







汉语拼音:guó shì







  1. 国家的政事。

    《礼记·丧服大记》:“君言王事,不言国事。” 孙希旦 集解:“国事,政令之施於一国,以治其人民者也。”《史记·秦始皇本纪》:“王年少,初即位,委国事大臣。” 唐 司空图 《有感》诗:“国事皆须救未然, 汉 家高阁漫 凌烟 。”《红楼梦》第十八回:“国事宜勤,暇时保养,切勿记念。” 鲁迅 《准风月谈·二丑艺术》:“但其间一定有时要慷慨激昂的表示对于国事的不满。”



  1. He said his state visit to China in September has yielded important outcomes and is of great significance to pushing forward bilateral ties.

  2. The White House decided early on not to call Mr. Hu's trip a state visit, and denied him perquisites like a state dinner.

  3. But, she said, Obama's state visit has shown that both sides realize they need to be more strategic about how they think about that bond.

  4. They even disagreed on the name for the 2006 visit; Mr. Hu called it a "state visit" while Mr. Bush called it an "official visit. "

  5. As with many trade deals announced around a state visit, it seems the headline number might be a little misleading.

  6. She had been waiting for about a month to hear back when Gadhafi arrived on his state visit to Ukraine.

  7. He never managed diplomatic small-talk, tended to say the wrong thing, and packed his own instant noodles for state trips abroad.

  8. Sure, the president will turn up in London next month for a two-day photo-call with the Queen at Buckingham Palace.

  9. The President is doing what he needs to do for his schedule and he's going to the Philippines, he'll have a state visit?


  1. 首相掌管国事。

    The Prime Minister guides the state.

  2. 部长们商议国事。

    The ministers deliberated on the affairs of state.

  3. 我们正在讨论国事。

    We are discussing national affairs.

  4. 布尔日国事诏书

    Pragmatic Sanction of Bourges

  5. 对印度的国事访问

    a state visit to India

  6. 对印度的国事访问

    a state visit to India

  7. 那个政治家忙于国事。

    The statesman is much occupied with affairs of state.

  8. 主席的国事访问即将结束。

    The chairman will end his state visit soon.

  9. 主席的国事访问即将结束。

    The chairman will end his state visit soon.

  10. 他指责反对党无力治理国事。

    He accused the opposition party of being unfit to govern.

  11. 女王正对莫斯科进行国事访问。

    The queen is on a state visit to moscow.

  12. 风声雨声皆入耳,国事家事皆关心。

    Sounds of wind, rain are all ears, national affairs are concerned about the family.

  13. 他对澳大利亚联邦进行了国事访问。

    He has paid a state visit to the Commonwealth of Austrialia.

  14. 泄密成了一种治理国事的方法。

    Leaking secrets becomes a method of administration.

  15. 泄密成了一种治理国事得方法。

    Leaking secrets becomes a method of administration.

  16. 教会对国事的影响力已减弱了。

    The power of the church in national affairs has lessened.

  17. 结束对加拿大, 墨西哥的国事访问

    At the end of the state visit to Canada and Mexico

  18. 到处悬挂旗帜以庆祝这次国事访问。

    Flags were hung out in honour of the state visit.

  19. 那位国王当朝, 但并不治理国事。

    The king reigned but he did not rule or govern.

  20. 总统进行国事访问期间保安部门如临大敌。

    A huge security operation was mounted during the president's state visit.

  21. 这次国事访问不是和俄国人谈判。

    This state visit is not a negotiation with the russians.

  22. 总统会见了部长们,并在一起商谈国事。

    The president meet his ministers and discussed the affairs of state with them.

  23. 我期待着即将对巴基斯坦进行国事访问。

    I look forward to my upcoming state visit to Pakistan.

  24. 在英国, 君主是国家元首, 但不治理国事。

    In England, the sovereign reigns but does not rule.

  25. 国家有此一群虎狼, 无怪乎国事不可收拾。

    With such a pack of wolves running wild, no wonder the country's affairs are in chaos.

  26. 有全权自由处理国事的领袖,未必是好。

    A leader with carte blanche may not be good for the country.

  27. 我觉得他们对国事的关心, 深深感动了我。

    I was deeply touched by their interest in national affairs.

  28. 英国女王是国家元首,但不治国事。

    The Queen of Britain reigns, but she does not rule or govern.

  29. 儒家的政治思想是礼治兴, 国事安。

    Accoring to Confucian political ideas, a state would be prosperous and peaceful if it operates the government through social instructions.

  30. 儒家的政治思想是礼治兴,国事安。

    Accoring to Confucian political ideas, a state would be prosperous and peaceful if it operates the government through social instructions.


  1. 问:国事拼音怎么拼?国事的读音是什么?国事翻译成英文是什么?

    答:国事的读音是guóshì,国事翻译成英文是 national affairs

  2. 问:国事诏书拼音怎么拼?国事诏书的读音是什么?国事诏书翻译成英文是什么?

    答:国事诏书的读音是guó shì zhào shū,国事诏书翻译成英文是 pragmatic sancition

  3. 问:国事顾问拼音怎么拼?国事顾问的读音是什么?国事顾问翻译成英文是什么?

    答:国事顾问的读音是guó shì gù wèn,国事顾问翻译成英文是 counsellor of state


国事(national(or state)affairs),汉语词汇。拼音;guó shì释义:指国家的重大事件(重大问题),泛指一切跟国家有关的具体事情,尤指与政治有关的事。