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1. 石 [shí]2. 石 [dàn]石 [shí]构成地壳的矿物质硬块:~破天惊(喻文章议论新奇惊人)。指石刻:金~。指古代用来治病的针:药~。药~之言(喻规劝别人的话)。中国古代乐器八音之一。姓。石 [dàn]中国市制容量单位,十斗为……
汉语拼音:é luǎn shí
《水浒传》第五七回:“ 呼延灼 见他本事低微,纵马赶上山来。 小霸王 周通 ,正在半山里看见,便飞下鹅卵石来。”《儒林外史》第二二回:“从镜子后边走进去,两扇门开了,鹅卵石砌成的地,循着塘沿走,一路的朱红栏杆。” 巴金 《军长的心》一:“车子在沟内鹅卵石的小路上颠得厉害。”
Without looking at it, he fumbled and let it fall onto the pebble-strewn path where it immediately became lost among all the other pebbles.
还没看,一个没拿稳就掉落到铺满鹅卵石的路上,它立刻掉进所有鹅卵石中不见了。With just a flick of his wrist he could make any well-shaped pebble fly unerringly to its mark.
只要手腕轻轻一甩,他可以让任何形状不错的鹅卵石飞无误地向自己的目标。Hansel got up in midnight, wanting to look for some more pebbles. But the door was locked and he could not open it.
半夜,亨舍儿爬起来想去捡鹅卵石,可是门锁上了,他打不开。And that's where a smiling man aged in his twenties came up to me as I was struggling to push my fully-laden bicycle along a cobbled street.
当我在鹅卵石街道上努力推我那满载的自行车时,有一个二十几岁的男人微笑着朝我走来。To ensure he did not pick the same pebble twice or three times he would throw every picked pebble far out into the sea.
为了确保他不会两次或三次捡起同一块鹅卵石,他每捡起一块鹅卵石就把它远远的抛到海里。He had formed such a strong habit of throwing each pebble into the sea that when the one he wanted came along he stil threw it away.
他已经形成了扔掉每块石头的习惯,以至于当他想要的那一块鹅卵石出现时,他还是顺手扔了出去。As the last Ice Age came to an end, somebody picked a pebble out of a small river not far from Bethlehem.
随着最后一个冰河时代宣告结束,有人从伯利恒附近流水淙淙的小溪边,捡起了一枚鹅卵石。Boyle is a charity volunteer who says she has never been kissed and lives alone in Blackburn, near Edinburgh, with a cat called Pebbles.
波伊尔是位慈善志愿者,她称自己还未献出初吻。她独居在爱丁堡附近的布莱克本,与一只名叫“鹅卵石”的猫咪为伴。They are like the grey pebbles in the river of time, standing silently under the rush of time, though they used to be shining and lovely.