


窃取,趁人不知时拿人东西:~窃。~吃。小~儿(t島r )。行动瞒着人:~~。~看。~听。~渡。~袭。~税。~天换日(喻暗中改变重大事物的真相以欺骗别人)。抽出时间:~空儿。~暇。~闲。苟且:~安。~生。~幸。~合苟容(苟且迎合别人的意思以求……





汉语拼音:tōu dù







  1. 暗中渡过江河。

    清 昭槤 《啸亭杂录·魁制府》:“ 嘉陵江 之役,一任贼人偷渡,无为其抵御者,公以是获罪赐死。” 孙厥 《新儿女英雄续传》第四章:“河对岸,分队长 魏大猛 率领武工队的第一分队(其中有 黑虎儿 ),下了大船,由 焦五妮 摇橹,静悄悄地,果然在进行偷渡了。”

  2. 谓偷越关隘或国境。

    吴晗 《杰出的学者玄奘》:“﹝ 玄奘 ﹞好容易找到一个引路的,在 玉门关 上偷渡过去后,引路的怕艰险,又跑掉了。”如:在案发之后,他们拟议了偷渡的详细计划,但尚未来得及实行,便被一网打尽。



  1. Back in 2000, when I was "fresh off the boat, " as the not-so-nice folks say, I worked on the 24th floor of an office building in Seattle.

  2. Hammerman, 66, a widow with a grown son, decided to smuggle her to the beach.

  3. We become stuck, like stowaways on a runaway train, obliged to go where a problem seems to be taking us.

  4. Then I remembered how Andy had brought in his five hundred dollars back in 1948, and I took out my story of him the same way.

  5. They were at first assumed to be drug traffickers, but were subsequently identified as migrants trying to reach the United States.

  6. The number of boat people trying to reach Australia continues to surge, with a new boat recently found.

  7. East Germany released Alan Van Norman, a Minnesota man arrested while trying to smuggle an East German family to the West.

  8. Sometimes stowaways are allowed to stay after flying illegally into a country.

  9. CHUNG mistakes TONG for an illegal immigrant at first. With her passionate entreaties, he eventually agrees to put her up temporarily.


  1. 集装箱偷渡

    container smuggle

  2. 偷渡封锁线

    run the blockade.

  3. 大陆偷渡客

    mainland stowaways.

  4. 反偷渡情报组

    Narcotics Bureau.

  5. 不得不偷渡前往欧洲?

    to the shores of Europe?

  6. 反偷渡犯罪国际合作

    international cooperation

  7. 你们发现偷渡者了吗?

    Have you found any stowaway

  8. 反人口偷渡和贩运中心

    Human Smuggling and Trafficking Center

  9. 他非法偷渡到了美国。

    He got to America by means of illegal transportation.

  10. 他非法偷渡到了美国。

    He got to America by means of illegal transportation.

  11. 搜查偷渡者并报告。

    Search for stowaways and report.

  12. 关于偷渡旅客的国际公约

    Convention Internationale sur les Passagers Clandestins

  13. 他们买通边防警卫, 偷渡国境。

    The crossed the border by greasing the palms of border guards.

  14. 偷渡团伙买通边防警卫,偷渡国境。

    The group of stowaway crossed the border by greasing the palms of border guards.

  15. 警方尽力兜捕偷渡过来的人。

    The police tried all they could to round up the fugitives.

  16. 我试图做跨文化的偷渡者

    Im trying to be a Cross Cultural Stowaway

  17. 偷渡和贩卖人口现象正在上升。

    Smuggling and trafficking of people is on the rise.

  18. 原因有倍数偷渡必须加以制止。

    There are multiples of reasons illegals need to be STOPPED.

  19. 但是很多尝试偷渡的人死了。

    But many die.

  20. 大部分偷渡者企图最终不成功。

    Most stowaway attempts end unsuccessfully.

  21. 我们绝对不能让偷渡活动抬头。

    We must not let the peoplesmugglers get a foothold.

  22. 我们绝对不能让偷渡活动抬头。

    We must not let the people-smugglers get a foothold.

  23. 上海集装箱偷渡状况分析及其对策

    An Analysis and Countermeasure to Running a Blockade Concerning Containers in Shanghai

  24. 偷渡者生存, 通常送回原籍。

    Stowaways who survive are usually sent back to their country of origin.

  25. 我更加惊讶,那是几个偷渡者!

    I am so surprised. They are several stowaways!

  26. 偷渡者穿过或偷越封锁线的人

    One that penetrates or evades a blockade.

  27. 非洲移民小船偷渡,拿生命做赌注

    African Migrants Risk Lives in Small Boats

  28. 而作为偷渡者,他们遇到了大麻烦。

    As stowaways, they encountered a big trouble.

  29. 谈船舶偷渡案件中违法行为的处罚

    On the penalty of ships smuggling cases

  30. 我们把偷渡入境的外国人驱逐出境。

    We deport aliens who slip across our borders.


  1. 问:偷渡拼音怎么拼?偷渡的读音是什么?偷渡翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偷渡的读音是tōudù,偷渡翻译成英文是 cross a border illegally

  2. 问:偷渡客拼音怎么拼?偷渡客的读音是什么?偷渡客翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偷渡客的读音是tōudùkè,偷渡客翻译成英文是 illegal immigrant

  3. 问:偷渡者拼音怎么拼?偷渡者的读音是什么?偷渡者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偷渡者的读音是tōudùzhě,偷渡者翻译成英文是 stowaway

  4. 问:偷渡登陆拼音怎么拼?偷渡登陆的读音是什么?偷渡登陆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:偷渡登陆的读音是tōu dù dēng lù,偷渡登陆翻译成英文是 sneak landing


