


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


适当,合适:稳~。不~。~当(dàng )。~贴(恰当,十分合适。亦作“妥帖”)。~善。~协(让步,放弃争执)。安稳,停当(多用在动词后):已经商量~了。……



汉语拼音:bù tuǒ





1.犹不测。《醒世恒言·乔太守乱点鸳鸯谱》:“只因 刘璞 病势愈重,恐防不妥,单要哄媳妇到了家里,便是买卖了。”

2.不好,不合适。《红楼梦》第八回:“﹝ 宝玉 ﹞又怕遇见他父亲,更为不妥,寧可绕个远儿。”毛泽东《在省市自治区党委书记会议上的讲话》:“这些干部的意见中虽然有某些合理的部分……但是,他们的意见总的方向不妥,根本路线不对。”


4.难受,不舒服。《歧路灯》第十一回:“﹝ 橘泉 道:﹞‘老先生大约心口上不妥的要紧。’孝移 道:‘疼的当不得。’”



  1. 犹不测。

    《醒世恒言·乔太守乱点鸳鸯谱》:“只因 刘璞 病势愈重,恐防不妥,单要哄媳妇到了家里,便是买卖了。”

  2. 不好,不合适。

    《红楼梦》第八回:“﹝ 宝玉 ﹞又怕遇见他父亲,更为不妥,寧可绕个远儿。” 毛泽东 《在省市自治区党委书记会议上的讲话》:“这些干部的意见中虽然有某些合理的部分……但是,他们的意见总的方向不妥,根本路线不对。”

  3. 指不正当的男女关系。


  4. 难受,不舒服。

    《歧路灯》第十一回:“﹝ 橘泉 道:﹞‘老先生大约心口上不妥的要紧。’ 孝移 道:‘疼的当不得。’”



  1. In his marrying such a woman therefore there would be nothing unsuitable.


  2. And any lingering stigma associated with OK is long since gone. Now OK is not out of place in the mouth of a US president like Barack Obama.


  3. It does not exclude it, but as a woman I don't like the pursuit of the same, always feel that something is amiss.


  4. The Office of the President also felt that Lin did not respond well in the Legislative Yuan, so they approved her resignation.


  5. His wife and little worried about such a wizard, I do not know the relevant possessor of it properly is wrong.


  6. "He used to come to these sort of places, so he knows that nothing really bad happens here, " she says coyly.


  7. Mr. Putin seemed to be suggesting that if he ran again, it would be as proper because he would be complying with Russia's Constitution.


  8. There is nothing necessarily wrong with that: it's a system that has worked well for centuries and if you are happy with it, then fine.


  9. While he said there is nothing wrong with gambling , he advised his son to be careful.


  1. 我认为这不妥

    I'm not okay with this.

  2. 你觉得哪里不妥

    What's. wrong?

  3. 你觉得哪里不妥?


  4. 这种方法不妥。

    This is not the proper way.

  5. 这种提法不妥。

    This formulation is not proper.

  6. 这服务有什么不妥?

    How is this service sick?

  7. 人的身体没什么不妥的。

    Nothing's wrong with the human body.

  8. 不说任何不妥之辞。

    Said nothing out of the way.

  9. 这样处理,恐怕不妥。

    I'm afraid this isn't the proper way to handle the case.

  10. 这没有任何不妥之处。

    There is nothing wrong with this.

  11. 你们完全没觉得不妥吗

    You really think that was okay?

  12. 安慰剂到底有什么不妥?

    What on earth is wrong with placebos?

  13. 明知不妥而冒然为之

    quarrel with Providence

  14. 我穿得有什么不妥吗?

    What's wrong with the way I dress?

  15. 史迪夫什么事有什么不妥

    Steve What is something wrong.

  16. 难道是我方子开得不妥?

    Did I write the wrong prescription?

  17. 至少可以说,这样处理不妥。

    This is not the proper way to handle the matter, to say the least.

  18. 得了,这家伙到底有什么不妥

    Come on, what's the deal with this guy?

  19. 我们认为,这种说法是不妥的。

    We think, this kind of view is inappropriate.

  20. 他的演讲很有不妥之处。

    His speech can only be described as defective.

  21. 他当众指责妻子, 真是不妥。

    He got out of line for criticizing his wife publicly

  22. 问你这个问题会不会不妥呢?

    Would it be out of line if I ask you this question?

  23. 听起来你觉得这行为不妥。

    You say that like it's a bad thing.

  24. 你认为这样的想法好还是不妥?

    Do you think this is a good or bad idea?

  25. 系统管理员往往没有什么不妥线索。

    A system administrator often has no clue that anything is amiss.

  26. 因此提到这种做法似乎不妥。

    The reference to this practice does not therefore seem appropriate.

  27. 但是委员会称没有发现不妥的地方。

    But the committee says nothing wrong had been found.

  28. 但是,戴着它上班就似乎不妥了。

    But to work, it just seemed out of place.

  29. 在停车场那晚你倒没觉得不妥

    It didn't matter the other night in the parking lot.

  30. 由于板滞调度不妥, 引起纸弛折皱。

    as a result of mechanical adjustment incorrectly, causing the paper crease.


  1. 问:不妥拼音怎么拼?不妥的读音是什么?不妥翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不妥的读音是bùtuǒ,不妥翻译成英文是 unsuitable; improper; inappropriate

  2. 问:不妥协拼音怎么拼?不妥协的读音是什么?不妥协翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不妥协的读音是,不妥协翻译成英文是 intransigence

  3. 问:不妥协的拼音怎么拼?不妥协的的读音是什么?不妥协的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不妥协的的读音是,不妥协的翻译成英文是 no-compromise

  4. 问:不妥当的拼音怎么拼?不妥当的的读音是什么?不妥当的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不妥当的的读音是,不妥当的翻译成英文是 unadvisable

  5. 问:不妥协的人拼音怎么拼?不妥协的人的读音是什么?不妥协的人翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不妥协的人的读音是,不妥协的人翻译成英文是 intransigent

