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But it seems to be sufficient to put the entire 2011-12 season in jeopardy.
但是现在看来这点分歧已经足以让整个2011-12赛季歇菜了。It is so important this month that you cease investing in things that are dying or do not work.
这个月重在停止投入于那些垂死的或“歇菜的”事物。that he gave up his soul to God, you understand, and the other two were sent to penal servitude in Siberia.
他就歇菜去见上帝了,你明白,另外两个被送到西伯利亚去做苦力了。I mean, some people say, 'Oh, God, if [Jobs] got run over by a bus, Apple would be in trouble. '
我的意思是,有人说:“哦,老天,如果(乔布斯)被公交车给碾死了,苹果就歇菜了。”We did have a small technical issue with the throttle late on, which stopped the engine, and it was too late to make a change and go again.
我们之后有个小的阀门技术问题,导致引擎歇菜了,来不及做改变继续跑了。The position of the planets could mean that you could find it very difficult to play your usual games of hide and seek.
今天的行星相位表示你一向擅长的躲猫猫游戏可能得歇菜了。We got back to the van to find that the battery had died from leaving on the lights and hazards to avoid an accident.
我们买好油往回走的,然后发现因为长时间开着警示灯防止发生事故,电瓶歇菜了。Indeed something is to be admitted and you can tell people that, but what about you?
而你又在干吗呢….歇菜哦….有的事情要认,你对别人可以这么说,那你自己呢。A law specifically legalizing gay marriage has stalled in Argentina's Congress since October.