







汉语拼音:téng qǐ








  1. 升起。

    《后汉书·方术传下·蓟子训》:“初去之日,唯见白云腾起,从暮至旦,如是数十处。” 俞林 《在太行山上》诗:“第一眼看到的就是从山脚下腾起的那股浓烟,一股糊焦味扑鼻而来。”



  1. A black plume of smoke hung in the sky, and below it a cloud of plaster dust in which a crowd was already forming around the ruins .


  2. Would like to have the happy, bubbling slowly pen at this time give midnight, with the flight Madadayo pour out of the atmosphere.


  3. Another minute, and it was suffused with a crimson flush: and a heavy wildness came over the soft blue eye.


  4. Flames were coming from a human being; his body was slowly withering and shriveling up, his head blackening and charring.


  5. I hope that we have the wisdom to let the angels of our better nature rise to the occasion and do what needs to be done.


  6. Witnesses said the gas pipeline attacked after Jumping in flames and billowing smoke, even if the distance of 25 km can also be seen.


  7. One opposition senator compares her to rising damp: "everywhere and impossible to tackle" .


  8. She looked into the distance, and the old terror flamed up for an instant, then sank again.


  9. The mist is like the earth's desire. It hides the sun for whom she cries.


  1. 山头上升腾起白蒙蒙的雾气。

    A thick mist rose over the hilltop.

  2. 奎介的视野里腾起一片灰蒙。

    Keisuke's vision was plunged into grey.

  3. 从燃烧着的木头上腾起一道火焰。

    A flame darted from the logs.

  4. 那府第便径自腾起大火燃烧下去。

    The chateau was left to itself to flame and burn.

  5. 现在还能看到基地上空腾起的烟雾。

    Now over Base Jumping can see the smoke.

  6. 整个喀布尔都能看到腾起的黑烟。

    The rising plume of black smoke could be seen all over Kabul.

  7. 在炽热的太阳照耀下, 沙漠腾起股股热浪。

    Heat vapour steamed the desert under the blazing sun.

  8. 挑战者号突然腾起, 笨拙地沿着发射塔上升。

    Challenger broke free, lumbered past the launch tower.

  9. 倏忽间腾起的片云,接着是又刮风又下雨。

    it soon covers the entire vault of heaven, producing a tumult of wind and rain.

  10. 油一倒在火上, 立刻就腾起了熊熊烈焰。

    The fire flamed out as soon as oil was poured on it.

  11. 从十二个薰香罐里腾起香雾,弥漫了整个房间。

    The smoke of a dozen incense pots filled the room.

  12. 水深了,她腾起身子,舒开双臂长长地一划。

    The water was deep, but she lifted her white body and reached out with a long, sweeping stroke.

  13. 辽阔的海疆飞驶英雄的战艇,西部边陲又腾起冲天的火箭。

    The broad sea Jiang flies fast heroic war boat, western backland again Teng rise hurtle the rocket in sky.

  14. 两片火焰化作一处,腾起了几百英尺高的烈焰。

    The two sheets of flame clashed, soaring hundreds of feet high.

  15. 撑竿跳高腾起的生物力学分析

    Analysis of the Biological Mechanics of Pole Vault Jump.

  16. 紫色的浓雾正在黄昏的微光中腾起。

    Great banks of violet haze were rising in the gleam of the twilight.

  17. 花卉走向坟墓,火焰中升腾起洁白的鸽子。

    Flowers went to the tomb and white pigeons flied from the flame.

  18. 我国男子撑竿跳高腾起高度的能量守恒定律分析

    Analysis on Height of Jump in Chinese Men's Pole vault by using Energy Conservation Law

  19. 经过一阵厮杀, 忽然一股白烟腾起, 一会儿就消散了。

    After fighting all of a sudden a white flight, while on the dissipation.

  20. 当天空腾起蘑菇云时,这也意味着氢弹试爆成功了!

    The appearance of the mushroom cloud signifies the success of the H-bomb test.

  21. 天黑了,平原一片苍凉,紫色的浓雾正在黄昏的微光中腾起。

    Night was falling, the plain was cold and vague, great banks of violet haze were rising in the gleam of the twilight.

  22. 紧贴土地, 升腾起崇高的心愿, 繁衍出对宇宙无私奉献的情怀。

    Its lofty aspiration goes up from the earth and its feelings of selfless contributions to the universe are multiplied.

  23. 前排扣球具有起跳重心腾起角大的特征。

    Front row spikes feature large takeoff angles.

  24. 狭缝中流动沸腾传热过冷沸腾起始点的实验研究

    Investigation of subcooled boiling incipience in flow boiling heat transfer through narrow channels

  25. 她掖起膨松的裙边给旁边的简腾出地方。

    She tucked up her voluminous skirts to make room for Jane beside her.

  26. 腾格拉尔说, 他假装感动得同情起这个青年来。

    Remarked Danglars, affecting to pity the young man from the bottom of his heart.

  27. 但见松鼠跳跃着欢迎我们的到来,云雾自山下腾涌而起。

    The squirrels were jumping in welcome. Steam was rising up from the mountain below.

  28. 这甜蜜得幻影往往使她腾身坐起, 而后却是一片空虚

    She would rise from the sweet delusion mocked and emptied of her courage.

  29. 这甜蜜的幻影往往使她腾身坐起,而后却是一片空虚

    She would rise from the sweet delusion mocked and emptied of her courage.

  30. 安禄山见驾唐明皇和杨贵妃,别有用心地跳起了胡腾舞。

    An Lushan, during a formal visit to Emperor Tang and beauty Yang, start to perform Huteng Dance.