




1. 要 [yào]2. 要 [yāo]要 [yào]索取:~账。~价。希望,想:~强。~好。请求:她~我给她读报。重大,值得重视的:重~。~人。~领。纲~。~言不烦。应该,必须:须~。将(jiāng):将~。快~。如果,倘若:~是。表选择……



汉语拼音:wò yào






  1. 掌握要领。

    《淮南子·人间训》:“执一而应万,握要而治详,谓之术。” 清 和邦额 《夜谭随录·洪由义》:“虽然,人苟巨富,凡所欲得欲为者无不能, 洪 可谓握要以图哉。”




  1. 按按钮时要握稳照相机。

    Steady your camera when you press the button.

  2. 切的时候要握紧刀和要切的菜。

    While holding the food and the cutting knife firmly, cut straight down.

  3. 我不要握你的手,因为你不会死的

    I'm not holding your hand because you're not dying.

  4. 你要握一下买中彩票的手吗?

    Would you like to shake the hand that bought that ticket?

  5. 临别的时候,他要握她的手,并且不许她拒绝。

    When it came to the moment of parting, he would take her hand, he would not be denied it.

  6. 和希腊人握过手,要数数自己的手指头。

    After shaking hands with a Greek, count your fingers.

  7. 现在我们折磨他时,却要我握着他的手

    And now I'm supposed to hold his hand while we torture him?

  8. 如果一位妇女不先伸出手, 千万不要先握她的手。

    Don't try to shake hands with a woman unless she puts out her hand first.

  9. 用这只手握着,不要用那只手。

    Hold it in this hand, not the other.

  10. 想要适当的握标枪,你要先找到它的重心。

    To hold a javelin properly you must first find its center of gravity.

  11. 你老板现在大权在握而你则要每天重新申请你的工作。

    Your boss the driver's seat, and you will have to reapply for your job every day.

  12. 我想要握握他得手。

    I want to shake his hand .

  13. 我想要握握他的手。

    I want to shake his hand.

  14. 手把著犁儿啊,你要握紧!

    Keep your hand plow, hold on!

  15. 你用斧头砍东西时,一定要握紧把柄。

    Be sure to take hold of the handle of an axe when you chop things with it.

  16. 为了要握有刺的棍子, 首先得戴上手套。

    One puts on gloves before grasping a thorn cudgel.

  17. 你用斧头砍东西时,一定要握住斧把。

    Be sure to take hold of the handle of an axe when you chop things with it.

  18. 在拆卸连接器时,不要握住线束,而应握住连接器。

    When removing the connector, do not hold the harness, but hold the connector.

  19. 要我陪你去握着你的手吗

    Do you need me to go with you and hold your hand

  20. 接收者现在我要你在你前面握着你的双手, 手掌心相贴。

    Receiver Now i what you to hold your hands out in front of you, with both palms facing.

  21. 我们要紧握手中枪。

    We must hold to our guns.

  22. 不要放松紧握着的手。

    Don't slacken your grip.

  23. 要怎样才能把月光握在手心里?

    How do you hold a moonbeam in your hand

  24. 你要按照他告诉你那样握拿刀具。

    You have to hold the tool as he tell you to do.

  25. 握紧安全杠, 不要把手打开。

    Please hold the safely lever tight.

  26. 我俩向星辰起誓, 还要更加握紧。

    We should but vow the faster for the stars.

  27. 我要尽力把这个大家伙掌握住。

    I will try to manage the big one.

  28. 爱, 就是不要放松紧握着的手。

    Love is dont slacken your grip.

  29. 当你握着这支枪的时候,你要灵活沉着。

    When it's in your hand, you are smart, you're careful.

  30. 当你紧握电影合同的时候要记住我

    the guest listens, more angry, clinch lackey is hit.

