







汉语拼音:zhē lán







  1. 亦作“ 遮阑 ”。亦作“ 遮兰 ”。亦作“ 遮栏 ”。犹阻拦。

    《汉书·王莽传中》“又置奴婢之市,与牛马同兰” 唐 颜师古 注:“兰谓遮兰之,若牛马兰圈也。” 唐 鱼玄机 《打毬作》诗:“无滞碍时从拨弄,有遮栏处任鉤留。”《朱子语类》卷一○九:“次则豪家上户,羣起遮拦,恐法行则夺其利。” 元 关汉卿 《望江亭》第一折:“把门关,将人来紧遮拦。” 元 李翀 《日闻录》:“行马者,即今官府前叉子是也,《周礼》谓之梐枑。行马、枑,木也,互其木遮阑於门。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话》卷十一:“ 随园 四面无墻……每至春秋佳日,士女如云;主人亦听其往来,全无遮阑。” 陈夔龙 《梦蕉亭杂记》卷二:“某制军是日仍復拜客,易舆而骑,正驰驱市中,众商遮拦马首呈诉。”

  2. 阻挡;抵御。

    唐 吕岩 《敲爻歌》:“纵横逆顺没遮栏,静则无为动是色。” 元 白朴 《梧桐雨》第二折:“统精兵直指 潼关 ,料 唐 家无计遮拦,单要抢贵妃一个,非专为锦绣江山。”《东周列国志》第五五回:“ 晋 兵从来未见此凶狠,遮拦不住,大败一阵。” 王西彦 《眷恋土地的人·北运河之夏》:“风从远处没遮拦地掠地而来,又没遮拦地掠地而去。”

  3. 遮蔽;遮盖。

    《敦煌变文集·维摩诘经讲经文》:“致使仏光取胜,掩耀羣霞,圣力独超,遮阑宇宙。” 宋 杨万里 《已至湖尾望见西山》诗:“不教远树遮拦却,芦荻生来直到天。” 清 沉复 《浮生六记·闲情寄趣》:“ 芸 教其家作活花屏……多编数屏,随意遮拦,恍如緑阴满窗,透风蔽日,紆回曲折,随时可更。” 李广田 《记问渠君》:“同学中有一位 牟君 ,他的马褂,长几及膝,袖子却短到不能遮拦腕肘。”

  4. 遮护;庇护。

    宋 无名氏 《张协状元》戏文第三三出:“望圣手遮拦奴,到京里。” 元 马致远 《岳阳楼》第二折:“打打打先生不动惮,更怕甚圣手遮拦。” 元 无名氏 《黄花峪》第一折:“金鞭指路,圣手遮拦。”

  5. 排遣。

    宋 黄庭坚 《西江月·劝酒》词:“花病等閒瘦弱,春愁没处遮拦。” 宋 戴复古 《竹洲诸侄孙小集永嘉蒋子高有诗次韵》:“美景能兼乐事难,愁来唯仗酒遮拦。”

  6. 遮蔽物;拦阻物。

    元 王实甫 《西厢记》第三本第二折:“小孩儿家口没遮栏,一迷的将言语摧残。” 明 袁宗道 《新买得画舫将以为庵因作舟居诗》之七:“更无他物作遮阑,但得心忘梦亦安。”《明成化说唱词话丛刊·张文贵传》:“酒店门前收望子,茶坊门口下遮拦。” 王西彦 《风雪》一:“车子是老旧的,有一半窗口已经没有遮拦。”



  1. Clearly, after years of political clashes, the two men do not care for each other, and they did not mince words.


  2. On his Saturday evening talk show, and everywhere else, he said what he thought abrasively, defiantly, sometimes obscenely.


  3. In the midst of all this the president sacked the defence minister after he insulted some of her closest aides in an interview.


  4. Today, Ahmadinejad on Israel and the United States several times to speak to the "mad castigated granted, " it seems like a breath.


  5. In a press interview, John Lennon made a cynical off-the-cuff remark that the Beatlemania had made his band "more popular than Jesus now" .


  6. America's finest, it will be said, were sent into the heart of darkness and exposed to horrors that made them murder.


  7. Throughout a life spent in the glare of public attention, Hung has made a career out of bold statements and bold action.


  8. North Korean defector groups are unhappy that the South Korean officials have been so loose-lipped about what Mrs Deng may have been doing.


  9. Is still outspoken, without thinking of the mind, be careful not to hurt you!


  1. 中心遮拦干涉图

    obscuration interferogram

  2. 这是口没遮拦。

    It was a slip of the tongue.

  3. 他讲话口没遮拦。

    His tongue runs riot.

  4. 美国人有时就是口没遮拦。

    Americans can be very insensitive sometimes.

  5. 单桩沉降遮拦效应的研究

    Study of Sheltering Effects of Single Pile from Settlements

  6. 宝贝,我们之间是没有任何遮拦的。

    Sweetheart, nothing will ever come between us!

  7. 口无遮拦,罚你陪我倒垃圾。

    OK, just for that, you get to help me take out the trash.

  8. 她知道我口无遮拦,洪晃表示。

    She knows I have a big mouth, Hung says.

  9. 你可以口无遮拦的和一罐啤酒说话。

    You can say whatever you want to a beer.

  10. 他经常喝醉,而且一喝醉就口无遮拦。

    He talked too freely when, as was too often the case, he was in his cups.

  11. 同时, 口无遮拦, 和皇后结下了深仇大恨。

    At the same time, outspoken, and queen of the bear a deep grudge against sb.

  12. 他们很爱传闲话,而且常常口无遮拦。

    They were gossipy and not always discreet.

  13. 消除中心遮拦的反射式激光扩束新方案

    New Method to Remove Central Shade for Reflecting Laser Beam Expander

  14. 不同发射系统遮拦比光束扩展实验数值分析

    Experimental and Numerical Analysis on the Focused Beam Spreading at Different Obscuring Ratio

  15. 考生们常犯的错误就是口无遮拦,毫不思考。

    The common mistake student make is that they tend to speak without even thinking first.

  16. 我们决定从一块没有遮拦的空地上跑过去。

    We decided on a dash across a piece of open land.

  17. 无遮拦的信息很难消除, 而没有死亡就没有进化。

    Naked information is hard to kill, and without death there is no evolution.

  18. 我们决定从一块没有遮拦得空地上跑过去。

    We decided on a dash across a piece of open land.

  19. 他冒冒失失地从没有遮拦的窗户探出身去。

    He was leaning recklessly out of the unshuttered window.

  20. 无遮拦得信息很难消除,而没有死亡就没有进化。

    Naked information is hard to kill, and without death there is no evolution.

  21. 发射系统遮拦比对均强聚焦光束光斑扩展的影响

    Numerical analysis on the uniform focused beam spreading induced by atmosphere turbulence with different obscuring ratio

  22. 在上次给你的电子邮件中,我有点口无遮拦。

    I obviously was a little blundering in my last email to you.

  23. 在上次给你的电子邮件中,我有点口无遮拦。

    I obviously was a little blundering in my last email to you.

  24. 数值计算例表明, 光强分布与菲涅耳数和遮拦比有关。

    Numerical calculations are performed to show theof intensity distribution the Fresenl number and obscure ratio.

  25. 月光没遮拦地直照在船上, 跟这些年轻人共同饮酒。

    In the direct rays of the moonlight, the young people set to eating and drinking.

  26. 在弱湍流效应条件下,光斑扩展受遮拦比影响较大。

    The results show that the obscuring ratio has obvious influence on the beam spreading in weak turbulence.

  27. 目前对于较强的带遮拦光束采用光束质量远场测试法。

    For high intensity laser beam with center obscuration, beam quality far field measurement method is used presently.

  28. 不过他最引人注目的却是在政治社交圈中的口无遮拦。

    Yet it is the unashamedly politically incorrect comments he makes that have attracted the most attention over the years.


  1. 问:遮拦拼音怎么拼?遮拦的读音是什么?遮拦翻译成英文是什么?

    答:遮拦的读音是zhēlán,遮拦翻译成英文是 block; obstruct; impede




拼音:zhē lán