




长期生病。忧苦,特指因自己过失而造成的心内痛苦:负~。内~。愧~。歉~。内省(xǐng )不~。……



汉语拼音:qiàn jiù








  1. 惭愧不安。

    邹韬奋 《经历》附录《我的母亲》:“为着我要穿鞋,累母亲深夜工作不休,心上感到说不出的歉疚。” 罗广斌 杨益言 《红岩》第二章:“他定一定神……用深深的歉疚的目光,望着 甫志高 说:‘对不起,耽搁了你们的休息时间。’”



  1. "I'm sorry for all that happened to Libya, " he said, "from the beginning to the end. "


  2. More even than new buildings for child care, maternal guilt will have to be cured if more Dutch mothers are to be lured to the office.


  3. Minnie Vautrin was to die by her own hand, burdened with guilt over those she had failed to save.


  4. I'm always your little girl, " Scarlett would say and bury her head upon Ellen's breast, her guilt rising up to accuse her. "


  5. He said diffidently, "Tell me. How can I help you to pass the test? "


  6. Fortunately, the north wind with winter apologetic, noisy peach and apricot season in March brought snow Ai, and gained some of my wishes.


  7. But now, i have to ask my parents to sacrifice for me disgracefully, which makes me feel uneasy and guilty.


  8. When I ask what she does for a living, she replies: 'Full-time housewife, ' without a hint of an apology.


  9. Total mess whatever, ALL managers and waiters were running mad with most unhappy faces full of WHAT-CAN-WE-DO of excuse expression.


  1. 他承认有歉疚感。

    He owned to a feeling of guilt.

  2. 我尽量显出歉疚的样子。

    I tried to look contrite.

  3. 现在你没什么歉疚的了

    Now you have nothing to feel guilty about.

  4. 现在你没什么歉疚的了。

    Now you have nothing to feel guilty about.

  5. 你是想让我歉疚吗?

    Are you trying to make me feel bad?

  6. 洗去心中歉疚的痛楚。

    To cleanse the pain of a guilty conscience.

  7. 洗去心中歉疚的痛楚。

    To cleanse the pain of a guilty conscience.

  8. 我尽量做出歉疚的样子。

    I tried to look contrite.

  9. 他很为他的粗心而歉疚。

    He was terribly sorry for his carelessness.

  10. 她因离开他而感到歉疚。

    She felt bad about leaving him.

  11. 她为整个事件深感歉疚。

    She was very apologetic about the whole incident.

  12. 他歉疚地解释自己迟到的原因。

    In apology he explained why he was late.

  13. 他对自己的所作所为深表歉疚。

    He evinced great sorrow for what he had done.

  14. 你问过我,为什么我还是觉得歉疚。

    You asked me why I still feel so guilty.

  15. 她见到我时一脸歉疚。

    When she saw me she looked guilty.

  16. 我们播出人们生命中的歉疚一刻。

    We show people making apologies in their lives.

  17. 我猜我们都对这事感到歉疚。

    I guess we've all been guilty of that.

  18. 我也经常为有负罪感而歉疚。

    I too am often guilty of feeling guilty.

  19. 让你代我受过, 甚感歉疚。

    You took the blame for me, which troubles my conscience deeply.

  20. 歉疚和恐惧一阵阵涌上她的心头。

    Guilt and horror flooded her in waves.

  21. 说话的是个年轻人, 他很吃惊也很歉疚。

    The speaker was a young man who was very alarmed and very sorry.

  22. 他知道自己表现不好,他似乎由衷地感到歉疚。

    He knew he had behaved badly and he seemed truly sorry.

  23. 伤心歉疚地哭过之后, 他的怒气也消了。

    After he wept with sadness and guilt, his anger spent.

  24. 蒂姆对自己连再见也没说就离开感到歉疚。

    Tim felt bad about leaving without even saying goodbye.

  25. 事情落到这样的结局,我从内心里感到歉疚。

    I'm truly sorry that things had to end like this.

  26. 他的帮劝使她感到歉疚,她尽可能地来帮助他。

    His help put her under an obligation to help him in any possible way.

  27. 她对这件事非常歉疚,不过我现在的听力很好!

    She was very apologetic and I can hear fine now!

  28. 至今未复5月8日贵函,甚感歉疚,还望原谅。

    Kindly excuse our not reply to your favour of the8th May until today.

  29. 这也是当人们谈到看电视时总是如此后悔如此歉疚的原因。

    This is one reason people talk about their television viewing so ruefully, so apologetically.

  30. 他俩干完架后,绝对是你见过的这世上最为歉疚的人。

    But after we fight were the two most sorriest people youve ever seen.


  1. 问:歉疚拼音怎么拼?歉疚的读音是什么?歉疚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:歉疚的读音是qiànjiù,歉疚翻译成英文是 regret


