


1. 内 [nèi]2. 内 [nà]内 [nèi]里面,与“外”相对:~部。~外。~定。~地。~阁。~行(háng )。~涵。称妻子或妻子家的亲戚:~人。~亲。~弟。亲近:~君子而外小人。内 [nà]古同“纳”,收入;接受。……


长期生病。忧苦,特指因自己过失而造成的心内痛苦:负~。内~。愧~。歉~。内省(xǐng )不~。……



汉语拼音:nèi jiù








  1. 内心感觉惭愧不安。

    《文选·嵇康<幽愤诗>》:“惩难思復,心焉内疚。” 李善 注:“《毛诗》曰:‘既往既来,我心永疚。’疚,病也。” 晋 陶潜 《荣木》诗:“我之怀矣,怛焉内疚。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·白萍》:“渐近 余 园, 林 内疚,止步不前。” 巴金 《怀念萧珊》二:“我怀着内疚的心情看看他。”



  1. The only thing that does pain me when I think of her is that she never got to meet my children.

  2. From the vantage of adulthood, and with some retrospective guilt, his son loved him for this grand gesture.

  3. Give yourself permission to let go of any guilt and simply indulge in something that reawakens your sensual energy.

  4. Hate to see that some of the people become to caring for the others, and end up tided up the guilt.

  5. NIFP- "guilt trip" - Much like the NIPF, but with a strong sense of right and wrong, this subtype can always intuit the motives of others.

  6. So I felt a little guilty and told her to ask her mother whether the ring was suitable.

  7. He said. He threw the photos on the table. But she was on her guard and didn't look guilty at all.

  8. She felt that the man was gentle, and that his interest in her had not abated, and it made her suffer a pang of regret.

  9. For the former, the hero with a heart filled with guilt, while for the latter, sweet smile, like a woman from a dream to come out.


  1. 我很内疚。

    I'm sorry.

  2. 内疚的神色

    guilty look.

  3. 感到很内疚

    about having all this money.

  4. 而感到内疚

    having to face those consequences.

  5. 他感到内疚。

    He is conscious of a sense of quilt.

  6. 接着就是内疚

    and then guilt happens.

  7. 我太内疚了。

    I feel awful.

  8. 我太内疚了。

    I feel awful.

  9. 但我确实内疚。

    But I am guilty.

  10. 我没觉得内疚。

    I don't feel guilty.

  11. 我没觉得内疚。

    I don't feel guilty.

  12. 感到内疚/ 问心无愧

    to have a guilty/ clear conscience

  13. 他感到几分内疚。

    He felt a kind of compunction.

  14. 谁说我很内疚

    Who said I felt guilty?

  15. 我并不感到内疚

    I can't say I'm sorry

  16. 他被内疚折磨着。

    He is tortured by guilt.

  17. 我感觉有点内疚

    with Angelo and all the drama.

  18. 幸存的内疚感?

    Survivor's guilt?

  19. 都背负着内疚吗

    every minute of every freaking day?

  20. 他感觉到很内疚。

    He is conscious of a sense of guilt.

  21. 内疚是发明之母。

    A guilty conscience is the mother of invention.

  22. 我觉得。我觉得你很内疚

    I thinkI think you felt guilty.

  23. 我为失职而内疚。

    I felt guilty about my unprofessional behaviour.

  24. 你没什么好内疚的

    You have nothing to feel guilty about.

  25. 约翰感到深深的内疚。

    John felt a crushing guilt.

  26. 约翰感到深深得内疚。

    John felt a crushing guilt .

  27. 良心的责备, 悔恨, 内疚

    Top a twinge of conscience

  28. 别因为你们感到内疚

    Don't try and make me feel guilty.

  29. 内疚痛苦是浪费时间。

    Guilt pangs are a waste of time.

  30. 良心得责备,悔恨,内疚

    Top a twinge of conscience.


  1. 问:内疚拼音怎么拼?内疚的读音是什么?内疚翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内疚的读音是nèijiù,内疚翻译成英文是 feel guilty

  2. 问:内疚感拼音怎么拼?内疚感的读音是什么?内疚感翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内疚感的读音是nèi jiù gǎn,内疚感翻译成英文是 consciousness of guilt

  3. 问:内疚的拼音怎么拼?内疚的的读音是什么?内疚的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内疚的的读音是,内疚的翻译成英文是 compunctious

  4. 问:内疚和耻辱拼音怎么拼?内疚和耻辱的读音是什么?内疚和耻辱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内疚和耻辱的读音是nèijiùhéchĭrŭ,内疚和耻辱翻译成英文是 guilt & shame

  5. 问:内疚感扩散拼音怎么拼?内疚感扩散的读音是什么?内疚感扩散翻译成英文是什么?

    答:内疚感扩散的读音是nèi jiù gǎn kuò sàn,内疚感扩散翻译成英文是 diffusion of guilty