







汉语拼音:niǔ ní








  1. 羞愧。

    《书·五子之歌》:“鬱陶乎予心,颜厚有忸怩。” 孔 传:“忸怩,心惭。”《后汉书·蔡邕传》:“於是公子仰首降阶,忸怩而避。” 宋 苏轼 《策别十二》:“其心安於为善,而忸怩於不义,是故有所不为。” 清 李慈铭 《越缦堂读书记·梅村集》:“每叙及易代之际,格格阻碍,若因人笑 褚公 而并自贡其忸怩跼蹐之状。” 李劼人 《天魔舞》第十七章:“登时,他便镇定了,神态也潇洒起来,不再像刚才那样的忸怩了。”

  2. 犹踌躇,犹豫。

    《魏书·文苑传·温子昇》:“ 文襄 馆客 元仅 曰:‘诸人当贺。’推 子昇 合陈辞。 子昇 久忸怩,乃推 陆操 焉。” 唐 韩偓 《送人弃官入道》诗:“忸怩非壮志,摆脱是良图。” 五代 王定保 《唐摭言·无官受黜》:“时中书舍人 裴坦 当制,忸怩含毫久之。”

  3. 退缩不前、局缩不伸貌。

    《旧五代史·唐书·安重霸传》:“﹝ 安怀浦 ﹞以临陈忸怩,为 景延广 所诛。” 清 金人瑞 《秋雨甚田且坏》诗:“忸怩蚯蚓升堂陛,细碎鱼虾实沟洫。”

  4. 犹辗转。

    《敦煌变文集·降魔变文》:“ 须达 忸怩反侧,非分仿偟。”



  1. It suggests that someone is shy, modest or sad. This posture is often taken by women.


  2. He did not hesitate like a farmer boy, but looked one eagerly in the eye when he spoke.


  3. "Yes, " she said, and she began to giggle again, sheepishly, and with a pretense of being coy.


  4. "I'll need some moral support with Mrs. Ike, " he said with a sheepish grin.


  5. Then they became friendly, and played about in the nervous, half-coy way with which fierce beasts belie their fierceness .


  6. The voices ceased, the singers, bashful but smiling, exchanged sidelong glances, and silence succeeded--but for a moment only.


  7. He had a shy and hopeful manner in each new contact , and he was always disappointed .


  8. One boy , who lived across the street, called on me one afternoon and his self-consciousness betrayed him .


  9. Bingley, she had likewise seen for an instant, and in that short period saw him looking both pleased and embarrassed.


  1. 忸怩作态, 假装害羞

    hypocritically affect coyness

  2. 忸怩作态的小碎步

    short mincing steps

  3. 她很端庄,丝毫不忸怩。

    She is modest without being coy.

  4. 我但求一吻,何忸怩作态?

    Tis but a kiss I beg why art thou coy.

  5. 他真是个忸忸怩怩的人啊!

    Such a modest man as he is!

  6. 她和生人在一起,总是忸忸怩怩。

    She is always bashful among strangers.

  7. 他恭维她时,她忸怩作态地笑了笑。

    She gave a coy smile when he paid her a compliment.

  8. 他既不脸红,也不左顾右盼,也不忸怩不安。

    He neither blushed, nor looked away, nor looked conscious.

  9. 麦克梯格坐在椅子里,忸怩不安。

    McTeague stirred in his chair.

  10. 他恭维她时,她忸怩作态地笑了一笑。

    She gave a coy smile when he paid her a compliment.

  11. 他们的拘谨和忸怩不安很快消失了。

    Their stiffness and selfconsciousness soon disappeared.

  12. 忸怩拘谨也正是一种善恶参半的性格。

    Prudery is a demivirtue and a demivice.

  13. 卡萝尔忸怩作态勾引男人的样子让我恶心。

    I was sickened by the way Carol charmed all the men by turning coy.

  14. 他们俩个子大,很害臊,忸怩不安,凡事体贴人意。

    They were big and shy and embarrassed and very appreciative together of anything that happened.

  15. 南希虽然浑如参加辩论, 但忸怩得不敢启齿。

    While she felt like joining in the argument, Nancy was too shy to open her mouth.

  16. 害羞忸怩作态我想她的忸怩作态, 是想引起你的注意吧!

    WORD OF THE DAY coy bashful , shy marked by artful playfulness. I think she is being coy to get your attention!

  17. 不要这样忸怩作态,我知道你真 的喜欢这份工作。

    Don't be so coy, and I know you'd like to do the job.

  18. 他显得忸怩羞怯,又和蔼又任性,显然他也是一个英国人。

    He looked diffident, and amiable, and independent, and he, too, was evidently English.

  19. 表示害羞,忸怩,谦恭或悲哀,这是一种常见的女性姿势。

    It suggests that someone is shy, modest or sad. This posture is often taken by women.

  20. 这里有一个姑娘显然是忸忸怩怩地被推进里面得人圈。

    Here a girl was being pushed forward into the inner circle with apparent reluctance.

  21. 这里有一个姑娘显然是忸忸怩怩地被推进里面的人圈。

    Here a girl was being pushed forward into the inner circle with apparent reluctance.

  22. 这位酋长脸上流露出男子的温存, 而没有孩童的忸怩和局促。

    The chief showed a manly kindness, equally removed from boyish weakness and haste.

  23. 朱莉亚一言不发,忸怩不安地盯着这个底萨莱人看了一会儿。

    Julia looked hard at the Thessalian for some moments in rather an embarrassed silence.

  24. 是埃说着她又傻笑开了,很忸怩,作出一副害羞的样子。

    Yes, she said, and she began to giggle again, sheepishly, and with a pretense of being coy.

  25. 开始时,我感觉很忸怩,说话结结巴巴的。不过,很快我的谈话便充满了几乎无法控制的、以前从未感受过的激情。

    At first self-conscious and tongue-tied, I was soon talking with a scarcely controllable passion that I had never known before.


  1. 问:忸怩拼音怎么拼?忸怩的读音是什么?忸怩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:忸怩的读音是niǔní,忸怩翻译成英文是 bashful; blushing



词义 形容害羞,不好意思,不大方的样子。