







汉语拼音:jiāo yǒu








  1. 朋友。

    《商君书·禁使》:“故至治,夫妻交友不能相为弃恶盖非而不害于亲,民人不能相为隐。”《隋书·元亨传》:“ 亨 年十二, 魏恭帝 在储宫,引为交友。” 宋 张世南 《游宦纪闻》卷八:“ 黄公銖 ,字 子厚 , 富沙 浦城 人,与 朱文公 为交友。”

  2. 结交朋友。

    《礼记·儒行》:“其行本方立义,同而进,不同而退,其交友有如此者。”《后汉书·仲长统传》:“年二十餘,游学 青 、 徐 、 并 、 冀 之间,与交友者多异之。” 清 纳兰性德 《渌水亭杂识》卷二:“交友不能信者,事君必不忠。”



  1. A mature man in the responsibility of the family, parents, children love to his wife's love, and the attitude toward work and making way.


  2. If you use a search engine to look for a good online dating site, be ready to get overwhelmed.


  3. He will suffer anxiety and depression, almost certainly, for the rest of his life. He has no friends and is unlikely to make any.


  4. But online dating websites are not the only players angling for a piece of this booming business.


  5. No man can have society upon his own terms. If he seek it, he must serve it too.


  6. Give me links to work that you have done. Obviously I would like to see at least one dating site.


  7. Today, I decided to try something new and sign up for an online dating service, since I can't meet a decent guy in person.


  8. and between useful occupation and the pleasures of society, the next eighteen or twenty years of his life passed cheerfully away.


  9. I'm working in a advertsing company. My chinese is good. I hope to make friends with you and learn language together.


  1. 交友莫轻率。

    Do not rash to make friends.

  2. 交友要谨慎。

    Watch the company you keeps.

  3. 他交友不慎。

    Hes mixing with the wrong people.

  4. 所以网上交友

    So what's that like.

  5. 他交友谨慎。

    He is discreet in choosing his friends.

  6. 交友费时。

    Friends are thieves of time.

  7. 为交友而扰

    Making friends at all.

  8. 富者易交友。

    Where there is wealth there is friend.

  9. 珍妮交友甚广。

    Jenny has a wide circle of friends.

  10. 滥交友者无友。

    Who makes friends of all keeps none.

  11. 试试看交友网站。

    Try personals sites.

  12. 我不轻易交友。

    I don't readily make friends.

  13. 我交友的原则。

    Principle that I make friends.

  14. 没钱,交友不慎。

    No money,bad relationship.

  15. 没钱,交友不慎。

    No money, bad relationship.

  16. 他交友很谨慎。

    He is discreet in making friends.

  17. 不树敌,难交友。

    He makes no friend who never makes a foe.

  18. 她交友十分谨慎

    She practiced restraint in her friendships.

  19. 单身交友易车会

    Baa single wo men club

  20. 失友快, 交友慢。

    A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.

  21. 交友慢,失友快。

    A friend is not so soon gotten as lost.

  22. 失友容易,交友难。

    A friend is easier lost than founded.

  23. 交友之人须友善。

    A man who has friends must show himself friendly.

  24. 您的交友目的?

    I am an epitome of the true filipina who traditionally enjoys the company of people who has the same kind of interests.

  25. 交友要快,树敌要谨。

    Slow to make enemies. Quick to make friends.

  26. 音乐家与我交友吧!

    Musician welcome to make friend with me!

  27. 音乐家与我交友吧!

    Musician welcome to make friend with me!

  28. 生命的情趣在于交友。

    The spice of life is to befriend.

  29. 谄言交友,直言树敌。

    Flattery bring friend, but the truth beget enmity.

  30. 年轻人喜欢与人交友。

    Young people like to pal around with one another.


  1. 问:交友拼音怎么拼?交友的读音是什么?交友翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交友的读音是jiāoyǒu,交友翻译成英文是 To make friends.

  2. 问:交友小组拼音怎么拼?交友小组的读音是什么?交友小组翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交友小组的读音是jiāo yǒu xiǎo zǔ,交友小组翻译成英文是 encounter group

  3. 问:交友价值观拼音怎么拼?交友价值观的读音是什么?交友价值观翻译成英文是什么?

    答:交友价值观的读音是jiāo yǒu jià zhí guān,交友价值观翻译成英文是 friendship value