


1. 及 [jí]及 [jí]从后头跟上:来得~。赶不~。达到:~格。~第(古代科举考试中选,特指考取进士)。普~。过犹不~。趁着,乘:~时。~早。~锋而试。连词,和,跟:阳光、空气~水是生物生存的基本条件。以~。……


建筑物的出入口,又指安装在出入口能开关的装置:~儿。~口。开~见山。形状或作用像门的东西:电~。途径,诀窍:~径。~道儿。旧时指封建家族或家族的一支,现亦指一般的家庭:~第。~风。~婿。长(zhǎng )~长子。事物的分类:分~别类。宗教的……



汉语拼音:jí mén






  1. 《论语·先进》:“子曰:‘从我于 陈 蔡 者,皆不及门也。’”本谓现时不在门下,后以“及门”指受业弟子。

    《元史·许谦传》:“乃门之士著録者千餘人。” 明 归有光 《孟子叙道统而不及周公颜子》:“其不叙 颜子 者,夫亦以在我者言之,则 孟子 之私淑,盖自附于及门,其视 颜子 犹儕辈焉。” 清 刘大櫆 《翰林编修李公墓志铭》:“而 张 公于及门中,独爱重公。”



  1. Glass is the most common material to be glazed into the frames for windows, curtain walls, storefronts , and doors.

  2. Results Pancreatic enhancement was obvious and tumor tissue was not obvious during pancreatic substance phase and portal phase.

  3. If the pipeline connecting need overhead doors should be used triangle shape and a fixed angle.

  4. The diagnostic criteria for cirrhosis and PH should be met when determining on a diagnosis, along with other causes ruled out.

  5. Pedicle vascular injury included left hepatic artery injury, right hepatic artery, left-portal vein and right-portal vein injury.

  6. For the internal forces analysis of portal frame can use a variety of internal force analysis method .

  7. Comprises draft free stainless steel cabinet with observation window, sample holder and door mounted burner.

  8. Input voltage pin. This pin provides the power for the internal control circuitry and gate driver.

  9. Portal vein was invaded in 3 cases and presented as infiltration, stenosis or occlusion of the vein.


  1. 介乎船街及门街

    Section between Ship Street and Amoy Street

  2. 他虽然有心向王老师学习,但是还未及门。

    Although he has the intention to study with Mr. Wang, he hasn't formally acknowledged him as teacher.

  3. 用循环静态气压差法测定外窗, 护墙及门渗水度得测试方法

    Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors by Cyclic Static Air Pressure Differential

  4. 用循环静态气压差法测定外窗,护墙及门渗水度的测试方法

    Test Method for Water Penetration of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls and Doors by Cyclic Static Air Pressure Differential

  5. 机库及机库门

    Aircraft hangar and hangar door business.

  6. 木门及门套

    Wood door and door frame.

  7. 行人门及观察窗在门扇的高度上居中。

    The passenger door and observation door are installed at the intermediate height of door.

  8. 电闸, 电动玻璃门及电动卷闸装置操作守则

    Code of Practice for Installation of Electrically Operated Sliding Gates, Sliding Glass Doors and Rolling Shutters

  9. 开始减速及收油门。

    Start to reduce speed and power.

  10. 改善西贡海滨及鲤鱼门海滨

    Improve the Sai Kung and Lei Yue Mun Waterfronts

  11. 门及结构硬件可锁,以防止偷盗,故意破坏或未经授权进入。

    Door and construction hardware are lockable to prevent theft, vandalism or unauthorized entry.

  12. 常常可以在窗户,墙,门及灯笼上看到起装饰作用的剪纸。

    Paper cuts used for decoration are often seen on windows and gates.

  13. 积压仓对应的壳体上设有可打开的门及多个出水孔。

    The casing relative to the overstock bin is equipped with a door which can be opened and a plurality of water outlet holes.

  14. 狗懂得门的意义及门所带来的苦恼。

    Dogs know the meaning and anguish of doors.

  15. 刮板捞渣机台数及关断门设置的探讨

    Inquire into Number of Scraper Slag Conveyer and Institution of Its Shutoff Gate

  16. 鲤鱼门公园及渡假村

    Lei Yue Mun Park and Holiday Village

  17. 线虫动物门,腹毛动物门及轮虫动物门间的系统学研究

    Systematic Study on Nematoda Phylum, Gastrotricha Phylum and Rotifera Phylum.

  18. 主营电动门开门机及相关配套产品,产品遍布全国。

    Main electric drive to open the door and door related products all over the country.

  19. 我是在他办公室的门执勤及以上的每一个字听他说话。

    I was at his office door on guard duty and over heard every word he spoke.

  20. 锁袖边、领边、肩边及袖缝请走边门,这个门锁上了。

    overedging at arm line, neck line, shoulder line and sleeve seams Please go in the side door, this one is locked.

  21. 噪声门的应用及调控技巧

    Application of Noise Gate and Skills for Its Adjustment and Control

  22. 地铁屏蔽门的供电及保护设计

    Design of Power Supply and Protection for Metro Platform Screen Doors

  23. 屏蔽门接轨保护及绝缘保护必要性分析

    Analysis on the Junction and Insulation Protection of Platform Screen Door

  24. 介绍了小型客车移动门的特点及结构,设计要点。

    In this paper the features, structure and designing key points of the sliding door for the microbuses are introduced.

  25. 地铁屏蔽门的机械设计及力学模型

    Mechanism Design and Mechanics Model of the Platform Screen Doors for Subways.

  26. 信号系统与屏蔽门的接口问题及优化方案

    Problems and Optimization of the Closed and Locked Circuit for the Interface Between Signaling System and PSD System

  27. 乘客门边框成形工艺及模具设计

    Technology Analysis and Die Design for Passenger Door Marginal Frame

  28. 闸门及门槽的制造安装精度要求高。

    The manufacture and installation of the gates and gate slots require high accuracy.

  29. 常见钢管脚手架及门式支架的部分设计计算

    Design calculation of steel pipe scaffold and portal frame

  30. 儿童青少年糖尿病强化治疗及门冬胰岛素的应用

    Intensive diabetic treatment and administration of insulin aspart in children and adolescents


  1. 问:及门拼音怎么拼?及门的读音是什么?及门翻译成英文是什么?

    答:及门的读音是jímén,及门翻译成英文是 To visit teacher for studying formally.


