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已婚的女子:~人。少(shào )~。妻,与“夫”相对:夫~。儿媳:~姑(婆媳)。媳~。泛指女性:~女。~孺(妇女儿童)。~幼。……
年纪小,初出生的:~儿。~虫。~苗。~年。小孩儿:~教(jiào )。~师。扶老携~。对儿童爱护:“~吾幼,以及人之幼。”……
汉语拼音:fù yòu
Some of the mothers said health visitors promised to drop off leaflets about depression, but did not do so.
一些患产后抑郁症的母亲表示一些妇幼保健机构的家访者承诺要送给她们一些关于消除沮丧情绪的小册子,但是却失言了。the women's and children's dispensary operation pattern, the service object all is different with the general hospital.
妇幼保健院运营的模式,服务的对象都有别于综合性医院。Method: The relative degree analysis for multiple attribute decision making with time series was used to assess the project comprehensively.
方法:采用有时序多指标决策的灰色关联分析法,对妇幼卫生保健项目实施效果进行卫生综合评价。abstract: Objective To understand the maternal and child health status in Wenzhou region.
目的:了解温州地区当前妇幼保健工作的实际状况。Recent cattle raids in northern Kenya have left scores dead, with unprecedented numbers of women and children among the victims.
最近在肯尼亚北部的突袭造成大量死伤,妇幼受害者的数量是空前之大。Epidemiology is one of the major courses for speciality of maternity and child hygiene.
流行病学是妇幼卫生专业主要课程之一。Results The services of maternity and child care were laggard, and there was significant difference between these two areas.
结果试点地区妇幼保健服务落后,两地区有显著性差异。Premier Wen attended the meeting on the MDGs and AIDS and the launch ceremony of the UN Global Strategy for Women's and Children's Health.
温总理出席了联合国千年发展目标与艾滋病讨论会以及联合国妇幼健康战略启动仪式。Group counseling is suitable for promoting in community hospitals as an important model of alleviating the anxiety of pregnant females.