







汉语拼音:jiē diàn






  1. 街市上的店铺。

    郭沫若 《喀尔美萝姑娘》:“平时很寥寂的街店都竞争着装饰起来招诱行客。”



  1. A lovely little shop in Tokyo Nakamise Street, Asakusa Kannon Temple.


  1. 上海香港名店街店

    The store of the Shanghai HK street

  2. 明代时称为大店街, 店铺云集。

    Large store market is called when bright generation, shop gathers.

  3. 能否请你将那件订单的货寄送到我们位于詹姆士街的店?

    Can you ship that order to our James Street location please ?

  4. 穿过街去自行车店。

    To the bicycle shop across the street.

  5. 我刚才马布里街逛小店

    but I was at boutique on Mulberry Street.

  6. 这些包来自榉树街不同的店。

    Each of these bags come from a different store on beech street.

  7. 而我们街对面的店就有特色。

    What we got across the street is character.

  8. 特别是卡纳比街的小商品店。

    Especially the boutiques of Carnaby street.

  9. 关东店北街

    Guandongdianbei Jie.

  10. 到街对面的店里给我买包烟,好吗?

    Pop across to the shop and bring me a packet of cigarettes,will you?

  11. 小店在街的拐角。

    The store is just around the corner.

  12. 您可以在商店街的陶器店里买到类似的东西。

    You may buy some similar ones at the ceramic shop in the Arcade.

  13. 半公里外的摄政街苹果旗舰店也有同样的商品。

    Well, all the same stuff as in the Apple store half a mile away on Regent Street.

  14. 立即前往娃娃商店街, 到各娃店寻找好物? ?

    Visit Dolly Mall now!And find good stuffs for your doll at the shops!

  15. 你说你的店在舰队街?

    Your establishment is in fleet street, you say?

  16. 商店街中有一家陶器店。

    There is a ceramic shop in the Arcade.

  17. 她说,入山豆腐店继续沿街叫卖的传统非常重要。

    She says how important it is for the shop to continue street vending in the neighbourhood.

  18. 我丈夫想在街那头开一家披萨店。

    My husband is opening the pizzeria right down the block.

  19. 沃尔多夫街拐角上的烤肉店一直开到午夜。

    The rotisserie on the corner of Waldorf Street stays open until midnight.

  20. 正从甜甜圈店出来要过街。

    Pulled up across the street from the donut shop.

  21. 这间店在同一条街还有另外一家分店。

    In the same street, there is another branch of this shop.

  22. 约翰说那家店只有一街之遥, 但其实远远超过那距离。

    John said the store was a block down the street, but it was well beyond that.

  23. 街对面有家特约维修店。

    There is a special repair shop on the other side of the street.

  24. 街那边有一家很大的店。

    On the farther side of the street there was a large shop.

  25. 那条街上有两家鞋店。

    There are two shop shops and a bookshop on that street.

  26. 街对面,咖啡和香料店的生意兴隆。

    Opposite, the coffee and spice shop was doing a brisk trade.

  27. 那条街上有新开的店吗?

    Is there a new shop on that street?

  28. 我住的街上就有魔力酱和巧克力店。

    I like the appearance and smell of it.

  29. 我一般是在街边水果店用电子秤秤重。

    I usually use electronic balance in fruit shop in street.

  30. 去女人街好不好?那里卖衣服的小店特别多。

    How about Nuren Jie? There are a lot of clothing stores there.