被撤职查办。

    Owing to graft, the manager of this company was discharged from his post and prosecuted.

  28. 由于贪污,这个公司的经理已被撤职查办。

    Owing to graft, the manager of this company was discharged from his post and prosecuted.

  29. 对公司亏损负有责任的管理层将被撤职。

    Management of the firm culpable for its losses will be terminated.

  30. 国会议员通过投票表决被撤职是很稀少的。

    It is of Congress to be voted out of office.


  1. 问:撤职拼音怎么拼?撤职的读音是什么?撤职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤职的读音是chèzhí,撤职翻译成英文是 dismiss

  2. 问:撤职查办拼音怎么拼?撤职查办的读音是什么?撤职查办翻译成英文是什么?

    答:撤职查办的读音是chè zhí chá bàn,撤职查办翻译成英文是 dismissed for court martial


