


1. 柔 [róu]柔 [róu]植物初生而嫩:~荑(初生嫩芽,喻女子白嫩的手)。软,不硬:~软。~韧。~嫩。~滑。软弱,与“刚”相对:~懦。~弱。刚~相济。温和:~顺。~和。~曼(柔和妩媚)。~情。……





汉语拼音:róu rèn








  1. 柔软而坚韧。

    宋 叶梦得 《避暑录话》卷上:“ 晁任道 自 天台 来,以 石桥 籐杖二为赠,自言亲取於悬崖间,柔韧而轻,坚如束筋。” 元 王祯 《农书》卷二十:“﹝蚕瓮﹞频频换水……其丝柔韧润泽,又得匀细。” 明 李时珍 《本草纲目·草一·黄耆》﹝集解﹞引 苏颂 曰:“黄耆至柔韧,皮微黄褐色,肉中白色,此为异耳。” 清 王韬 《瓮牖馀谈·英国硝皮法》:“其硝皮也,柔韧坚緻,水不能入,久而不败。” 郭小川 《团泊洼的秋天》诗:“秋风像一把柔韧的梳子,梳理着静静的 团泊洼 。”



  1. If you don't exercise regularly, you might want to stretch at least three times a week to maintain flexibility.


  2. As an actor you want your face to have it's full flexibility potential. You want to be able to raise and eyebrow ". "


  3. The wood of the tree is light and flexible, so it is often used to make artificial limbs, wicker baskets and furniture.


  4. It had no fins and no tail. Along the underside of the cone ran a flexible, fleshy tube.


  5. It opens over the top of people's heads and the ribs flex with the wind, stopping it from being bent out of shape in a gale.


  6. she ran up to him and with a swift , supple , youthful movement dropped on her knees.


  7. the flexibility of the fiber leads the abrasive grains not to scratch the surface of a polishing workpiece.


  8. Flexibility is an important fitness component that is often overlooked, especially by runners.


  9. Don't spend so much time stretching that you never get out to run. A well-balanced workout routine, however, includes flexibility exercises.


  1. 柔韧印制板

    flexible printed board.

  2. 柔韧的坚硬且灵活的

    Wiry and agile.

  3. 线整体轻盈而柔韧。

    Line integral is lightsome and flexible.

  4. 舞蹈演员柔韧的身体

    the lithe bodies of the dancers.

  5. 针对柔韧性和健康

    For flexibility and health maintenance

  6. 缺少柔韧而坚固的弓弦。

    It is missing a strong and flexible bowstring.

  7. 这些是柔韧的,透明的血管

    There were flexible, clear blood vessels.

  8. 舞蹈演员需要身体柔韧。

    Dancers need to be flexible.

  9. 浅析网球运动的柔韧素质

    Study on the Pliable and Tough Character in Tennis Motion

  10. 柔软的可弯曲或扭曲的柔韧的

    Capable of being bent or flexed pliable.

  11. 他们浸湿皮革,把皮革变柔韧。

    They soaked the leather to made it pliable.

  12. 他们浸湿皮革,把皮革变柔韧。

    They soaked the leather to made it pliable.

  13. 柳条般柔韧的柳条作的,柳条般灵活的坚韧的

    Made of or as flexible as withes tough.

  14. 胶骨结实, 略微倾斜, 且柔韧。

    A dip behind shoulder blades, wheelback, flat back, or a steep or flat croup should be penalized.

  15. 我鞣制的皮革特别柔韧耐用。

    The leather I tanned is supple and durable.

  16. 我鞣制的皮革特别柔韧耐用。

    The leather I tanned is supple and durable.

  17. 柔韧。就是改变观点得能力, 改变得力量。

    Pliability the ability to change an opinion, the power of revision.

  18. 柔韧。就是改变观点的能力,改变的力量。

    Pliability the ability to change an opinion, the power of revision.

  19. 有柔韧得橡胶底得一种帆布鞋。

    The inner sole of a shoe boot.

  20. 有柔韧的橡胶底的一种帆布鞋。

    The inner sole of a shoe boot.

  21. 这个包是由柔韧的皮革做成的。

    This bag is made of flexible leather.

  22. 和弹性, 柔韧性, 强度和轻重量。

    And resiliency, flexibility, strength and lightness of weight.

  23. 身体上细长柔韧有如绳子的部分

    Part of the body like a cord in being long, thin and flexible

  24. 阴道的柔韧程度足以让胎儿通过。

    The vagina is elastic enough to allow the passage of a fetus.

  25. 阴道的柔韧程度足以让胎儿通过。

    The vagina is elastic enough to allow the passage of a fetus.

  26. 三,他有柔韧的肌肉来卖力工作。

    Third, he had flexible flesh to work well.

  27. 附着力强, 柔韧性好, 耐冲击。

    Strong adhesion, excellent flexibility and impact endurance.

  28. 鞍褥一种没框架的柔韧的鞍形物

    A flexible saddle without a frame.

  29. 柔韧,胸深差不多达到肘部。

    Body lithe. Deep brisket almost down to point of elbow.

  30. 预涂板涂层柔韧性试验方法。

    Standard Test Method for Coating Flexibility of Prepainted Sheet.


  1. 问:柔韧拼音怎么拼?柔韧的读音是什么?柔韧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柔韧的读音是róurèn,柔韧翻译成英文是 pliable and tough; supple; flexible

  2. 问:柔韧剂拼音怎么拼?柔韧剂的读音是什么?柔韧剂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柔韧剂的读音是róu rèn jì,柔韧剂翻译成英文是 plasticizer

  3. 问:柔韧皮部拼音怎么拼?柔韧皮部的读音是什么?柔韧皮部翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柔韧皮部的读音是róu rèn pí bù,柔韧皮部翻译成英文是 soft bast

  4. 问:柔韧枝条的拼音怎么拼?柔韧枝条的的读音是什么?柔韧枝条的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柔韧枝条的的读音是róu rèn zhī tiáo de,柔韧枝条的翻译成英文是 viminal, vimineous, withy

  5. 问:柔韧性中碳钢钢丝绳拼音怎么拼?柔韧性中碳钢钢丝绳的读音是什么?柔韧性中碳钢钢丝绳翻译成英文是什么?

    答:柔韧性中碳钢钢丝绳的读音是róurènxìng zhōngtàngāng gāngsīshéng,柔韧性中碳钢钢丝绳翻译成英文是 flexible mild-steel wire rope


