


1. 革 [gé]革 [gé]去了毛经过加工的兽皮:皮~。~履(皮鞋)。~囊。改变:~新。~命(a.原意是改变命运;b.现指改变社会制度、建立新社会的群众运动;c.亦指改造旧技术、旧思想的运动)。改~。变~。取消,除掉:~除。~职。~故鼎新……


职务,分(fèn )内应做的事:~业。~务。~守。~权。天~。尽~。职位,执行事务所处的一定地位:~工。~位。~员。~称。以身殉~。旧时公文用语,下属对上司的自称:卑~。~当奉命。掌管:~掌。由于:~此而已。……



汉语拼音:gé zhí







  1. 免去官职;撤职。

    明 张居正 《乞鉴别忠邪以定国是疏》:“奉旨切责,革职为民。”《醒世恒言·两县令竞义婚孤女》:“为天火烧仓,朝廷将父革职,勒令赔偿。”《二十年目睹之怪现状》第一○八回:“上面便参了出来,奉旨革职严追。”



  1. When she was fired from her job, she took it out on her younger brothers and sisters.


  2. The court upheld the official decision to sack him from the bank saying at 70 he was well past the mandatory retirement age.


  3. When a leading cadre is beyond caring for the welfare of the masses, he should be criticized, or even, removed from his post.


  4. By contrast, Mr Jobs escaped from his 12-year exile in 1996 to return to the company that he had co-founded, Apple, and leads it still.


  5. The hostage-taker, Rolando Mendoza, had been dismissed from the police force for alleged extortion, forfeiting his benefits and pay.


  6. In response, the popular newspaper supplement Freezing Point, which carried his essay, was temporarily shut down and its editors were fired.


  7. Your getting fired was a blessing in disguise. Now you've found a better job.


  8. The gunman, a senior inspector reported to have been sacked over robbery and drugs claims, is demanding his job back, local media say.


  9. Burger King spokeswoman Denise Wilson said earlier Tuesday that two employees involved in the incident were fired and a third quit.


  1. 他被革职了。

    He was relieved of his office.

  2. 将一名公务员革职。

    Remove a civil servant.

  3. 那位军官必须革职。

    That officer must be removed form his position.

  4. 因旷职而遭革职

    dismissal for abandoning post

  5. 被革职的女管家的看法

    The perspective of the displaced homemaker

  6. 被革职的女管家的观点

    The perspective of the displaced homemaker.

  7. 他因为受贿而被革职。

    He was chucked out of office for taking bribes.

  8. 萨布素革职案始末

    The Whole Story of Sabusu Removed from His Office

  9. 革职,免职来自高层官府的免职,革职

    The act of deposing, as from high office.

  10. 这名女上尉被革职了。

    The lieutenant was stripped of her rank.

  11. 这名女上尉被革职了。

    The lieutenant was stripped of her rank.

  12. 可怜的乔昨天被革职了。

    Poor Joe got the ax at the office yesterday.

  13. 现在什么问题要将他革职?

    For what reason to terminate him?

  14. 我将向议会请求将你革职。

    I'm recommending that you be removed from duty.

  15. 这个不忠实的军官被革职。

    The dishonest officer was cashiered.

  16. 这个不忠实得军官被革职。

    The dishonest officer was cashiered.

  17. 他因玩忽职守而被革职了。

    He was dismissed from the service for his careless behaviors.

  18. 两名教员因桃色事件被革职。

    Two teachers get the sack over sex.

  19. 部长因影响金丑闻而被革职。

    The minister was given the axe in the cash for influence scandal.

  20. 旅长因犯重大错误而被革职。

    The brigadier was cashiered for his big mistake.

  21. 我是被革职了,但是我还是个贵族

    I may have been dismissed, but as an aristocrat

  22. 他因贻误军机被朝廷革职查办。

    The imperial court removed him from office and prosecuted him for delaying the fulfilment of a military plan.

  23. 军队领导人们两年前都被革职了。

    The military leaders were chased from power two years ago.

  24. 她被革职后, 便向她的弟妹们滥发脾气。

    When she was fired from her job, she took it out on her younger brothers and sisters.

  25. 部长决定将所有不称职的人统统革职。

    The minister decided to remove all the eight balls from office.

  26. 他已经以无故被革职为由提出了诉讼。

    He has sued on the ground of being dismissed without any reason.

  27. 那么,布莱尔为何没有胆量将戈登布朗革职呢?

    So why did Blair not have the balls to sack Gordon Brown?

  28. 我们公司的经理因犯重大错误而被革职。

    The manager of our company was cashiered for his big mistake.

  29. 今天三个人意想不到的在公司里被革职了。

    Three people unexpectedly got sacked at work today.

  30. 这件事有了意外的后果,那就是他被革职了。

    This had the unexpected consequence that he got fired.


  1. 问:革职拼音怎么拼?革职的读音是什么?革职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:革职的读音是gézhí,革职翻译成英文是 dismiss



革职 gézhí 罢官,撤职。 古汉语。明 王铎《太子少保兵部尚书节寰袁公(袁可立)神道碑》:“公(袁可立)于座上曰:“辱冤枉枉不厉,兹御史非不厉,何可剪其翼为辅臣目?”摄公,不正视,繇斯切齿。丙申(万历二十四年)得旨革职归。”