




1. 岗 [gǎng]岗 [gǎng]高起的土坡:山~。景阳~。平面上凸起的一长道。守卫的位置:~哨。门~。站~。~位(a.守卫的位置;b.职位)。……



汉语拼音:xià gǎng









  1. Fine. But I'm coming with you. Or I'm fired. Up to you.


  2. My company is talking layoffs, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't stressed out about it.


  3. Their misery is not as familiar as that of the laid-off workers of imploding corporations, but it is often more tragic.


  4. Half a year after being laid off from the textile mill, she found a way out of her difficulties by opening a day nersery.


  5. I had been out of work (following a layoff) for about five months and this seemed like a great opportunity to move my career forward.


  6. As the salaries of apprenticed workers were cut and jobs began to be lost, the violence began.


  7. Rather than trying to preserve existing jobs, governments need to support dislocated workers and provide them with new opportunities.


  8. Families were to receive assistance when working father died. People laid off from work were to be helped until they found new jobs.


  9. This situation is caused mostly by the increasing number of out of worker in our cities and a mass of labor force resorting in the country.


  1. 他下岗了。

    He was laid off.

  2. 其实,我下岗了

    Well, um, actually I got I got laid off.

  3. 下岗职工陷入贫困。

    Laidoff workers fall into penury.

  4. 帮助下岗工人再就业

    help those laid off to find a new job

  5. 都知道你下岗了。

    We all know you've been laid off.

  6. 或者我下岗, 你决定。

    Fine. But Im coming with you. Or Im fired. Up to you.

  7. 或者我下岗,你决定。

    Fine. But Im coming with you. Or Im fired. Up to you.

  8. 三年前,他下岗了。

    1 years ago, his come off sentry duty.

  9. 他刚下岗,正在找事做。

    He's just become unemployed and is looking for a job.

  10. 他刚下岗,正在找事做。

    He's just become unemployed and is looking for a job.

  11. 照片中的 6 个人就是下岗职工

    The six people in the photo are Xia Gang workers.

  12. 那么,你铁定是要下岗了

    Well, I guess you might need to retire, then.

  13. 这家公司许多雇员都下岗了。

    Many employees of the company got laid off.

  14. 工资已被冻结,工人也下岗了。

    Wages have been frozen and workers laid off.

  15. 很不幸,他父母目前都下岗了。

    Unfortunately, his parents are out of work at the moment.

  16. 所以下岗并不是件可耻得事情。

    There is no great stigma associated with being laid off.

  17. 所以下岗并不是件可耻的事情。

    There is no great stigma associated with being laid off.

  18. 开办家庭托儿所的多为下岗工人。

    Most family-run nurseries are set up by laid off workers.

  19. 许多工人宁肯下岗也不接受减薪。

    Many workers opted to leave their jobs rather than take a pay cut.

  20. 许多父母下岗, 眼睁睁看着储蓄贬值。

    Parents have lost jobs, and seen their savings wither.

  21. 企业停工停台增加,下岗人员剧增。

    business stop work stops a stage to increase, leap of personnel of come off sentry duty.

  22. 韦伯下岗,谢博德上任,真的吗

    Webber's out. Shepherd's in. Is that true?

  23. 未经工会一致同意, 谁也不会下岗。

    Nobady will lay off with the permission of labor union.

  24. 这又缓解了北京的下岗工人问题。

    This in turn relieves the problem of laidoff workers in the city.

  25. 这又缓解了北京得下岗工人问题。

    This in turn relieves the problem of laidoff workers in the city.

  26. 一周以后,我得到通知,我老公下岗了。

    One week after I gave notice, my husband was laid off from his job.

  27. 下岗女青工的素质改善与再就业

    On How to Improve the Quality of Young Workwomen to Come off Sentry Guard and Reoccupy Employment

  28. 发放下岗职工基本生活费的社会保障机制

    Social Security Mechanism in Distributing Basic Living Expenses to Staff and Worers and Workers Out of Work

  29. 有钱爷爷,下岗孙子,男女娼妓,道德败坏。

    The rich becomes the new lord, The poor has to be humble dogs. Crazy desires make numerous whores, Goodness and morality are ruined.

  30. 这些下岗工人需要资金, 需要职业培训, 还需要支持。

    These laidoff workers need money, vocational training and support.


  1. 问:下岗拼音怎么拼?下岗的读音是什么?下岗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:下岗的读音是xiàgǎng,下岗翻译成英文是 leave one’s post; be laid off


