




1. 打 [dǎ]2. 打 [dá]打 [dǎ]击,敲,攻击:~击。殴~。~杀。放出,发出,注入,扎入:~炮。~雷。~信号。~电报。做,造:~首饰。~家具。拨动:~算盘。揭,破,凿开:~破。~井。举,提起:~灯笼。~起精神。涂抹,印,画:~……



汉语拼音:kāi dǎ






开打 [kāi dǎ]
  1. 戏剧中表演的打斗。后指人打斗闹事。




  1. The fight against terrorism will have to be something of a hybrid.


  2. The frequency and secrecy of the president's golfing has infuriated some of his basketball fans.


  3. We went through the United States pre-season tour without a single injury and then you get hit with a list of them.


  4. He told him he should be welcome, and immediately opened his gates for the mules to go into the yard.


  5. I cannot believe it has been four years since the Iraq war started.


  6. By the time the war happened, Jefferson was retired and living at his home in Monticello.


  7. Being a night match, its a little cooler, you dont have to really face the humidity and the heat.


  8. That's why it's good for United to have Rooney back from injury, even if he hasn't scored from open play for the club since March.


  9. But the US Open tennis tournament is still set to open in New York on Monday.


  1. 在你脑里!仍在你脑里开打!

    In your head, in your head they're still fighting!

  2. 各就各位,演员就要开打了。

    Everyone in it position, the actors will start fighting.

  3. 各就各位,演员就要开打了。

    Everyone in it position, the actors will start fighting.

  4. 新赛季联赛首轮比赛开打

    First league match of the new season

  5. 我们还需要等40分钟才能开打。

    Well have to wait on line for40 minutes.

  6. 这是我安排开打前的一幕。

    This is me preparing for a fight scene.

  7. 两名拳击手于拳击场中央准备开打。

    The two boxers squared off at the center ring.

  8. 他抬起胳膊挡开打过来的拳头。

    He raised his arms to fend off the blows.

  9. 反恐这场仗需要以混合的形式开打。

    The fight against terrorism will have to be something of a hybrid.

  10. 战争一旦正式开打,两国就中止了外交关系。

    After war began, the two countries broke off diplomatic relations.

  11. 到了战争开打的时候,石油的价格将持续的暴涨。

    The oil prices will have been soaring by the time the war is on fire.

  12. 不值得为了轮胎进口而开打一场全球贸易战。

    Tyre imports are not worth starting a global trade war over.

  13. 先得找点碴儿让我们这边得理,然后就开打。

    Let us take the law of our sides; let them begin.

  14. 明天就是平安夜, 许多商家开打价格战吸引消费者。

    Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, Many businesses start price war to attract consumers.

  15. 目的在于轻击,佯攻,假装出拳攻击,而并非认真开打。

    The aim was to spar, to feint and to strike mock blows rather than to fight in earnest.

  16. 有人需要告诉他们, 冷战已结束, 以免他们开打一场新的冷战。

    Someone needs to tell them that the cold war is over for fear that otherwise they may start a new one.

  17. 但如果双方都不退却, 吼叫也吓不走对方, 那就让战争开打吧!

    But if neither submits and roars don't scare off the opposition, let battle commence!

  18. 在一个威斯康辛州的小机场响起的是, 核战开打的错误警报。

    At a Wisconsin airfield the wrong alarm indicating that a nuclear war had begun rang.

  19. 然而当你打 开它,里面什么都没有。

    and you open it up, and there's nothing in it.

  20. 还是跑开然后打911

    Run away and call 911.

  21. 还是跑开然后打911。

    Run away and call 911.

  22. 跑堂一口担保是上海来的好东西,原封没打开过。

    The waiter assured them at once that it was good stuff from Shanghai with the original seal intact.

  23. 你可以开一样,打进很多进球!

    Drive as good as you can and score lots of goals!

  24. 或者打不开

    Or open it.

  25. 门打不开了。

    The door has stuck.

  26. 他们怀着希望将手电筒一开一关地打信号。

    They winked their flashlights hopefully.

  27. 门是打不开的

    the door wouldn't open

  28. 那扇门打不开。

    The door is stuck.

  29. 我打不开这门。

    I can not open the door.

  30. 这扇门打不开。

    This door will not open.


  1. 问:开打拼音怎么拼?开打的读音是什么?开打翻译成英文是什么?

    答:开打的读音是kāidǎ,开打翻译成英文是 An actor or actress performs Wugong in drama....