







汉语拼音:téng fēi









  1. 飞腾,飞起。

    晋 傅玄 《墙上难为趋府》诗:“门有车马客,驂服若腾飞。” 隋 王孝籍 《上牛弘书》:“咳唾足以济活枯鳞,吹嘘可以腾飞穷羽。” 元 无名氏 《隔江斗智》第二折:“暂时间蛟龙蟠屈,少不得雷雨腾飞。”

  2. 迅速向前发展。如:经济腾飞。



  1. If fiscal policy as a left- wing economic take -off , then monetary policy is no doubt that it is the right - wing.

  2. How much that matters depends on whether such innovation boosts growth.

  3. Most are the single child of their families and have been raised at a time of a tremendous rise in economic wealth.

  4. The generation that came of age in the Celtic Tiger years was the first that did not feel it had to move abroad to thrive.

  5. The teacher, if I can fly in the sky, it is you give me a pair of wings, If I can sail in the sea, that you gave me a frolic strength!

  6. Spielberg's career really took off when he began to shoot his short films.

  7. As long as every Chinese works to his capacity in the construction of China's economy, the rise of Chinese nation is just around the corner.

  8. Yuen Wah, will be more honest and higher quality, more out of service with your hand in hand with a takeoff, to meet to create a new future.

  9. The health food as a leader, health food for the body, health and magic wine ( water ) for the tail of the health industry one-stop flying!


  1. 经济腾飞。

    The economy took off.

  2. 是腾飞的翅膀

    Boleda is a flying wing.

  3. 在未来,我相信我能腾飞。

    In future, I believe I can fly.

  4. 随着社会的发展,经济的腾飞。

    Along with the society, the development of the economy.

  5. 腾飞的糖时, 糖的价格是稀少。

    The price of sugar soars when sugar is scarce.

  6. 腾飞得糖时,糖得价格是稀少。

    The price of sugar soars when sugar is scarce.

  7. 朝阳工业在芙蓉国里腾飞

    The rising sun industry is climbing in the lotus kingdom

  8. 展翅腾飞的广东造纸工业

    Open Out Its Wing to Soar Fly of Guangdong Paper Industry

  9. 然后她们四个分别腾飞天空。

    Then all four leapt into the sky.

  10. 这些变化是经济腾飞的标志。

    Such changes are indicators of economic dynamism.

  11. 借科技之翼助奥运腾飞

    Wish Beijing Olympic Games Make Rapid Advance with Power of Science and Technology

  12. 一架滑翔机腾飞在陆地的上空

    A hang glider soars above land

  13. 中华民族,是乾坤傲然的巨龙腾飞。

    The Chinese nation, is a heaven and earth dragon proudly off.

  14. 报效祖国展才华,民族腾飞蓝图展。

    Serving the country show their talent off the blueprint for the national exhibition.

  15. 蓝天腾飞蘑菇云,卫星展翅会银河。

    Blue sky flies mushroom, the satellite is volant the meeting is galactic.

  16. 鸿源的腾飞,将与您的梦想同步!

    Hongyuan's take off has the sync with your dreams!

  17. 二十一世纪是中华民族腾飞的世纪。

    St Century is the Century for Chinese Nation to Soar.

  18. 吾落神笔精神爽, 巨龙腾飞诗篇现。

    I pen down the spirit of God cool dragon poems are off.

  19. 手是想法腾飞入了不起的高度的翼。

    hands are the wings with which ideas soar into great heights.

  20. 该产品为贵司腾飞创造有利条件。

    The product for your company to create favorable conditions for takeoff.

  21. 龙象征着正在腾飞前进得伟大祖国!

    Dragon, is a symbol of the rapid advance of the great motherland!

  22. 龙象征着正在腾飞前进的伟大祖国!

    Dragon, is a symbol of the rapid advance of the great motherland!

  23. 大力发展融合经济促进北疆经济快速腾飞

    Developing Mixture Economy at Large to Promote a Rapid Economic High Jump in North Xinjiang

  24. 擦拭霜腾飞,由悄悄拍同一个组织。

    Wipe the cream off by softly patting with a tissue.

  25. 参加咱们,撑腾飞旭电子的大旗。

    Join us, and cock up Flag of AsteelFlash Electronics.

  26. 母校是我们人生的摇篮,母校更是我们腾飞的起点。

    Alma mater, is the cradle of our life, his alma mater, is the starting point we take off.

  27. 它们不是坠落的天使,而是腾飞的爬行动物。

    They are not fallen angels, but risen reptiles.

  28. 飞机顿时要腾飞了,请不要在客舱内走动。

    The plane is about to take off. please don't about in the cabin.

  29. 创新为美利纸业插上了腾飞的翅膀

    Idea of Creation to Make Meili Paper Company Go Ahead

  30. 这是斯皮尔伯格事业真正腾飞得时刻。

    This was the moment when Spielberg's career took off.


  1. 问:腾飞拼音怎么拼?腾飞的读音是什么?腾飞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:腾飞的读音是téngfēi,腾飞翻译成英文是 boom



“腾飞”是个多义词,它可以指腾飞(词语概念), 腾飞(焦作铜马雕塑), 腾飞(同名韩国漫画), 腾飞(原东北行政学院教授), 腾飞(中国女子水球队队员)。