







汉语拼音:bèi lěi







  1. 亦作“ 蓓藟 ”。花蕾,含苞未放的花。

    闽 徐夤 《追和白舍人咏白牡丹》:“蓓蕾抽开素练囊,琼葩薰出白龙香。” 宋 吴处厚 《青箱杂记》卷六:“刺桐花深红,每一枝数十蓓藟,而叶颇大,类桐,故谓之刺桐。” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·粉蝶》:“时已初冬,墻内不知何花,蓓蕾满树。” 艾青 《春》诗:“在东方的深黑的夜里,爆开了无数的蓓蕾。”



  1. There was a time when my life was like a bud, all its perfume was stored in its core.


  2. love came into the world before articulate speech , and in its own early youth it had learned ways and means that it had never forgotten.


  3. XII Come to me, as you come Softly to the rose bud of coals Of my fireplace Glowing through the night-bound forest.


  4. His face opened suddenly, as if lighted with simplicity, as when a flower opens out of the cunning bud.


  5. An asexual budlike propagule as in liverworts, capable of developing into a new individual; a bud.


  6. She was gathering the buds called 'lords and ladies' from the bank while he spoke.


  7. every flower, and bud and bird had a fluttering sense of them; and all the flashing of God's gaze merged into soft beneficence.


  8. Hidden in the heart of things thou art nourishing seeds into sprouts, buds into blossoms, and ripening flowers into fruitfulness.


  9. White bud, the petals of a multi-level, the small green core, layer upon layer soaring among the branches.


  1. 蓓蕾开成花朵。

    Buds unfold into flowers.

  2. 蓓蕾开放成花。

    Buds evolved into flowers.

  3. 桃花蓓蕾枯萎了。

    The peach buds aborted.

  4. 无论蓓蕾, 无论硕果累累。

    Bud or bloom fruited sheaf.

  5. 蓓蕾之芯,蚜疮难料。

    And loathsome canker lives in sweetest bud.

  6. 让我们先把蓓蕾摧残!

    We will nip it in the bud!

  7. 让我们先把蓓蕾摧残!

    We will nip it in the bud!

  8. 花是由蓓蕾长成得。

    A blossom develops from a bud.

  9. 蓓蕾会渐渐发育成为花朵。

    The bud develops into a flower.

  10. 我敬畏地观察着这蓓蕾。

    I examined the bud in awe.

  11. 这些蓓蕾很快就会开花。

    The buds will soon blossom into flowers.

  12. 这植物的第一批蓓蕾即将开放。

    The plant's first buds will open soon.

  13. 催促蓓蕾, 有如驱使吃草的群羊

    Driving sweet buds like flocks to feed in air

  14. 多余的蓓蕾都从花茎上掐掉了。

    The unwanted buds were nipped off their stalks.

  15. 而不是孕育着不同蓓蕾得死亡之花。

    Instead of a flower that dies, and opens a different bud.

  16. 而不是孕育着不同蓓蕾的死亡之花。

    Instead of a flower that dies, and opens a different bud.

  17. 山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,点缀着褐色斑痕。

    The dogwood bud, pale green is inlaid with russet markings.

  18. 我得唇儿,是真像觉醒得初恋得蓓蕾那样香甜么?

    Is it true that my lips are sweet like the opening bud of the first conscious love?

  19. 我的唇儿,是真像觉醒的初恋的蓓蕾那样香甜么?

    Is it true that my lips are sweet like the opening bud of the first conscious love?

  20. 山茱萸的蓓蕾,淡绿清雅,表面点缀着褐色的斑痕。

    The dogwood bud, pale green, is inlaid with russet markings.

  21. 蓓蕾帽是部队处于驻防情况下的制式军帽。

    Wear. The beret is worn so that the headband is straight across the forehead, 1 inch above the eyebrows.

  22. 花儿绽放时,春绿深似海。少女如春花,蓓蕾动心怀。

    When flowers are blooming, it is a fragrant sea of green. Blooming maidens dance in the flowers, fresh as the spring.

  23. 从我的翅膀上摇落下露珠,去唤醒每一朵香甜的蓓蕾。

    From my wings are shaken the dews that waken The sweet buds every one.

  24. 先用蓓蕾彩妆两用笔划上唇线及将双唇填满口红。

    Line lips in Siren LipCheek Pencil. Fill in entire lip with Siren.

  25. 当植物进入初夏, 长满叶子和蓓蕾, 要确保有规律地浇灌它。

    As the plant enters early summer full of leaves and buds, be sure it is watered regularly.

  26. 仅以香花赠奉,我们伫立君门,鲜艳蓓蕾初绽,我主妙手天成。

    A garland gay we bring you hereAnd at your door we standIt is a sprout well budded outThe work of Our Lords hand.


  1. 问:蓓蕾拼音怎么拼?蓓蕾的读音是什么?蓓蕾翻译成英文是什么?

    答:蓓蕾的读音是bèilěi,蓓蕾翻译成英文是 bud



蓓蕾bei lei,亦作“ 蓓藟 ”。花蕾,含苞未放的花儿。 闽徐夤《追和白舍人咏白牡丹》:“蓓蕾抽开素练囊,琼葩薰出白龙香。” 宋吴处厚《青箱杂记》卷六:“刺桐花深红,每一枝数十蓓藟,而叶颇大,类桐,故谓之刺桐。” 清蒲松龄《聊斋志异·粉蝶》:“时已初冬,墻内不知何花,蓓蕾满树。”艾青《春》诗:“在东方的深黑的夜里,爆开了很多很多的蓓蕾。”