


斫,消除,修改:~误(亦作“勘误”)。校(jiào )~。不~之论(喻至理名言)。刻:~石。~印。~本。排版印刷:~行(xíng )。创~。~登。~载。出版物:~物。报~。书~。……





汉语拼音:kān yìn






  1. 刻版印刷或排版印刷。

    清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·刑名·差拘》:“用纸一方刊印同票式。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文末编·<凯绥·珂勒惠支版画选集>序目》:“我只记得在已经停刊的《现代》和《译文》上,各曾刊印过她的一幅木刻。” 邹韬奋 《职业妇女的苦痛》:“如果搜集这类材料刊印专集,一定是洋洋大观。”



  1. He did not look Italian, he looked more like one of those pictures in the magazines of millionaire fishermen lolling on their yachts.


  2. Since all printing presses had been seized by the army, it was impossible for a private person to have his say in print.


  3. The following table appears in the printed Annual Report on the facing page of the Chairman's Letter and is referred to in that letter.


  4. The Guardian decided to print its story anyway and a judge refused to stop it.


  5. This decision of Post is collected in the light of news make up, sale, transcribe wait for a branch.


  6. This article was originally published in the Lebanese newspaper The Daily Star and is reprinted with permission from Project Syndicate.


  7. Massachusetts published a "Gulf Psalm Our Students" is one of North America published the first book.


  8. P. S. Office of International Affairs reserves the right to exhibit, reproduce and print the winning works.


  9. What was then said and thought still speaks to us as vividly as ever from the printed page.


  1. 初版刊印时间

    initial printing time

  2. 该公司刊印年度员工简报。

    The company publishes an annual staff bulletin.

  3. 你有意将你的讲稿刊印吗?

    Do you intend to print your lectures?

  4. 这个年轻人既能刊印杂志又能写。

    The young man can double in brass by writing as well as printing the magazine.

  5. 该医学协会每月刊印一期会刊。

    The medical association publishes a bulletin each mouth.

  6. 直到最近,航空公司才停止刊印航空时刻表。

    Until recent times, airline companies used to publish air timetables.

  7. 词典里单词按字母顺序排列刊印。

    In a dictionary words are entered in alphabetical order.

  8. 此书刊印精美,且为孤本,弥足矜贵。

    This book is a treasure both for its beauty and for being the only copy extant.

  9. 这份报纸刊印了骇人的犯罪现场照片。

    The newspaper printed disturbing photos of the crime scene.

  10. 这份报纸刊印了骇人得犯罪现场照片。

    The newspaper printed disturbing photos of the crime scene.

  11. 晚清上海五彩石印考近代石印医籍刊印史略

    A Brief History of Printing of Lithographic Medical Books in Modern Times

  12. 那是他第一次见到自己的名字被刊印出来。

    It was the first time he had seen his name in print.

  13. 项目已出版的书刊有四本,一本正在刊印。

    Four books have been published by the project and another is in publication.

  14. 第一份航空时刻表是在1928年由泛美航空公司刊印得。

    The first air timetable was published by Pan American Airways in 1928.

  15. 第一份航空时刻表是在1928年由泛美航空公司刊印的。

    The first air timetable was published by Pan American Airways in 1928.

  16. 公司有时刊印载有所售货物的图片及价格的目录。

    A company sometimes prints a catalogue with pictures and prices of the things that it sells.

  17. 邮报的这项决定针对新闻采编, 营销, 刊印等部门。

    This decision of Post is collected in the light of news make up, sale, transcribe wait for a branch.

  18. 亚洲华尔街日报和国际先驱论坛报也在香港刊印。

    The Asian Wall Street Journal and the International Herald Tribune are also printed here.

  19. 根据法例, 在香港刊印或分发的刊物不得刊登烟草广告。

    Under the ordinance, tobacco advertisements are prohibited in printed publications distributed in Hong Kong.

  20. 文章是以刊印版还是网络版发表,也会影响你的写作。

    Whether the story will be published in print or online may also affect your writing.

  21. 环境规划署刊印了关于非洲可持续发展问题的若干出版物。

    UNEP has issued a number of publications on sustainable development in Africa.


  1. 问:刊印拼音怎么拼?刊印的读音是什么?刊印翻译成英文是什么?

    答:刊印的读音是kānyìn,刊印翻译成英文是 to set up and print; to compose and print




拼音:kānyìn 基本解释 [print for publication] 刻版或排版并进行印刷,泛指文章书籍印刷流行 详细解释 刻版印刷或排版印刷。 清 黄六鸿 《福惠全书·刑名·差拘》:“用纸一方刊印同票式。” 鲁迅 《且介亭杂文末编·<凯绥·珂勒惠支版画选集>序目》:“我只记得在已经停刊的《现代》和《译文》上,各曾刊印过她的一幅木刻。” 邹韬奋 《职业妇女的苦痛》:“如果搜集这类材料刊印专集,一定是洋洋大观。”