




1. 与 [yǔ]2. 与 [yù]3. 与 [yú]与 [yǔ]和,跟:正确~错误。~虎谋皮。生死~共。给:赠~。~人方便。交往,友好:相~。~国(相互交好的国家)。〔~其〕比较连词,常跟“不如”、“宁可”连用。赞助,赞许:~人为善。与 ……



汉语拼音:fú yǔ








  1. 不党同。

    《礼记·儒行》:“同弗与,异弗非也。” 孙希旦 集解:“同乎己者弗与,则不党同。”

  2. 不如。

    《汉书·晁错传》:“今 匈奴 地形技艺与中国异,上下山阪,出入溪涧,中国之马弗与也。” 颜师古 注:“与犹如。”

  3. 不给与。

    《韩非子·说林上》:“因索地於 赵 ,弗与,因围 晋阳 。”



  1. As Zoya makes the journey from Moscow, it is the narrator's job to prepare the House of Meetings for Lev and his bride.


  1. 与弗里茨朗对话

    Conversation with Fritz Lang, an interview film by William Friedkin

  2. 他与弗兰克先生有帐务来往。

    He is in account with Mr Frank.

  3. 周六珍尼弗。安妮斯顿与约翰。迈尔继续他们的蜜月热恋之旅。

    Jennifer Aniston and John Mayer continued to keep their romance firmly off the radar Saturday.

  4. 山姆与弗拉多告别, 忍不住潸然泪下。

    Sam can't fight back his tears while saying goodbye to Frodo.

  5. 玛丽今晚与弗雷德有重要约会。

    Mary has a heavy date with Fred this evening.

  6. 这种烟用来与弗吉尼亚烟的混合, 制造卷烟。

    It is used for blends in cigarette manufacture.

  7. 我们与弗雷德只是点头之交, 因为我们只见过他两次。

    We only have a nodding acquaintance with Fred as we've met him twice.

  8. 皇帝得选举使他与弗兰西斯一世得冲突几乎不可避免。

    His election made conflict with Francis I virtually inevitable.

  9. 任何一种与弗罗林相似的钱币,是旧时用于欧洲的。

    Any of several gold coins similar to the Florentine florin, formerly used in Europe.

  10. 她曾谋划使自己的父亲与弗兰克的母亲配成一对。

    She had contrived a match between her father and frank's mother.

  11. 麦格莱德与弗里思和马伦共同制作了丘奇得影片。

    He teamed up with Frith and Mullen for the Chuchi film.

  12. 麦格莱德与弗里思和马伦共同制作了丘奇的影片。

    He teamed up with Frith and Mullen for the Chuchi film.

  13. 有人说同情是未来的爱情之母。博蒙特与弗菜彻

    Pity, some say, is the parent of future love. Beaumont and Fletcher

  14. 该系统的安装与弗林特当地的合作伙伴德雷利图形支持。

    The system was installed with support from Flints local partner Dereli Graphic.

  15. 周一至周五,我们早上与弗雷迪和艾丽老师一起上课。

    From Monday to Friday, we spent our mornings having lessons at Eltham College with Freddie and Ali, our teachers during the course.

  16. 在与弗兰克的聊天中,基特尔斯对西蒙斯进行了一番夸赞。

    In a chat with Frank, Kittles on a lot of praise for Simmons.

  17. 钱得事不要担心, 我马上就会与弗雷德联系, 借一笔贷款。

    Don't worry about the money. In two shakes I be on to Fred about a loan.

  18. 钱的事不要担心,我马上就会与弗雷德联系,借一笔贷款。

    Don't worry about the money. In two shakes I be on to Fred about a loan.

  19. 关于弗协调逻辑的否定与矛盾

    On negation and contradiction of paraconsistent logic

  20. 克利斯托弗获准与她见面。

    Christopher was forbidden to see her.

  21. 弗兰克最近经常与露西往来。

    Frank has taken up with Lucy lately.

  22. 她与奥利弗结婚得到了父母的祝福。

    She received the blessing of her parents to wed oliver.

  23. 在半决赛中,弗兰克与对手得分一样多。

    In the semifinal, Frank tied with his opponent.

  24. 在半决赛中,弗兰克与对手得分一样多。

    In the semifinal, Frank tied with his opponent.

  25. 弗罗斯特的, 与之有关的, 或以其方式的。

    of or relating to or in the manner of Robert Frost.

  26. 弗朗西丝第一次与我联系时很心烦意乱。

    When she first contacted me Frances was upset.

  27. 据我调查, 弗兰克 卢卡斯与黑手党无关。

    My investigation indicates that Frank Lucas is above the Mafia.

  28. 谢弗维尔露天矿边坡设计的改进与应用

    Practical Applications of Recently Improved Pit Slope Design Procedures at Schefferville

  29. 桑迪告诉杰弗里案子可能与夜总会歌女有关。

    Sandy tells Jeffrey about the case may be related to nightclub showgirl.

  30. 微量元素锌与复发性阿弗它溃疡的临床研究

    Clinical study on Zinc deficiency vs RAU