







汉语拼音:zhōng yú








  1. It stays true to its original with the design of the rear and the front being rounded and avoiding the hard edges as much as possible.


  2. One idea was that the vehicle itself was an intelligent droid, mirroring Obi-Wan's faithful Boga as "living" mount for General Grievous.


  3. And then one of my friends said she felt loyal to the values of the company and that they fitted her.


  4. With you, weakness involves brutality as well. (long silence) Don't expect me to be faithful to you.


  5. My fat has been with me through good times and bad, it stuck by me when all of my friends turned away, How dare you ask me to go on a diet?


  6. You must be of good moral character and loyal to the United States, be able to read, write, speak, and understand basic English.


  7. His rousing last words show him to be a man mindful of his legacy: "Don't waste time in mourning. Organise! "


  8. Britain said the military team would not train or arm Libyan rebel forces in fighting troops loyal to Libyan leader Muammar Gadhafi.


  9. Of these at least 150 are known to be loyal to Mr Ozawa (although others loathe him), whereas Mr Kan lacks a strong faction of his own.


  1. 忠于某个党

    to adhere to a party.

  2. 请忠于定义。

    Stick with the definition.

  3. 我忠于自己

    And, like. whew. one with myself.

  4. 他忠于职守。

    He is faithful in the performance of his duties.

  5. 我们忠于祖国。

    We are loyal to our motherland.

  6. 忠于母校的心

    school spirit

  7. 永远忠于毛主席!

    Be loyal to Chairman Mao forever!

  8. 永远忠于毛主席!

    Be loyal to Chairman Mao forever!

  9. 忠于职守乃坦途。

    The path of duty is the path of safety.

  10. 忠于定义很重要。

    It's important to stick with that definition.

  11. 他声明忠于美国。

    He professed his loyalty to the United States.

  12. 他一生忠于国家。

    His allegiance to his country lasted all his life.

  13. 我们必须忠于祖国。

    We must be loyal to our motherland.

  14. 他们保证忠于祖国。

    They pledged their allegiance to the motherland.

  15. 永远忠于革命事业。

    Be forever loyal to the cause of the revolution.

  16. 杰克忠于朋友。

    Jack abides by his friends.

  17. 戴维忠于妻子。

    David was true to his wife.

  18. 他宣誓效忠于党。

    He swore an oath of allegiance to the party.

  19. 他一生都忠于党。

    He remained loyal to the Party all his life.

  20. 他忠于自己的朋友。

    He is true to his friends.

  21. 她忠于自己的信念。

    She was loyal to her faith.

  22. 热忱地忠于职守

    earnest devotion to duty

  23. 我们会永远忠于党。

    We will always stick to the party.

  24. 他发誓效忠于王后

    He swore his oath of allegiance to the queen.

  25. 马通常都忠于主人。

    Horses are usually faithful to their masters.

  26. 她决定忠于她的领袖。

    She determined to be loyal to her leader.

  27. 他的人民忠于他的遗教。

    His people are faithful to his memory.

  28. 他忠于他的祖先的信仰。

    He adhered to the faith of his fathers.

  29. 新闻首先要忠于民众。

    Its first loyalty is to citizens.

  30. 人民忠于他们的国家。

    The people stayed loyal to their country.


  1. 问:忠于拼音怎么拼?忠于的读音是什么?忠于翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠于的读音是zhōngyú,忠于翻译成英文是 loyal to; faithful to; true to

  2. 问:忠于某事拼音怎么拼?忠于某事的读音是什么?忠于某事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠于某事的读音是Zhōngyú mǒushì,忠于某事翻译成英文是 to be true to something

  3. 问:忠于协议拼音怎么拼?忠于协议的读音是什么?忠于协议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忠于协议的读音是zhōngyúxiéyì,忠于协议翻译成英文是 strictly adhere to the agreement