




1. 间 [jiān]2. 间 [jiàn]间 [jiān]两段时间相接的地方,或介于两桩事物当中及其相互关系:中~。~距。~奏。天地之~。在一定空间或时间内:田~。人~。房子内隔成的部分:里~。衣帽~。~量。量词,房屋的最小单位:一~房。……



汉语拼音:fán jiān








  1. 世间;人间。

    《敦煌曲子词·内家娇》:“应是降王母仙宫,凡间略现容真。” 宋 苏轼 《洞霄宫》诗:“上帝高居愍世顽,故留琼馆在凡间。”《西游记》第五一回:“这等啊,决不是凡间怪物,定然是天上凶星。”《红楼梦》第一一八回:“至於神仙那一层,更是谎话,谁见过有走到凡间来的神仙呢?” 许地山 《女儿心》:“仙人还会下到凡间救度他底亲人,你听过这话么?”



  1. "Strikes me you're a bit of star-dust yourself, flung into a world of cowled gnomes who cannot see, " was his comment at the end of it.


  2. Milky Way above, I wait, a few of the fate the world, have turned into a bit of crystal tears, shed left the world with unlimited blessings!


  3. So, in her opinion, someone, the place is a river's lake, whether celestial or to earth.


  4. PC Magazine goes on to explain that the word comes from Sanskrit and means "the incarnation of a god on earth. "


  5. This exquisite story is a film life, do not have to magnificent scenery intake, the delicate and fleeting enough to see leopard.


  6. You've been a fallen angel Ripped out of the sky But as your wings grew strong enough You left me - behind to die.


  7. It drives out of this world a god who had come into it with dissatisfaction and a preference for futile sufferings.


  8. Only major artifacts, which are beyond the means of even epic characters to create, can possibly contain magic of this power.


  9. If she were from real life, people would think she was a homeless woman and would cross the street to avoid her.


  1. 落入凡间的爱。

    Fallen Love.

  2. 我们将凡间与地狱分离。

    We hold the Earth fro Hell away.

  3. 我们将凡间与天堂分离。

    We hold the earth fro heaven away.

  4. 因为她是坠入凡间的天使。

    Because she is a Fallen Angel.

  5. 于是她高贵的亲戚来到凡间

    So that her highborn kinsmen came

  6. 叶猴被视为凡间的猴神勇士。

    Langurs are revered as the earthly warriors of Hanuman, the monkey god.

  7. 则令你躲开那俗眼凡间,

    She bade thee shun the vulgar eye

  8. 她就像个降至凡间的美丽天使。

    She is like an angel on earth.

  9. 她就像个降至凡间的美丽天使。

    She is like an angel on earth.

  10. 许多丛林的言辞是富饶、多神和凡间的。

    The address of many jungles is fertile, polytheistic, mortal.

  11. 这些龙趁男人们不在,来到凡间勾引妇女。

    The dragon came to women to seduce them when their husbands were gone.

  12. 你们为什么把我留在凡间?你们不想要我吗?

    Why did you leave me on earth? Didn't you want me?

  13. 衣裙飘飘, 她美得像落入凡间的仙女。

    Her clothes swaying, she looks as beautiful as an angel who has dropped into the world.

  14. 衣裙飘飘,她美得像落入凡间的仙女。

    Her clothes swaying, she looks as beautiful as an angel who has dropped into the world.

  15. 仙女不想让凡间知道他们秘密的生活方式。

    Fairies do not want the mortal world to know about their secret way of life.

  16. 主太爱她了。只让她在凡间逗留了七年。

    Amy Baldwin She was loved too much by God. Seven years was not enough time.

  17. 最后,连乞丐丙都决定留在凡间,甘为凡人。

    At the end of the day, the third beggar also decided to become mortal again.

  18. 最后,他觉得凡间实在美妙,决定不回天庭了。

    At the end of the day he decided that he would not be returning to Heaven.

  19. 他们都游离于凡间的情爱之中,都归宿于男人的情怀。

    They are all dissociating the ordinary love and belong to men's sentiment.

  20. 此时, 天堂一片宁静, 凡间的声音已可听到

    At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard.

  21. 可是为什么在凡间犯错误的又能回天上去呢?

    Why in the sky make a want of mistake to devaluate to come down to earth?

  22. 当人即将死亡时, 他对凡间的事务即失去兴趣。

    When a man is near death he loses interest in mundane affairs.

  23. 噢!佛祖,普渡众生的佛祖也不曾传授凡间的圆满规则!

    Oh! The Buddha, universals restoration the Buddha not once taught the world of mortals the complete rule!

  24. 不准从凡间带任何东西到天国来,你知道吗?

    You are not allowed to take anything from Earth to Heaven. Do you know that?

  25. 那一刻,天堂异常平静,甚至可以听见凡间的一切声响。

    At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from earth could already be heard.

  26. 至尊宝到底是谁 是500年后转世凡间得孙悟空吗

    Link in the end is who 500 years after the mortal incarnation of the Monkey it

  27. 他判罚卡罗列和巴永到凡间,在那里他们难免一死。

    He sentenced colore and bajon to mortality, where they would certainly die.

  28. 它将那个带来不满和无谓苦难的神祗逐出了凡间。

    It drives out of this world a god who had come into it with dissatisfaction and a preference for futile sufferings.

  29. 至尊宝到底是谁 是500年后转世凡间的孙悟空吗

    Link in the end is who 500 years after the mortal incarnation of the Monkey it

  30. 启禀玉帝, 我今天变成一条鱼到凡间的河流中去嬉戏。

    The report today, I become a fish in the river to the earth to play.


  1. 问:凡间拼音怎么拼?凡间的读音是什么?凡间翻译成英文是什么?

    答:凡间的读音是fánjiān,凡间翻译成英文是 Variant of 人世间




【出处】:《敦煌曲子词·内家娇》:“应是降王母仙宫,凡间略现容真。” 宋 苏轼 《洞霄宫》诗:“上帝高居愍世顽,故留琼馆在凡间。”《西游记》第五一回:“这等啊,决不是凡间怪物,定然是天上凶星。”

【示例】:《红楼梦》第一一八回:“至於神仙那一层,更是谎话,谁见过有走到凡间来的神仙呢?” 许地山 《女儿心》:“仙人还会下到凡间救度他底亲人,你听过这话么?”