




1. 地 [dì]2. 地 [de]地 [dì]人类生长活动的所在:~球(太阳系九大行星之一)。~心说。地球或地球的某部分:~质。~壳。地球表面除去海洋、江河、湖泊的部分:陆~。~下。地球表面的土壤:土~。田~。~政。~主。地球上的一个区域……







汉语拼音:rén dì liǎng shēng







人地两生 [rén dì liǎng shēng]
  1. 初到一地对当地的人与环境、习俗等不熟悉。



  1. Hardships to the Weihai, another eight on the heart seven, the people and land two health language is difficult - nervous.


  1. 人地关系系统

    human land relatiohship system

  2. 人地和谐关系

    harmonious relation between man and land

  3. 协调人地关系

    coordinate the relation between man and nature

  4. 人地协调关系

    coordinated relationship between human and land

  5. 人地关系理论

    Theory of the Relationships between Man and Land

  6. 我在这儿人地生疏。

    I am unfamiliar with the place and the people here.

  7. 存地失人,人地皆失。

    You keep the land and lost the people, you lose both.

  8. 存人失地,人地皆存。

    You keep the people and lost the land, you have both.

  9. 历史演进中的人地关系

    Relationships Between Man and Earth in Human History

  10. 春秋时为东瓯越人地。

    Spring and Autumn Period more people in the East Ou.

  11. 知识经济时代的人地关系分析

    Analysis on the Man earth Relationship in Knowledge Economy Age

  12. 我对这里人地生疏,请多多指教。

    I'm a stranger here – please give me as much advice as you can.

  13. 他们就目中无人地站着盯着看。

    They just stand and stare, with their nose in the air.

  14. 他们就目中无人地站着盯着看。

    They just stand and stare, with their nose in the air.

  15. 一点一点地, 折磨人地失去每一样东西。

    Losing everything, bit by bit, torture.

  16. 她过去总是目中无人地走来走去。

    She used to walk around with her nose in the air.

  17. 那具躯体缓慢而怕人地变活了。

    Slowly, terribly, the body came alive.

  18. 他们的格言是一次一人地传播实用主义。

    And their motto is to spread pragmatism one person at a time.

  19. 以前,除了在演员圈子里,我人地生疏,一无所知。

    Before,except when I was among actors,it was like being a stranger in a strange land.

  20. 小小的好意,对有些人地会起很大作用。

    A little kindness will go a long way with some people.

  21. 他声音不大然而威势逼人地开始发布命令。

    He began softly and yet imperiously to issue his commands.

  22. 相应地,耕地面积逐渐减少,人地矛盾日益突出。

    As result, the plowland are decreasing and the contradiction between plowland and human is intensifying.

  23. 浐河流域新石器时代遗址人地关系特征因素研究

    Study of the Manland Relationship Feature Elements of the Neolithic Sites in the Chan River.

  24. 一元论反映在人地关系上就是人地全息统一论

    It is the theory of ManEarth holographic unified to be reflected at the peopleground relation for monism.

  25. 人地关系系统视角对可持续发展的资本分析

    Sustainable Development Capital Analyse on People and The Earth Relation Systems

  26. 公主光彩照人地穿着一身雪白的新礼服来了。

    The princess arrived, resplendent in a new white dress.

  27. 我们在那里撩人地起舞以刺激圣哲的性欲。

    There we danced provocatively to sexually agitate the sage and seduce him.

  28. 她目中无人地在屋子里走了一圈, 好像我根本不存在。

    She walked around the room with her nose in the air, pretending I didn't exist.

  29. 她目中无人地在屋子里走了一圈,好像我根本不存在。

    She walked around the room with her nose in the air, pretending I didn't exist.

  30. 撩人地推拿和足底按摩是帮助她放松身体的好方法。

    Sensual massage and foot rub are great way to help relax her body.