




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:píng shuō






  1. 辩白的证据。

    《宣和遗事》前集:“女子领了圣旨,口占一词道:……误到 玉皇 金殿砌,赐酒金杯满设。量窄从来,红凝粉面,尊见无凭説。假王金盏,免公婆责罚臣妾。”



  1. What level is varied, and so on are also well said.


  1. 然而无论它万般凭说, 我们的时代正在抛弃这个世界。

    Whatever it may say, our era is deserting this world.

  2. 你凭什么说这些?

    Who are you to say something like that?

  3. 这是凭直觉说得。

    I thought this was rather unintuitive.

  4. 这是凭直觉说的。

    I thought this was rather unintuitive.

  5. 你撒谎,你凭什么说我撒谎?

    That's a lie. Why would you think I was lying?

  6. 你凭什么说我会失败?

    Why do you think that I'll fail?

  7. 你们凭良心说榴梿难吃吗?

    Say with your heart durian is difficult to eat?

  8. 凭良心说他只是一时口误

    And it was a slip of the tongue, let's be fair.

  9. 凭良心说, 我不可能答应过。

    In all conscience, I couldn't have said yes.

  10. 你凭良心说,那是真的吗?

    On your honor is that true?

  11. 她凭记忆说出了整首诗。

    She said the whole poem from memory.

  12. 凭良心说,我本该是个女人。

    I should have been a woman by right.

  13. 你凭什么说我不能进教堂?

    Who are you to say I shall not enter the church?

  14. 就凭你说我们能永远在一起。

    As far as we can be together forever.

  15. 凭良心说, 我是决不会要的。

    I would n't have that on my conscience.

  16. 凭什么说有关当局会对此不满?

    By what to say the authority concerned will be malcontent to this

  17. 你凭什么说我们的产品不合格?

    On what basis are you saying that our products are not up to standard ?

  18. 你凭什么说我们的产品不合格?

    On what basis are you saying that our products are not up to standard?

  19. 凭良心说, 他英语学得太差了。

    He did poorly in English in all conscience.

  20. 如果说凭美貌决定一个人的价值的话,这就有失公道了。

    It is demeaning to say that beauty alone determines one's worth.

  21. 猜想。你凭什么说我会不会去做什么。

    Dont presume to tell me what I will and will not do.

  22. 你凭什么说我丈夫是低阶贵族?

    And how dare you refer to my husband as lesser than anyone?

  23. 凭良心说, 我恐怕不能够去当牧师。

    I fear I could not conscientiously do so.

  24. 见鬼, 你凭什么说自己聪明?我问道。

    What the hell makes you so smart? I asked.

  25. 在非洲,我们说凭一个人的双手不能抱拢一棵面包树。

    In Africa, we say that no one man can put his hands around a baobab tree.

  26. 你凭什么说那个是真的东方不败?

    Why did you say that he is the real Asia the invincible?

  27. 八十天环游地球,凭什么说办不到?

    A few readers of the Daily Telegraph even dared to say, 'Why not, after all?

  28. 凭良心说,说真心话,我差不多要被难倒了。

    Honest, to tell the truth, I'm about stumped.

  29. 你凭什么说要我面对现实?你生活无忧。

    Who are you to tell me to get real? You live in a fantasyland.

  30. 凭你说得快, 一口气说不完一百个枣。

    Say quickly by you, do not say jujubes at a heat.


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